I fucking love this show so much.
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I fucking love this show so much.
That manly butt and Sara's attraction to it. <3 Vampire ninjas.
The amount of male panty shots would be uncomfortable if they weren't so damn hilarious.
This episode made me cackle with amusement. Drunk magical girls, Sera's verbal abuse, hallucinatory Eu's, and worldwide internet coverage.
It's good to have this back.
Motherfucking show of the season.
Butt jokes are cool and everything but i hope we get to the plot soon.
I'm not sure if I can keep track of all the fucked up shit that made me laugh this episode.
Plot, schmot. Gimme more scenes like the retarded-but-hilarious Orito parts of this episode, or Haruna and Eu threatening Mystletainn.
Oh, and more Tomonori midriff....
I only just realised (or perhaps remembered) that Saras actually has a smaller rack than Seras. Even smaller than Tomonori actually I think.
She's not that small either. The school uniform hides a lot of her bust size. She's bigger than most of the other girls. Sera is absurdly large, as is Kyouko, but Tomonori is probably 3rd.
season 1, episode 7:
http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9...monori1.th.jpg http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/3782/tomonori2.th.jpg
[Commie] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead - 04 - 720p: Magnet | Torrent | DDL1 | DDL2
[ASL] Nomizu Iori - Koreha Zombie Desuka OF THE DEAD OP - Passionato [MP3].rar
[ASL] Nomizu Iori - Koreha Zombie Desuka OF THE DEAD OP - Passionato [FLAC]. rar
[ASL] Yamaguchi Rie - Koreha Zombie Desuka OF THE DEAD ED - Koi no Beginner Nan Desu [MP3].rar
[ASL] Yamaguchi Rie - Koreha Zombie Desuka OF THE DEAD ED - Koi no Beginner Nan Desu [FLAC].rar
The way Eu uncloaked herself was awesome.
In terms of uniform I think I like her and Tomonori's frilly clothes the best, but Sera will always have a spot no matter what she does.
Kinda strange that Tomonori's working at the opposing fraction's restaurant. Perhaps even stranger still is that Saras' own fraction is allowed to open up a maid cafe despite being the ones who were resistant to change.
How convenient:Quote:
Originally Posted by Buff
As there ever been better preview credits than these? I think not.
Given how straight-laced Sera is, and how authoritarian Saras was introduced as, I'm highly amused at how weird and perverted Saras has gotten, to Sera's dismay. Her obsession with Ayumu in general, and her fancy for costumes. In the first season, Sera made the implication that Tomonori's faction were the weirdos while Sera's was the traditionalists, but it seems more and more like Sera is the odd one out inherboth clans. All the vampire ninjas are enjoying themselves except Sera.
This episode has more racks than a local department store.
Phu phu~~! <3 Holy mother of fuck that was adorable!
The episode itself was shit though, i'm tired of getting fed little pieces of enigmatic plot with no real development. Hope this doesn't turn out just to be a fanservice sequel.