What coloured waki?
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I mean, in colour (anime) vs monochrome (manga).
Depressed Yuno D:
Now I really want to know about her past. Seems like a really sad story.
(Also, the animators kept making this error in the episode. What gives? :<)
What's wrong with the error?
Feet don't work that way. Sit down and see for yourself.
EDIT> The conversation between Murmur and Deus Ex Machina seems to suggest that Murmur is the one who set all of this up, since she seems to know everything while Deus simply observes. Her evil grin in the OP may suggest that she has ulterior motives behind this? Perhaps the position of "God" is not all that convenient; Deus's body rotting away does not sound like something that a God of spacetime should be afflicted with.
Just when we thought Yuno's just a little abnormal, but perfectly lovable - she raises her craziness to a new level. Before, she just got pissed at people who harmed Yukkii, or were harming her relationship between herself and Yukkii.
That's fine.
Today she's taking precautions against such things. I'm curious, but I never hope to find out what's in her bag of "tools".
Oh Yuno, this is one of the reasons why I miss you...Quote:
Good thing Yukkiis mother was so nice. I didnt need to use my tools.
Idk if I would be glad a hot girl is so obsessed with me or not. So I guess that room of dead bodies was Yuno's parents or something. I don't know why she would have killed them though? Perhaps they didn't approve of her and Yuki.
That's what she said, but her face said:Quote:
Good thing Yukkiis mother was so nice. I didnt need to use my tools.
You got lucky bitch.
Oh Yuno, how adorable you are in your obsession with being with Yukki-kun. My favorite quality of Yuno is her single-minded devotion to her goal of a happy end with Yukki and her total indifference towards anything not related to that. As long as the happy end is not threatened she's nearly the perfect girlfriend, though with some glaring boundary issues, but who doesn't have trouble figuring out how much space to give their significant other early in the relationship?
Ah.. that's only if they really are "figuring it out".Quote:
Originally Posted by Yuki
Figuring it out means you constantly have a feedback mechanism going to monitor and correct those actions. Yuno has only one feedback mechanism:
-Don't kill?
I thought her name was Muru Muru, not Murmur.
The OP spells her name Murmur.
I'm starting to really hate Yuki. Actually, I'm just getting tired of whiny, indecisive, boring male leads in general. His only saving grace so far is that he's accomplished more than most in the first few episodes. If his character doesn't change, he will be the downfall of this show for me. Right now it's hanging on as a new favourite, with Yuno making up for the majority of it, but I don't know how much more whining I can take just to see her go axe-crazy again.
Aside from that... Yuki's mom. Why do I suspect she has something to do with the "bigger picture"? This episode made her seem innocent enough, but the fact that she's always gone and that she's a game developer makes me think we'll see her behind the curtain eventually.
Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing.
Also, I love seeing images of Yuno's many expressions (though screen-caps seem unnecessary), but is it possible we could get links to those instead? I'd enjoy posting without my browser getting bent out of shape.
I don't get why Yuki is so hellbent on staying a loner, possibly till his death. It doesn't seem like only fresh practicality for the sake of this game that should separate everybody nearing the end (since there can be only one). He had fun with Yuno at the amusement park and even kissed her of his own volition at the end of the previous ep, so it's not like he wouldn't know having friends (or even more) wouldn't beat loneliness. If he was much older I could see him having developed a genuine strong hermit personality but not at that age.
He's just a loser, plain and simple. Shinji iteration n.
Geez Sapphi, lol.
edit: Yuno came out of the shock.. much more unharmed than what I expected. Then again, I'm no expert on electric shock lethality.
9th coming to rescue Yuki's the biggest headscratcher by far. She wants to kill him, now she feels sympathy? Wtf?
Thought 4th wanted to capture the 9th.. so he only really wants to capture her heart now?
It also irked me that Yuno knew who the 5th was, yet her cautious self was letting him bath with her and all? Come one.. what happened to bringing tools with you to the battlefield, then feeling "relieved" that they were "nicer than you thought"?
Am I just disappointed because my balls didn't shrink an inch from seeing Psycho-Yuno lvl up this week?
edit2: Question about the translation - when 5th said he doesn't really need such a right (to kill Yuno), he finished with "betsuni iranai". How does that double negative turn out into what you guys had "don't really need"?