According to ANN ep 183 will be aired May 3 and ep 184 will be aired May 17.
So no naruto (filler) in May 10.
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According to ANN ep 183 will be aired May 3 and ep 184 will be aired May 17.
So no naruto (filler) in May 10.
Edited First Post.
I'm confused...
The link that I follow to ANN's episode title's state: Episode titles: We have 190
And yet, 2006-05-3 186.Laughed SHINO is still the last one posted... Perhaps 4 more episode titles will added soon?
hm, maybe those 4 episodes are the kakashi gaiden (3 episodes) and 1 episode of "part 2"...?
we can only hope....
man I cant wait....
Well.. They've corrected it. Now it's correct with 186 episodes ;_;
Added epis..... filler 187 to first post.
187. Opening Day!! Konoha Moving Center
Kaigyou!! Konoha Hikkoshi SENTAA
As they continue to get more filler episode titles up, I wonder about the press conference Studio Perrot held a few months ago that said that the Naruto fillers would end in May. Was this a bunch of lies or just bad info?
Prehaps May of next year? :( *crys*:(Quote:
Originally Posted by Narasho
I don't think it was bad info, however I think at that point they may had not planed this far ahead. It's still possible that the manga isn't as far as they want it to be yet. As well these new ep titles throw my thoery out the window
If and If episode 188's title is something along the lines of Jiraiya taking Naruto at last... the theory can still come true Deadfire.
uhg ANOTHER filler... PLEASE OH PLEASE let 188 be new... PLEASE!!! lol
what do I have to do to make the fillers stop!?!?!!??
Quit whining, perhaps? :DQuote:
Originally Posted by David Craft
hmm I did that for almost a year now... hasnt helped.. so now ill try the whining path :p
In all seriusness, even IF you think the fillers arnt that bad, even IF you think theres some cool stories.. come on now... enough is enough
Iv read some of the manga and theres some pretty cool things in there I cant WAIT to actualy TALK about with my nonmanga reading friends.... and I cant WAIT to see them animated.
Also there have been otehr anime's that went filler and NEVER returned because the raitings finaly dropped so low they were cancled. Naruto is one of my favorite animes and I DONT want this to happen...
So im concerned lol... and im expressing this on a place with a bunch of other Naruto fans ;)
Have I hated all the fillers? no. I thought the Anko's past one was actualy quite nice. The Bug hunt one was also pretty cool (except for the end). And the ghost one wasnt bad either. However SOME I do hate. Like that one with fake guy and lee. I hate how they portray Naruto as such a retard. He was just starting to mature and to learn and grow... then the fillers put him back to like he was still in teh academy....
Anyways that my rant and im sticking to it. PEACE!
Well, like has been said, 187 is a full year of fillers.
So either 188 is back on track or...I for one and gonna stop coming up with guesses. Cause who the fuck knows anymore.
hum... episode 187 title..
with some hope that will end the filler and 188 will be part 2...Quote:
187. Opening Day!! Konoha Moving Center
yah your right, who teh hell knows any more.
but we can hope 187 will end it... we can hope...
btw.. the airring time is wrong (or i live in the future? oO) but 184 is out in RAW so it can't be airred the 06/05/17
Originally Posted by BioAlien
ep 184 wasn't supposed to be aired today
at least according to the information provided since several weeks ago by ANN and japanese sites
they must have changed that the last moment, like with the two weeks absence of bleach.
i'll fix the dates tomorrow or other day.
DB released episode 184, so at least it was not a prank from Saiyaman.
from where do you get your information about the airring date?
ANN and a Jap Site called SyoboiQuote:
Originally Posted by BioAlien
Added Filler 188 in Babel Translation Format.