RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
yeah....thats my thoughts....kimimaro's supposed to be about as strong as sasuke (presumably without taking level 2 into account, since sasuke didnt have it quite at the time), and sasuke was able to surpass lee easily enough, which is why im not surprised that kimimaro would be gaining the upper hand against lee....but sasuke lost miserably to gaara when gaara started goin it could be tricky for kimimaro to do alot better
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
If Gaara goes berserk again, God help Kimi. Naruto could do, too. But if Gaara is to become an important character again, he won't go berserk any soon, if at all. He'll go berserk in about, lets say, 50 more chapters, and it'll be a really important thing for the plot and whatever.
It's my belief that Kimimaro will get completely owned by Gaara, since Kimi has absolutely no fashion sense. Really, that Ying-Yan apron? Puh-ease!! And the chord-like belt? That is, like, soooo chapter 150!!
Now, Gaara... (yes, I'm not tired of remarking how cool Gaara's new outfit is.)
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Lol, yeah Gaara's new outfit is pimp. Kimi really hasn't been interesting at all, he just sorta sits around with a blank expression, I'll be happy when he's over and out, bring on some more interesting people.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
sasuke lost to gaara at lvl 1. lvl 2 is suppose to make you 10 times more stronger. gaara shouldn't be able to take down kimimaro with ease. kimimaro owns.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
I think LvL2 is probably overrated, just more cheap trickery by Orochimaru to try to manipulate idiots like Sasuke. Neji took out Kidoumaru, and Neji is nothing compared to Gaara.
What exactly is cool about Kimimaro? He has no expression or presence, he's basically a zombie/porcupine. Gaara's destructive powers should be far too much for Kimimaro to compete with. Only the next few chapters will tell us for sure, however. Will be fun to see.
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Actually, I suddenly have a disturbing feeling that Gaara will get owned by Kisame... his chackra eating sword seems like a perfect match to Gaara's chackra packed sand... it'll be just like how Neji could cut Kidounamru webs with his chackra nails...
it actually reinforces the belief that Akatsuki is also after Gaara, and that's why they've paired Itachi with Kisame: Itachi becuase he knows the leaf village well, and Kisame to stop Gaara's sand (and Naruto's chackra) from taking effect...
anyway, it seems now that Gaara will own Kimimaru alone (what can his bones do against the sand?), Shikamaru and temari will work out a plan together and beat Tayuya. and Kankaru will fight Sakon alone (since Kiba is a useless wuss who deserves to die), and maybe, just maybe, Kiba will die in the process...
Edit: the sand is moving on it's own, not by Gaara's chackra, but still, I'm positive that there is chackra involved in the process, and therefore, a hit from Kisame's saseemahda (sp!) is probably 'fatal' to it...
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Does Gaara use his chakra to move the sand? I was under the impression it was some unconcious-controlled spirit thing .. and that the only chakra-specific move of Gaara's was the sand armor.
But, I could be wrong [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
I think LvL2 is probably overrated, just more cheap trickery by Orochimaru to try to manipulate idiots like Sasuke. Neji took out Kidoumaru, and Neji is nothing compared to Gaara.
What exactly is cool about Kimimaro? He has no expression or presence, he's basically a zombie/porcupine. Gaara's destructive powers should be far too much for Kimimaro to compete with. Only the next few chapters will tell us for sure, however. Will be fun to see.
kidoumaru & jiroubu sucked. sasuke is is gonna be fucking insane when he fights in lvl 2 (am i the only one who sees this?). first sasuke was stronger than naruto, then naruto was, now it's sasuke's turn. sasuke was already superior than most genins to begin with, now he has lvl 2. he's gonna ruin everyone's shit. and i think a lot of people underestimate how neji really is.
why does it matter what i think is cool about kimimaro? it's just my personal preference... explanation for this isn't necessary.
and everyone goes off on about how gaara is gonna own kimimaro. i'm pretty sure kimimaro will eventually lose, but i don't think he will flat out get owned. a lot of people thought that lee was gonna beat major ass when he showed up because of his taijutsu and speed, but look at what happened to him. he got bitched like a little girl and had to be saved. i don't think kishimoto would pair up two people when they don't match up at all. i'm sure kishimoto will make sure that kimimaro and gaara match up very well.
EDIT: i realize that someone will think that there is a contradiction in my thoughts, mainly cuz of what i said about how kishimoto will not pair up two if they don't match up well contradicts rock lee getting beat so easily. well, rock lee had to be beaten easily for gaara to save him. that's my reason for the 'contradiction' someone might notice.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
I do agree that Sasuke @ LvL2 will be above Naruto's current level, but that's still extremely weak compared to the likes of Oro/Itachi/Jiraiya. I don't think that Sasuke will be well-rewarded for choosing the path he is now on, the theme of the series is just too obverse to the concept. I believe the curse seal is more of a manipulation device used by Oro than anything very useful. They seem to give temporary added abilities at the cost of increased chakra usage, and the user gets none of the experience or knowledge that one would have gained by reaching those levels naturally. Not to mention that mutation seems to be a side effect.
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Yah, I agree with MemnochTheCat there... while Sasuke WILL be more powerful than Naruto with his second-level seal, he can't win, or at least not for long. He may win this battle against Naruto, but eventually Naruto will get stronger and beat the crap outta him (well, that's my personal wish) and then Kishimoto will show us that, after all, doing drugs is bad =P
(Hey, really, what kind of example is Kishimoto setting? Sasuke does "drugs" and gets powerful - ugly, but powerful. Lee gets drunk and becomes 10 times cooler than before. "Hey kids, do as many illegal substances you want, I guarantee you'll become everyone's favorite!!)
Truth to be told, I don't like Kimimaro at all. I may, however, like him a little better once his life-story is cleared up (as I'm sure it will be at some point). I mean, I didn't like Gaara at the beggining, but after finding out his back-story (and seeing his new clothes ^^) my liking for him went up. For the moment though, he's just a little bit... expressionless for my taste.
BTW, zombie-porcupine? lol!!! I like that idea! It reminds me of the zombie bees, zombie crows and zombie squirrels from Resident Evil.
Aah yeah, and I think Gaara could actually kind of have a possibility to survive against Kisame. I don't think the chakra-eating sword would be that much of a trouble for him, since Gaara doesn't really even use chakra to manipualte the sand (as far as I understand), or perhaps he does only for special moves.... that sword (the Samehada or something like that) would be much problematic for someone like Naruto and/or Sasuke-style fighters, who need to mold chakra every damn second of the fight fot their Ninjutsu and Genjutsu.
Against Kisame, however, a taijutsu-based specialist might have a better chance, since the chakra used for physical movements doesn't manifest as much as the one for ninjutsu.
...yeah, so that's what I think... suspect... believe.
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
BTW, zombie-porcupine? lol!!! I like that idea! It reminds me of the zombie bees, zombie crows and zombie squirrels from Resident Evil.
you can't forget Orc Zombies!
press that link, and then on 'next' to get to the really funny parts... it's just that the webmaster is still using 'latest' for todays strip, so linking to it wouldn't do anything since it changes three times a week.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannndddd its out by Inane people!!! And my translation wasn't so far off!! Now I feel special!! And the colored version of the Sand siblings friggin' rocks!!!!
And indeed, I don't know how could I forget about orc-zombies!!!
(I've been reading good ole 8-Bit since uh, three years ago or so... doesn't it rock? Doesn't Black Mage rock? Uh? Uh???)
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
awesome. the coloring is just awesome. btw, how do people know what colors to use for new characters/editions?
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
They don't. Gaara's new outfit could be neon yellow for all we know.
Then again, not.
But yeah, we'll know how close their coloring was when the anime catches up. I the only one that feels that the anime wil SO ruin the Sand's Three entrance? I mean, in the manga Sasuke looked cool with his new clothing (just before fighting Gaara), in the anime he just looked gay. Man, I hope this wont happen with these three....
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
awesome. the coloring is just awesome. btw, how do people know what colors to use for new characters/editions?
AnbuPawn(fellow gotwooter and the person who does the coloring) is psychic along with many of her other badass photoshop skillz!
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
i finally can see gaara fight for the good. He is now an official badass, with his new outfit and all. I prefer the good to the evil.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Excellent chapter. I never actually thought we'd ever see Gaara again, or any of the sand 3 for that matter. I thought they'd had their part in the story and it was over. I guess the DBZ similarities are running closer than ever before, eh? (Vegeta becoming a good guy.)
It seems Kishimoto is throwing characters in left and right who don't actually have any place there. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I think it's cool as. The coloured picture at the end of Inane was just spectacular, it's my current desktop wallpaper.
BTW, I don't think Gaara will totally own Kimi, it will be a fairly good fight I'd say. Kimi will do some serious damage before he goes down.
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
I couldnt be more happy! thanx paintpixel/anbupawn awesome job as usual, or should i say one of your best works yet!
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
i agree with cmdr it would be pointless to have gaara smash kimi straight away unless he would then follow naruto with leee and help fight sasuke, which i really really doubt. because sasuke vs naruto is a fight that should not be intefered with, its almost a sacred fight in the series like the sandaime vs orochi and sasuke vs itachi fight (will be). itll be interesting however to see how kishimoto makes gaara and kimi a close fight [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] (with lee in ther as well), maybe he goes curse seal level 2 as welll :[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
as we saw the sound 4(5) arent exactly sucky
Sakon and Tayuya both 'beat' their opponent as did Kimimaro and they were facing the stronger and smarter genins.
Kimimaro both dealt with Naruto and Lee easily and the only major problem for Sakon was the piss in his eyes.
Although i'm not too happy about the sand nins showing up as it means that theres going to be more extended fights, i mean at least with the sound winning we could see the battles drawing to an end.