It was Sand and Sound vs Konoha, so with the combined powers, he might've thought he had a chance. And I think the point of the 3rd sealing Oro's arms was so that he wouldn't be able to get a new body.
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It was Sand and Sound vs Konoha, so with the combined powers, he might've thought he had a chance. And I think the point of the 3rd sealing Oro's arms was so that he wouldn't be able to get a new body.
oh plz, that dragonballZ avatar says it all..go home ...Quote:
Originally posted by: SofaKing
Didn't you guys pay attention at all?
The konoha ninjas were protecting people who were important to them, so they were able to be truly strong.
we find ourselves asking .... "is this flame really necessary?"Quote:
Originally posted by: ?igma
oh plz, that dragonballZ avatar says it all..go home ...
quite correct,no [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: complich8
we find ourselves asking .... "is this flame really necessary?"Quote:
Originally posted by: ?igma
oh plz, that dragonballZ avatar says it all..go home ...
still, I can sum up a douzen times of crappy goku needing to protect sooooooooooo he suddenly is very strong.
The way konoha won was on itself quite remarkable dont you think ?
Proves that Konoha village is a impressive clan by far though.
Actually you could have tell that since the chunnin exam. And the best part.. THeir getting stronger and stronger. Had Dumb Oro became Hokage, he would have run the Konoha to the Ground!!
Anko, fine bitaatch *drools*
I like these 'new' episodes better.
Fewer flash backs!
Well even the Hokage said that Orochimaru himself has the power of a village and that no one in Konoha is strong enough to face him.Quote:
Originally posted by: Jeff_from_MD
I agree I dunno how oro had this premonition that Sand village actually stood a chance vs konoha!
Are you kidding, or is this something that is revealed the manga? (I don't read the manga myself, because I think that the anime is visually superior, and I don't want to spoil it for myself too much.)Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
he was just resting them.Quote:
Originally posted by: asliceoftom
I dont know if this has been mentioned, but if youll watch the new intro, Orochimaru's arms are limp while riding the snake.
Just a thought.
As ?igma, -Sharingan-Kakashi-, ssjtaylan, tensai, asliceoftom, and Mut@t@ have all mentioned in this thread, there is a scene in the new intro in which it appears that Jaraiya (NOT Naruto) is on top of the frog boss fighting Ochimaru atop giant snakes.
What's interesting about this scene is that the snakes could be the ones summoned earlier in the attack, or they could be new ones summoned by Ochimaru. The latter would imply (particulary because Ochi is shown as having his arms immobilized when he's on the snakes) that he had found a way to perform the summoning without the use of his arms.
That seems unlikely to me, however. While it would not surprise me if, over a long period of time, Ochimaru figured out a way to do jutsu's without use of his arms or found a way to restore them, the scene in the intro looked to me as if it was still part of the same Sand/Sound Invasion battle.
This is all speculation, though, and only people who have read the manga and/or time can tell what the truth of the matter is. ;-)
yea true because frog boss asked naruto to perform seals to transform into the fox so maybe ochi gets his snake to make his seals?
It seems to me that Ochimaru could figure out a way to perform jutsu's without HAND seals at some point. He does have other body parts still, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that only hands can illicit the magical signs necessary for performing jutus's.
That being said, it's not likely that he would be able to do this any time soon after he lost his arms. You could tell from the look on his face when his arms were destroyed that he truly feared he had lost all of his ability to perform jutsu's, and it would take time to figure out another way and train with this new method.
[added in edit]
Therefore, since it looks to me like the frog vs snake battle is happens shortly after the Hokage battle, Ochimaru probably did not summon the snakes himself.
why would it be shortly after? dont forget the frog boss is naruto's teacher now unless they join togather in a fight and the pervert^^ uses him to
That's true. Also, the Frog Boss used up all of his chakra in 79, so that makes it even more unlikely that it takes place sooner after.
cmon The_Guru wtf do u have to be a dick head and ruin things for non manga readers...
It would be hard for Orochimaru to find a way to restore his justu without lifting the seal on his arms, mainly because the hand seals that are performed for jutsus are so elaborate. The only way I could think that Oro could get his jutsus back would be to learn to perform seals with his toes. But I think that would be a little too farfetched, even for Naruto.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you were just being stupid for the sake of being "funny"Quote:
Originally posted by: ssjtaylan
yea true because frog boss asked naruto to perform seals to transform into the fox so maybe ochi gets his snake to make his seals?
because there is no way that A FUCKING SNAKE can do hand seals when it has no hands.
Especially when Gamabunta can't and he has hands. And can actually talk.
It's more likely that he got more sound nin to summon it again. Maybe those 4 uber jounin that are guarding the fighty place... btw, WHY HAVE THEY BEEN FORGOTTEN??!?
they are holding up the walls to stop any incomming interfearance from the Anbu members. I suppose AonE are going in right behind them as soon as the sound ninja realise that the Hokage battle is over [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I think the snakes that Oro is riding were summoned by one of his cohorts, like the sound guy with glasses, god, I can't remember his name right now.
Anyways, Gamabunta can perform hand seals, it's just that he's not good at henge, so that's why he had Naruto do it. I mean, he obviously has hands, how else could he grip his sword/knife thingy?
just finished 79!! so good! i would have never in my life thought that the 3rd would get the death god to cut off Oro's arms. such a perfect punishment. Hopefully, he doesn't learn a new way to perform seals with just his mouth
Just a though.
any chance of Gaara becoming good?
i mean the poor guy just lost his purpose in life which is to be the strongest and keep existing and since he just got his ass handed to him by Naruto wonder what he will do
hmm maybe he'll go train like mad and come back after naruto for revenge
and i don't think Gaara gonna die like that, remember temari is still around i mean she left right after gaara transform but she might come back and help him.