I thought there was no creepy part. Only kink.
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I thought there was no creepy part. Only kink.
How is transforming not creepy?
Just finished 12 from HorribleSubs and while I'm liking the turn the series has taken in the last couple eps I'm also glad to see that this is soon to be over. The last two eps have been great but I wish they had gotten to the light vs dark magical battle elements earlier rather than focusing so much on team building and romantic angst for the middle part of the show.
Also, Unless he does something major in the final ep I think Bunmei's role in the series and the attempts at giving him a personality and back-story will fall rather flat. He could have been pretty much scrubbed down to a standard bishounen potential love interest for Maya without sacrificing much of the core elements that drew me to the show. Maya and her struggles to accept the occult certainly needed some sort of foil but I think Maya and Mikaze could have been pitted against each other more directly without requiring much exploration of the character filling the role Bunmei played. Being stuck between Maya's tsundere charged immature crush and Mikaze's dark and secretly deadly sultriness isn't particularly demanding in the character development department.
I think Bunmei is the key. He was with Mikaze when the picture was taken. That should also explain why the future has not changed for the better.
Yeah, Bunmei being the key is also what I'm thinking of. It would make all sense, with a nice time-travel paradox on top of things...
She wasn't thinking about destroying Bunmei though. Also, are VP and her minion alive?! They're in the preview.
I love how everyone has been freaking out over the last few eps in the comment section.
She was thinking about destroying "her target". I'd take it "whatever was on the frame"...
I was thinking that the future simply can't be changed. Maya might experience the peaceful future, but not Bunmei's timeline.
I think if we got more of a story in the middle parts, Chihiro's death might actually mean something. But right now, I just can't really give a damn.
And Mikaze should have just stabbed Bunmei instead of wacking him. Even a non-fatal wound would have made that a notch more dramatic (though it wouldn't have given Bunmei the chance to do his "compared to maya-" speech)
I really dig the soundtrack though.
It's finally over. I suppose I should have expected what they did in the ending. I don't really like how the future managed to get changed without changing the memories of the people who initiated the alteration but I suppose we can chalk that up to magic somehow.
Bunmei managed to be awesome as many hypothesized he would but I was surprised at how powerful he actually turned out to be. It's probably a good thing he lost his powers as a child; he could have been a force to reckon with if they'd continued to develop as he grew.
More commentary when people have actually seen the ep.
Maya is a cradle robber!
I was deeply disappointed we never saw Maya 13 years later. In fact, I felt cheated.
Bunmei turned out to be pretty awesome like Yuki said. I didn't have so much of a problem with her father knowing, but there isn't conclusive evidence that Maya really remembered it all in the end, since we never see her and she doesn't say anything. In fact, I could see her slowly forgetting all that, the same way the bunker turned into a tea shop.
So 2 for 3 Anime no Chikara projects were successes so far. Occult Academy certainly had weaker middle episodes than Sora no Woto, and the world itself was slightly less compelling (to me anyway), but where Occult Academy blew the others away in terms of characterization. Maya and Bunmei (young and older) were fully fleshed out characters. Maya had a lot of depth, various motivations, etc. Every personality quirk as well as her slowly beginning to love occult stuff again had a reason. They managed to give Bunmei the same treatment. The side characters got a bit neglected to varying degrees, but the series was never about them anyway. Only two of the girls (maybe three) got equal treatment in Sora no Woto. Maya and Bunmei got enough to feel like legitimate people.
i thought the final episode was one of the better ones in the show. a few last twists, some nice interaction, and the humor that is this show's real strength in my eyes.
the backgrounds were great in this show, and the humor sometimes made up for the disjointed story telling and rather weak plot. the characters were enjoyable, but i don't think i'd categorize any of them as 'unforgettable'. thought the musical score was largely garbage. all in all, i was never really excited or drawn into this show, and it's probably not better than lower-tier on my all-time list. at least it was decent enough to keep me watching to the end.
I really liked the ending because it showed how everything that was crappy so far actually had a point. I really enjoy it when things that were shown in very early episodes are tied up well in the conclusion. It seems the story was in fact Bunmei's story, a tale of how he changed as a person, and as a result changed history.
Bunmei was really cool at the end. I really like the Railgun-like final battle scene, but I liked how he calmly he approached his past self more. His advice will probably change his younger self for the better much earlier on, making sure his mistakes (as he tried to make sure with his students) will not be repeated.
I'm fine with the future Maya not being shown. I can't say I'm not curious how she looks, but she looked more than adult enough in her teenage days so I guess that's enough for me.
I think the future eventually changed the memories of the people involved, like Ryll said. Maya should remember what happened, because her time-line was the one that remained (but her forgetting it as a way of resolving time paradoxes is fine with me as well), but the father should eventually get a new set of memories. I think the house at the end was Fumiaki's house, so that means the father "remembered" where it was, even though he should have no idea of the location at all.
Two thumbs up for the Anime no Chikara project. This final episode makes me proud I worked on this show.
Yeah... but.. they were still "crappy".
I was never one for time paradoxes like this, but I swallowed this pretty well. To me, you either create a new timeline when you alter the past, with your own future remaining unchanged different-paths theory), or that every action that your future self performed by travelling to the past contributed to that very future you're living in now (linear timeline theory).
I was totally into Bunmei's "body overload" effect. (especially the tiny bit that came out when he yelled at Maya).
Same. It's in line with that whole thing about not coming with a complete story and all. It works well enough at times, but when you cut corners so many times, it sticks out like a sore thumb.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
I can't say this was great, but it was pretty enjoyable overall. I just hope Anime no Chikara gets some feedback and understand that this formula is not the way to prove anime's worth as a medium.
I think that the anime had a good intro with ep01, but then everything until about ep 10 wasn't really worth it. Much too slow compared to the pace of the end which really kicked ass...
I think they could have done the show with six episodes if it was paced better. The side character plots were pretty unnecessary, and only really served comedy purposes and Bunmei's character development.
finally watched it all.
big WTF at 11, the witch battle aside, it kinda undermined the idea of 'occult'. what's the point of Maya knowing about myths and various monsters from around the world if it turns out that a witch summoned them? also, I would have appreciated it if evil witch was more lesbian.
the final episode was an improvement, I liked the idea of double feedback messing up the time stream and bringing down shit.
shit still doesn't explain the 'original' time line (how did the disaster happen when there was only one Bummei?) or why does shit involve GANTZ aliens.
I would have liked to see Bummei doing some real psychic shit as part of the plot, him going out with a big blast of Dragon Ball Z KI BLAST looked like they tacked on an ending and called it a day.
actually, to be precise, the entire 3 last episodes seemed like the lost the script and just 'filmed' the first thing that came in mind.