Who knew people around here play this. I'm a level 54 Fighter on Windia name is Dorangie feel free to randomly pm me.
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Who knew people around here play this. I'm a level 54 Fighter on Windia name is Dorangie feel free to randomly pm me.
after stoping playing for like 2 month... (i went to lvl 53 with my warrior though) i have made a new character, a Theft!
but i deleted it 1 week later and to finally make a Mage (future Cleric)
i know i said mage suck and all but... at least it was not the first character i ever made, like all the rest of those mage noob that think mage are the strongest...
lvl : 17
Job : Mage
Name : BioPriest
Server : Windia
btw, mage are so not the strongest... at least not at start,
Warrior : lvl 1-20, 70+
Mage : lvl 20-35 ~+
Thief : lvl 35+
and since bowman have good accuracy they good at almost every lvl
The game's sort of fun for awhile, but I can't seem to ever get past level 15 before getting bored out of my mind.
patience is all you need in this game... good luck.
give your self an objectif you want to do in the game, like me, right now i just want to pwn the zombie monster with the skill Heal (skin for cleric, lvl 30+)Quote:
Originally Posted by Cloud 9
MapleSEA : cleric lv 32
nobody plays maplesea here? :(
i just started playing again a few days ago. i must say boredom can do the worst things to you at the worst possible time. anyways, i forgot everything about this game, so we're just going to see how this turns out later on.
character name: redx1z
current level 12(soon to be 13)
job: thief
server: bera
update report
(guess i won't be on this server for a while)
character name: redx1z
current level: 17
job: thief
server: bera
character name: teki2omancer
current level: 10
job: warrior
server: bera
(i made a second thief, because most of the people i know bugged me to join their server, also, it's the only thing i'm good at, sorta..)
character name: redx1a
current level: 20
job: thief
server: khaini
just finished this annoying quest of getting this damn girl some medicine, glad that's over. to top it off, she gives me a hat i can't use until level 25, some quest this turned out to be
edit 2: just turned level 20 today, bought some new equipment and taking on new quests that seem to be more fun than the last..
just for the hell of it, i'm thinking of making a warrior, so a warrior basically only needs str and dex, right?
i would make something else, but from what i see of archers, they are overrated and not at all impressive and a mage seems too weak and hard to bare with in the beginning.
I just started playing a few days ago. I play Scania server and I have a 33 Ice/Lightning Wizard and a 20+ Warrior.
wow.. you so didn't chosed the right server to start in...
scania is almost alway full and lag a lot.
you guys still play this game...i havent played in a long time what server yall play on??
you guys still play this game i havent played in a long time.....what server yall play on now??
sorry posted twice
I have a lot of friends that play in Scania so I chose that one.
What server do most of you play in?
isnt that the server with the most lagg??
bera level 90 ranger
oh my god it got so boring so fast -_-
nice lvl 90 im on bera to whats ur name?
I'm lvl 41 Sin in Windia. Anyone else here plays in Windia?
i do, but windia is so filled with hacker that it is almost unplayable.Quote:
Originally Posted by AtHRunOwNZaLL
why dont yall just come to bera....
yay im in broa
41 hunter..
im in hacking central..everywhere you go there is a hacker =\