Football is boring. Durrr we're gonna runs into each other like a bunch of stupid fat morons. I'd take baseball over that anyday.
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Football is boring. Durrr we're gonna runs into each other like a bunch of stupid fat morons. I'd take baseball over that anyday.
Sitting there watching people try to hit a ball is more fun than Football? Especially when there's like no athleticism involved?Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Football is boring. Durrr we're gonna runs into each other like a bunch of stupid fat morons. I'd take baseball over that anyday.
You have your tastes, I have my tastes.
But, today I learned that Heretic Azazel likes baseball better than football.
Today I learned that there are some americans who don't like American Football which is good, as it is a sinfully boring sport. At least in Rugby they don't wrap themselves up in seventy layers of protective clothing incase they break a nail or something.
I learned that astral projection apparently allows you to take the form of a lightning dragon and give static shocks to anyone near your physical body
pfft, i already knew that.
Baaaaah, if you had to watch a sport just go to a martial arts tournament. The whole reason everyone likes football and Ruggby is because you get to beat the shit out of eachother while blaying for the ball. But in martial arts, youget right to the point. The whole objective is to beat the crap out of the other guy, and thats what makes it so fun.
Half the people that have ever existed are living now. That is pretty insane.
5% of the united States' population own 50% of the world's property.
Today I learned how to open a bottle of wine that has a cork on it.
Well, as I've learned long ago how to guzzle them down, that bottle is kapootz, and I fought with that fucking thing for more time than it took me to drink it. So, I don't really recall how I actually got the bastard open...
Hint: A corkscrew, like, one for uncorking wine bottles, is very helpful.
Oh, and if you are turning the knob on the screw, and its just chewing up bits and pieces of the cork, you are going in the wrong direction. That took me awhile to learn. Also, keep the clamps DOWN, then, if you're making the screw go in the right direction and applying proper pressure and all that, the bars will raise themselves slowly as you screw.
Digging with the screw will not work (I tried that also). As most corks are a sizable two inches long. Most screws can't get down that deep just by digging, and you will probably end up with bits of cork in your wine. Yummy.
Cheers bitches!
Well, I didnt learn this today but according to a "reliable" IQ test my IQ is 141 (numerical logician) which makes me a genius. too bad I got a C- in calculus
Your no genius. I on teh other hand, AM A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not a god bigger than Jadugar because he posts heavenly pictures that noone esle can seemingly find.
Today I learned that forgive, feel bad for, and laugh at the dumb world around me instead of hating it. I also learned that I am probably smarter than most of the retards in my Highschool, for they are really dumb. As well as almost every kid in my class. They are so fucking dumb, that we are playing a bonus game of putting trinomials back into binomials and THEY ALL DECIDE TO USE CALCULATORS! JUST FOR THAT! AND I BEAT THEM ALL! AND THEY HAD CALCULATORS! THEY'RE SO FUCKING DUMB! EVEN MY TEACHER WHO RECOMMENDED THAT THEY USE CALCULATORS! WHY ARE THEY SO DUMB?! I also learned that I am one lazy mofo. Also that books are good. They are very good.
today I learned that god#2 has issues, and needs to relocate to the bitching thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I second that motion. All in favour say aye.
Originally posted by: el_boss
I second that motion. All in favour say aye.
I say send the assasination squad.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Today (well yestarday) I learned that
Originally posted by: Gotwoot Moderator
There is no freedom of speech here.
I learned the above statement
Today I learned I'm an idiot for not calling my girlfreind for two days. Yes two whole days. Now I have to grovle for the next week. Relationships are great!?
Today I realized that this thread is alot like the bitching thread seeing as how many of the things we learn is through pain.
today I learned that 2+2=7
Today I learned that regular steel, when heated and quenched in water (or something else if need be) becomes harder. That one's common sense, but its needed to make a big deal out of the other one.
Stainless steel, on the other hand, gets softer when you heat it up and quench it in water. The way to make it harder is to put a lot of stress on it, for instance, flattening it under huge rollers.
mind explaining?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
today I learned that 2+2=7