Congrats to gr3atfull.
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Congrats to gr3atfull.
@Xanbcoo and Assasin
Thanks for the help. I am in the U.S and might either go to a university in Cali. to be near family, or one in texas but its military
Pros and Cons
Military/texas- the first year the upperclassmen can you treat you like a dog. Or rat as it is called your rat year. Its 4 years of rigorous exercise. On the other hand instate tuition, better engineering program, and your certain to get a job when you leave.
California- I get to be 20 minutes away from family, I dont have to live on campus, and im not completely on lockdown like in the military one, Badside its out of state so it twice the $$.
Any suggestions?
If I was you, I will go to the Texas one. For sure, you have a better futur since you said that you have a job when you will leave that place. Plus, you are only 4 years away your family, its nothing really. You can visit them for vacation, right?
Drims- the military is a good way to get an education cheaply. but you also usually owe them at least 2 years of service after you graduate school (what kind of military school is it? and what kind of classes would you be taking aside from military training?)
my uncle spent his entire life in the US Air Force and has no regrets. Ive also been told i woudl make a good fit there, but i have moral opposition to the modern military (not the aims or actions, but the means employed).
but dont let being away from your parents be a factor. youre at the age were you SHOULD get away from them for awhile, get situated on your own two feet.
but most importantly is figuring out what you want to do. if theres something you want to study at the university near you, go for it. if you want to join the miltiary, go for it. if youre not sure what to do: DONT DO EITHER. Going through these major time and money commitments halfassed and without direction is a waste of your time and $.
This military school is not mandatory for you to enter the military to join the university, but if you do its alot of free $$$. And my classes would be everything needed for civil engineering. Nothing extra since I wouldnt have time with hw and rigorous exercise, if i did go there. Im going to have to decide in the next month . thanks for all the help people.!
Finally done with school forever! Anyone else graduating?
Me me me me me me me!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Xollence
Friday the 12th I'll be strolling across the stage! WHOOHOO!
(the only sad part is I'll be moving to a place without a fast internet connection - hence downloads are going to be, in a word, depressing. Heh.)
Does finishing high school count? If so, June 23th for me. Cant wait. Finally going to leave that place where I spent 12 years of my life.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xollence
Well, I just got accepted to William Paterson University for the Fall semester. Still got 3 years left, but at least it will be a little better.
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
*looks at thread* well...It IS the college thread...unless your not planning on going to college I don't think it counts. And you spent all 12 years in one building?
^^ Well, here in Québec, high school = college but not in the USA.
and the school I am going to is a kindergarden, primary and high school at the same time.
Oh yeah, I am going to John Abbott CEGEP in Science.
Finishing college is weird...
I graduated december 2004. Then I spent 8 months looking for a job. They went in a flash.
Then I finally found one. 8 more months have passed since. Once more, in a flash.
I look back and think: "WTF? Its been a year and almost a half of another one since I left school?"
Im actually not looking forward to it... but I should think of studying a mastery soon... (dunno how you call them at the states, here its "maestria" so I hope mastery is the correct term)
I am! After I present my thesis tomorrow I have to start looking for a job =P But woohoo! No more school!Quote:
Originally Posted by Xollence
@RZ: the term in the US is "masters"
Well Congratz to honoko and alter! You too Mala!
Thank you.
*throws confetti into the air*
I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life!
Actually I guess I do. Freelance write, be at home (which I don't mind because I think I'm one of the few people out there who doesn't go too insane dealing with their parents), and then get a job somewhere when fall rolls around because I'll be traveling all summer. I will be published! Watch me!
Hey guys of gotwoot, I know theres already a college thread out there but I searched and its gone lol. Im a senior and im searching colleges, my major is something that deals with gaming which is computer science. So far I have found Digipen as "one" of the best gaming schools out there
Sources of searching
Those are old articles, but I still don't know. Oh and please don't go into Full Sail college, it blows I have researched, and talked to people (it's not great)
kudos on reviving this topic.
Warn (10%, two weeks) for making a repeat one. You've been around long enough to know the rules. Conducting a search is not that hard.
Afraid I can't help you with collegs of that kind. Heck, was lucky enough myself to find one to take me! Finishing up my last year in Ithaca. Then... real world...
Time to help me out, people.
You know my plight with my country. You know how much I want out.
Now, I've finally gotten the green light from my college to go study somewhere else for a semester - well, they mostly said something like "Sure, you just do everything, pay for everything and once the other party has accepted you, we'll sign."
Which is good enough. Now I just need to find a college that will accept me. So here's your chance to help me out... just tell me a bit about your own college, or any college in your area that
1.- Is within an English-speaking country (Great Britain, USA; Canada, Australia).
2.- Has a course on English/English Lit
3.- Is open to receiving foreign students.
If you know any place that fulfills those three points, then please please let me know and, if possible, post a link. I will then start sending mails and flaunting my GPA, and perhaps next spring I'll see what living outside of my country feels like...
Thanks in advance, people!
A little clarification on number 2:
Do you mean an English Lit course or a BRITISH Lit course? All Universities and Colleges in the United States have an English department, and a great percentage of them have a British Lit course (or several) as a requirement to graduate (I even need at least one British Lit course for my English Minor, and that's only 5 classes total).