Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Hell, i will kill fukuda, okay i knew, i kneeeeew, that zaft was going to fail.. but this miserably???
Shinn got raped by Athrun, kira goody-two-shoes did what he wanted without even being bothered a bit..
He didn't even get a hit at him.. He was pwande, hell fukuda you could have made it a cool match if you have had a endingbattle over 2 epsiodes instead of one.. this was just speeded through without any feelings.. I knew during the whole series that if shinn didnt defect to AA he would evetually be beaten, but hell he could have put up a fight.. He was the MOST cool characther throughout GSD...
I knew that rey was the son of Gladys, but when she told Kira that hge should tell Marius that she had a son and that she should met him I thought, hell shes got another???
Is there a GS3 but you know the rest...
Could have otherwise been a way for Fuck me in the batty Fukuda (see the resmeblense between Fukuda and Fuckyaup) to make more money of the GS fransiche, "Gladys son wants revenge"..
Aaaahhh.. To be somewhat satisfied I have to have a OVA where you can Shinn and Lunas small dumplings running around playing with kiras and Lacus childrens.. And when the parents are looking Shinn Jr will butt rape Lacus JR... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh...
Now i will leave and play some good earned Last Blade 2....
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: isso
I knew that rey was the son of Gladys, but when she told Kira that hge should tell Marius that she had a son and that she should met him I thought, hell shes got another???
I think Rey sees Talia as a mother figure
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
@Terra, Shinn might fight till the end, but he fights till the end like an idiot, HOW COULD HE EVER THOUGHT HE COULD STOPI ATHRUN'S BEAM SABER WITH DESTINY'S BARE-HANDS?, That is just plain stupid, not admirable. HE just attacks and never stops a second to think.
Yeah you're right, he should've just sat back at Minerva and looked at the battle from a window. THEN YOU WOULD BE HAPPY HUUUUH.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
No, I wouldnt be happy, i would be even more disappointend in the show.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
I didn't think it could get anymore dissapointing, but after watching episode 50 I was proven wrong.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Damn so the series is only 50 eps? I knew it was gonna be rushed but i was thinking the last 3 eps (For some odd reason I thought it was 52 eps long...) but damn all this in 1 ep eh.....GSD just got lowered from Great status to Good =/
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
No, I wouldnt be happy, i would be even more disappointend in the show.
There ya have it
Shinn gets to fight
Kira gets to own him
And 95% of the Seed fans get happy, because that's all they want.
Still waiting for the damn download to finish...
To pass time, I will now reveal to you all that I dreamt that I had sex with Yzak last night (only that he was female). Which was funny, because he/she behaved exactly like in the show. Also I caught him/her being jealous of Dearka who was making out with some girl in the same room.
It was awesome.
And I bet nobody here is surprised [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
No, I wouldnt be happy, i would be even more disappointend in the show.
There ya have it
Shinn gets to fight
Kira gets to own him
And 95% of the Seed fans get happy, because that's all they want.
Still waiting for the damn download to finish...
To pass time, I will now reveal to you all that I dreamt that I had sex with Yzak last night (only that he was female). Which was funny, because he/she behaved exactly like in the show. Also I caught him/her being jealous of Dearka who was making out with some girl in the same room.
It was awesome.
And I bet nobody here is surprised [img][/img]
At least u r sincere. Most Kira fans dream having sex with Kira, and he's not even a female on the dream...
Well, this show ruined my believe on Seed Universe, I can only hope Fukuda will drop the season for the good of man kind. I mean, imagine a GS3 and more Kira and Athrun crap. Prolly next time they will ressurrect Nikoru, the drugies or even Ryne (hell I would be happy if they raised that guy).
Thing is, Fukuda in the end was afraid to kill anyone for the sake of the series. Even the DOM troopers he didn't kill LOL
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
There's going to be an OVA for this right? The series just ended abruptly. By the way, who is Talia's son? Rey sure isn't, because Talia wanted Ramius to visit him, so she's not talking about Rey. Hopefully, the OVA will explain a lot more to what happened to the rest of the characters as well.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
The final episode of GSD is out! Enjoy! On the behalf of the Hiro staff, we would like to thank all of you for supporting our subs. Unfortunately, this is Hiro's last release (...although we may consider doing the special episode coming out in Feburary). So, once again, thank you! -Meer
definitely an OVA coming out
this episode was pretty good, and people who are bsing about the ending, check out the ending for seed, see any comparison?
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
This show couldn't have ended any better considering how the last season turned out.
There are the generic Destiny faults. Still no real reason to fight a fullscale war VS Dullindal. Still a ridiculous amount of flashbacks. Still the annoyance that is Lacus.
This was extremely unfulfilling. Mwu and Rey didn't have any more contact since they did back in ep 10 or so. The DOM troopers were just "there". The Neo transformation into Mwu is still hard to take seriously, as is the god mode factor of Akatsuki. All the gundams had DRAGOON systems, making the last fights a boring funnel fest. And what the fuck was the deal with naked Shinn & Stellar? It felt like it was there just because all Gundam shows must have a naked-in-space scene in their last episodes. Overall, this feels very incomplete.
However, there were redeeming factors. The fights between Kira/Rey & Athrun/Shinn were pretty good, and since Kira & Athrun obviously are the better pilots (and always have been), it's still pretty good that the losers put up a little fight before their defeats. And what can I say, I love Rey. He's my second favorite Seed character after Yzak, and having him shoot Gil while crying in a very emotional way, saying "I'm sorry, but he wishes for a future!"... well, that made me shiver, which was a damn of a lot more than I was expecting out of this finale. And the music is of course as good as always, fitting each scene excellently. The whole "family" dying together at the end was pretty beautiful too (papa Gil mama Talia son Rey), so.... yeah. As opposed to a lot of you, I found Shinn's & Rey's crying to be great and moving. Not to mention that none of them sound as incredibly disturbing as Kira does when he cries.
Anyway, fuck this show. But thanks for at least giving me a few good scenes at the end that reminded me a little of how much I used to love Seed.
Oh and may you burn in hell for making it so Yzak saved Eternal and Lacus' worthless behind.
Edit: I still think it's strange, about the whole Rey/Talia deal. I can buy that he calls her mother because she is his mother figure, but there have never been any signs of them having such a relationship throughout the show. Also, if he really was her son, it would make sense that Talia came back to Gil's side since she'd want to be with her son. But then again, Rey doesn't look like the boy on Talia's photo, and Rey is a clone... so... what the hell? Maybe he was just being delusional.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Oh and may you burn in hell for making it so Yzak saved Eternal and Lacus' worthless behind.
Edit: I still think it's strange, about the whole Rey/Talia deal. I can buy that he calls her mother because she is his mother figure, but there have never been any signs of them having such a relationship throughout the show. Also, if he really was her son, it would make sense that Talia came back to Gil's side since she'd want to be with her son. But then again, Rey doesn't look like the boy on Talia's photo, and Rey is a clone... so... what the hell? Maybe he was just being delusional.
I figured that would burn you up Terra...
I was excited for the first half of the episode, but as it wound down it was so obvious what was going to happen.
I loved Kira beign disturbed by Rey's words in the start of their fight, but liek always, he just shook it off and went back to being God again.... Athrun was always going to kick Shinn's ass, and I thought Shinn should have handled the whole situation with Lunamaria better than that. No need to attack a second when you're fighting against a redcoat ace...
Not a single casualty on the Lacus Faction's side.... Really, what happened to the good old days where we bit our nails watching Gundam while wondering "Who will survive?" Now its obvious.... Good guys are invincible, model kits sales are #1 priortiy, flashbacks and recycled scenes are 'thrifty' and the villains always lose and die....
Rey was definetley acting delusional at the end of this episode. He's just always been searching for that person in his life and finally found it was right under his nose all along. Too bad there wasn't too much interaction between Talia and Rey earlier in the series...
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Also, I just realized that they STILL haven't explained what the hell the "Seed" is, why it exists, why Shinn had it and so on.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Also, I just realized that they STILL haven't explained what the hell the "Seed" is, why it exists, why Shinn had it and so on.
seed mode will not ever be explained by the those arses. and I do agree I did not need to see a naked shinn. Whta was the point of stellar and her comment i dont know oerhaps if they make a seque of gsd it would be called never ending tommorow or horizon i dont know dont care . My favorite charcters after this is over is athrun and well the dom chick with the eye patch she just so sexy i think everyone should have an eye patch. Over all the show really had no real villan or sad to say no maincharcter. Shinn is not a a main character rey was just confused and loyal dullindal was i dunno queer. How how i miss dijibril purple lipstick and cat in hand the 3rd best thing about GSD.
luna maria is as dumb and confused as shinn and things stil dont make sense aftera hundred epsisodes of the two as Terra said
* wth is SEED a mode acxtrually defined
* wth really happned to mwu
* what is the story behind the dom troopers
* what wa rau true relaptionship with mwu.
was rau a clone of mwu dad.
* what was the purpose of shinn
i could go on on but let me stop
if they make another sequel it would be riding a dead horse.
It will only make sense only if it was about 40 or 60 years in the future when athrun and Kira are like retired or perhaps come outaa comiision or something. Or if IJ and SF were stred in captivity and stolen by a terrius group then odly enough it wouldbe up perhaps kira and athruns kids to stop them or some crap . Anywayz be me and ill write ya younging a script
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Not a single casualty on the Lacus Faction's side.... Really, what happened to the good old days where we bit our nails watching Gundam while wondering "Who will survive?" Now its obvious.... Good guys are invincible, model kits sales are #1 priortiy, flashbacks and recycled scenes are 'thrifty' and the villains always lose and die....
Yes wtf happened to the good old days..
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
If they make Gundam Seed Fucking the sequal, I will cry. This episoded suked... badly. Hundreds of reused scenes, same plotline, same shit over and Fucking OVER again. Wow.
And the Dragoons.
Pwnage made easy. -_-" Keh.
And I don't get how Rey's gundam coulda lived through that fucking bombardment. A Zaku would have been anihilated. Hell, look at episode 39.
I am now going to stormtroop Fuckuda's (intentional "Fuck"uda) house and strangle him so there is not a 3rd series. At least I have the OVA to look forward to.... or not..
*Sees Fuckuda dead on ground* Aw... that'd be great.
And for further reference, Shinn is Psycho. PSYCHO. NO doubt about it. He fucking nearly killed by ACCIDENT FROM HIS STUPIDITY THE GIRL HE KISSED IN EPISODE 38, A New Flag.
WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY PAYING FUCKUDA FOR. I was so dissapointed I punched my wall over and over and over until it nearly crumbled.
I seriously think what the fuck is shinn and Fuckuda doing anywhere near the almighty "Gundam Seed Serieses.. or something..." Fuckuda totally messes with the story, and makes shinn into a mindless zombie piece of shit. I'm going to take some BACON and slap fuckuda with it OVER AND OVER AGAIN. And get his lame-ass sales brain into gear. Wait. I can't. he doesn't have one. WHat the Fuck am I watching?! DAMMIT! If I was paying for this, I would commit suicide. Thank God I have DNAngel to get my head stop steaming. WTF IS FUCKUDA DOING! The first 23 Episodes weren't bad, then they went to lame ass "I want to sell shit no one buys" mode. Seriously. Some go and Bitch-slap fuckuda and every GSD fan who loved this episode. If you hated it, I love you. If you loved it, I hate you. If you liked it a bit. Who lives a damn. KILL Fuckuda! TODAY, WE MAKE A NEW ANTI-FUCKUDA WORLD. Damn I'm mad. Whoa. I'm really pissed. And where in the hell are Dearka and Yzak. I mean, Yzak single handedly Killed 2 Gundams that coulda killed Freedom in GS, and now he's in this Fucking low level piece of shit machine. WHY THE HELL DOESN"T HE, THE DAMN COMMANDER, GET A GOOD MACHINE? LIKE THE REMINANTS OF SAVIOUR? WHO GIVES A SHIT. CHUCK THE FUCKING ZAKUS AND GOUFS OUT, AND GIVE HIM A GOOD GUNDAM. dammit
Ngggg...... Pokemon would even kick this shows ass, and they are on their, what, 7th season now? And what the Fuck is rey still doing in Legend. HE SHOULD HAVE DIED BEFORE THE EPISODES CAME OUT! GOD! IN THE NAME OF ALL NECROMANCY, KILL SHINN! He and Rey are the fucking ruiners and bastards who need to be bitchslaped and killed by a knife jabbed up their ass .[img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img] Goddamn fanboys.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
And to pour salt into the wound, Fukuda ends the episode with a shot to promoting model kits.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Gosh... that freaking justice is sharp.... that body r full of something to cut and I luv it.... it's all good.... uhm, good anime after all.... wat about the next??? is it going to be Gundam seed legendary next year??? 2006???
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
kill kira OR athrun, this was waaaaaaay to preditcable.. We al knew what aws going to hapen, why, why couldnt they have ended it with a twist, it would have hurt the series if kira or athrun died a heros death... lame-ass show...
Slap fuckuda with some bacon, yeah that'll be nice!
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Kira's popularity was too much for a new main protagonist like Shinn to come in and steal the spotlight.