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I found the answer to my own question:
TL: DR Its a bug, blizzard is trying to fix it, but you will have to farm the items again although they recommend waiting until the bug is fixed before you do.
It's not a bug. Those guys dropped it and exited game.
Finally got to level 60 with my DH and eventually got around to looking up a good setup for my DH. Absolutely beasting on Inferno! Got some pretty sweet gear as well :)
What Act are you in Inferno?
Act 1 only, but I was playing with friends on other acts just to build stacks and farm bosses etc.
What gear build did you use for DH? I am still saving up to buy my own gear, so I am curious with what works best in inferno.
I've beaten inferno with my DH using Crit Gear + Xbow
Smoke Screen (Lingering), Spike Trap (Scatter), Prep(30% cd reset), Bat, Entang.shot (chain-gang), Ele-arrow(Ball lightning, Nether works fine too)
Spike trap is *amazing* against bosses and close quarters.
I am thinking of copying that and dropping vault from my build. That way, all the discipline is reserved for SS. What are your passives?
steady aim, archery and ... that movement speed+ whenever you are using SS
you might want to switch to Sharpshooter, I don't like it though because whenever I'm kiting I usally shoot once every second.... I'm not sure why so many people use it, they are not kiting properly if they let it build up imho.
its nice against bosses such as Belial though. (~6 100% crit nether tentacles are really a great way to burst down his first ~40% hp or so)
What was your DPS (without sharpshooter) and Dex when you beat Diablo?
I was wondering what kind of gear and stats I need to solo finish inferno. I am currently farming to get gear to beat Belial.
Do you think it is easier to finish the game solo or with a party using DH?
Solo (bosses are easier with people though, because you can revive each other)
i'm currently at 1700 dex 50k dps without ShS, but its possible to do it with less
(and its possible to have so much more)
act4 was probably the easiest, act 3 the hardest
diablo took me ~5-6 tries only and you can do him with any weapon or DPS because you kite him for around 10 minutes or so
the second boss in act4 was the hardest for me...Rakaschu, or something like that.
and for belial, just go full dps ele-arrow with nether tentacle + mark (hatred) + bat
once you reach p3 its really easy, go to the top right and shoot ele arrows nonstop
each arrow will hit him 5-6 times
use SS whenever he's going to hit you and he should be dead in a few seconds, did him with a 800dps bow back then.
How do you get past the first 2 forms though? I get killed by those invisible snakes because they manage to dodge my attacks by becoming invisible on approach.
Why was Act 3 the hardest btw?
I also had trouble with Rakanath in Hell because he one shot me the whole time. I remember reading somewhere that when he lurches without crossing his arms, he is going to teleport slash you. I was able to kill him after learning that.
the snakes are not invisible during the bossfight.
you need to burst him down though, the faster the better
if you are lucky you can get him to p3 without any or only a few snakes spawned.
you need some luck, pop SS often, get +8 max discipline (buy a cheap quiver if necessary) and maybe a preperation CD reset.
then you are fine
or just some kiting "luck"
you might want to spend your gold on a 1300+ dps bow/xbow, then he's really really easy, not going to lie, its not like I didn't die against him, but I managed to kill him with 5 stacks after the ~8th try or so (as mentioned before, 800dps bow back then), P2 is the only problem.
trash mobs are the hardest, its really hard to kite because the map won't allow you to and Azmodans black puddles insta-kill you as soon as you touch them, and they can spawn everywhere, even right underneath youQuote:
Why was Act 3 the hardest btw?
I don't really like SS, especially since they nerfed it after the update.
Here's what skills I use:
Hungering Arrow w/ Spray of Teeth and Elemental Arrow w/ Screaming Scull
Action bar Skills:
Caltrops w/ Bait The Trap ----- Vault w/ Ratting Roll
Impale w/ Grievous Wounds ----- Preparation w/ Backup Plan
Passive skills:
Vengeance, Archery and Sharpshooter
My tactic when using this setup is to use the elemental arrow w/ SC to fear my enemies and make them run away, then I spam Impale w/ GW as it's a pretty strong attack (especially if you get a crit). I usually plant a caltrop down as well to prevent enemies from dashing straight through me, also the Bait The Trap ruin gives me a higher chance of a critical if I'm standing in the caltrop. And Vault if I ever get sandwiched in by a few enemies or need to get away quickly. And finally preparation, this gives me back all my discipline so I can continue to use Caltrops and Vault (only downside is that there's a cooldown, but the ruin that I use gives a chance for there to be no cooldown).
I also use a 2 handed bow and a quiver too as you get the best dps from it.
This setup works best for me and it relies a lot on criticals as well (which I get a LOT of!)
I am currently using a 2h xbow with 950 damage and 65% crit damage. I am planning to replace it with something better, and has dexterity AND crit damage.
Wow, checked the auctions and the weapons for sale there are insane! My knuckle-dusters are 395 damage and I'm in the 4th act of hell mode. The weapons for auction are 1000+ damage!! Where are people finding these powerful items? Are they mostly in Inferno mode?
In the later acts of Inferno, to be specific.