For some reason Persona 4 won't let me save in my virtual PS3 slot 2, only slot 1. I hope I'm not the only one who can't change it.
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For some reason Persona 4 won't let me save in my virtual PS3 slot 2, only slot 1. I hope I'm not the only one who can't change it.
You can't.
Create a second, third and even fourth PS2 memory card.
Then after saving, press the PS button and go to the assign slot menu. There you will change what virtual card you are using. Save again.
believe me, my first lost save had 9 hours. I even lost one with 90 hours (I had backups thankfully)
The game says right in the manual that Persona 4 only uses Slot 1.
Guess I should be glad I'm playing it on a PS2.
Correct. That is why you must 'trick' the game while changing which virtual memory card is on the virtual slot 1, in order to not have save problems.
I want to replay Persona 4... but I just begun Digital Devil Saga... and still have many other games on the queue... hmmm...
I never read the game manuals, haha.
Anyways... The usual SMT stuff kinda annoys me. MC death is instant game over, is really annoying. I don't think I'll ever like that, especially with random insta-death spells. Lost like an hour and a half of progress today while I was on like the third floor of Kanji's bathhouse dungeon (lol), since I was just grinding on the first two levels for awhile.
Digital Devil Saga interestingly lacks that. If Serph dies the games doesn't end. And Hama and Mudo skills aren't insta-kill.
But yes, they are annoying in Persona 3 and 4. I usually just got a good Persona who has Nul against one and equipo an Item that nullifies the other.
Im on my road to the perfect ending today, I could have gone with the normal one but I wanted to go all the way in the first play through. As expected I wasnt able to max all the social links: Saki, Mom, Ayane, Kanji. Whatever, I still had a great ride along the way. I still plan to play through again, perfecting and getting the ultimate persona. I got about 67% of all the persona.
Hope eventually they come out with a Persona 5 but fat chance it will be on the PS2. Oh well I guess I'll have to get off my ass and finally buy a PS3 T_T
Ayane? Ah... the music girl. I went with Drama.
I also failed to max the Mom and Saki, but I did get Kanji and Yumi (Drama). Also failed to finish Tutored boy and Ditz-girl (Margaret)
Well... I gave in and re-played Persona 4. Finished it yesterday... all social links maxed out this time and 87% of the Persona. I just need to fight the Reaper and Margaret now... but I hate new game plus in this games...
Oh and...
Click to enlarge
September is gonna be a good month for the psp indeed...
Oh look, another internet rebel
Triple post for the win... someone delete the last 2 please. I'd edit, but in a thread this old no one would notice and i have some questions
- Can you only have sex with 1 girl?
- What does new game+ leave you with?
- Is the 3000 yen meal worth it?
- Can you leave your house at night?
1) Implied? Yes. One at a time? Yes. Multiple girfriends? YesQuote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
2) Your stats and compendium. Boring. Only worth if you want to fight 2 secret bosses
3) YES. It raises several stats at the same time.
4) Soon.
SMT: Devil Survivor is awesome...
So no items or money or personas??? Well that sucks >_>
But we keep our level right? That should at least make the first fights easier
- Is there a calendar somewhere? So we know when the tests begin
- What happened to the double summoning feature from P3? The one you got with Angel and Archangel, Frost and Pyro Jack, etc.
- What's the best way to up diligence?
- So you can "become intimate" with all of them? Then what's with that warning saying you're already in a relationship?
No items, you need to sell them.
You keep your 12 slots of Personas, but you must re-summon them from the Compendium. You will not have level restriction though. Your money does pass though.
Nop. No Calendar... just weather report. Although you can see (but not check) a small P3 Calendar on Souji's (MC) room.
Double summoning is gone.
At first, Diligence is best to train with Sports... you will only really need it for Tower, later in the game, and for fishing. Just work on at night when you have everything else maxed.
Its just there to be annoying. It doesn't really do anything.
Double summoning gone?? What the hell? Why would they remove such a cool feature?
So money passes... well then do you usually have a couple of mil by the end? That way you could buy a couple badasses right in the beginning and sweep the first levels
Idea for P5, if you don't carefully juggle the girls it may come back to bite you in the ass. Then again, that would make the mc an official manwhore...
Actually... getting money is more difficult to get than on P3. You will not find it in chests... and you must sell junk. Lots of junk.
I like to think double summoning is a Minato-only technique (P3 MC) since Persona and P2 take place in an alternate universe.
Yeah the double summoning was unique to Minato because of his relationship with Death if I don't remember wrong. Which is why Seta (Was that his name?) can't use it.
Wouldn't it be better to have just a giant Shin Megami Tensei thread? I always feel like I go offtopic when talking about the other SMT games. Anyway haven't gotten far on Devil Survivor I want to play but time restriction is kinda not helping and don't really feel like playing for ten minutes and putting it away. So haven't gotten past the first day...
Also finally ordered both Digital Devil Saga games so hoping that they arrive soon.
Minato > Seta
This guy needs something more than just the wild card to even begin to compare. Then again, hard competition when your opponent is some sort of demigod >_>
Im currently on the fourth day.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Haru and Yuzu rule.
And yes... Minato is better than Souji... but I like more the deeper relationship Souji has with his social links.