No, the new season started in September, the one before it only had 10 episodes.
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No, the new season started in September, the one before it only had 10 episodes.
Hence why I said started in the fall and continues the following spring
A new FG & AD episode aired last night (or so, depending on where you live). Anyone saw it?
Still waiting for it to show up on piratebay...
3])iT : oh and heres torrents for last nights espisodes XD.
( i dunno how to put in direct downloads so your gonna have to scroll down and click the button -.- )
[*]Family Guy
[*]American Dad
yah i saw both, american dad was quite funny, everything with that dog was absolutey hilarious and had some other funny scenes as well.
and family was pretty good imo, the aqua man beginning was awesome and louis having to sit at the kids table, also when stewie said "... please.. dont... dont take me to a black doctor" then it shows a black one lol, and the Fonz thing was pretty funny though was stretchd out a bit to long imo, but still a good espisode XD
Thanks a lot dude.
Bill Lumberg cameo!!!
Goddamnit, this torrent is slow. >_<
I was just about to say the same thing. We have been spoiled in sweden since alot of people have great internet connections.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Goddamnit, this torrent is slow. >_<
lols i was thinking the same thing XD, but i dunno why its slow because the family guy one has 4k seeders o.O, but least its better then waiting for a faster one XDQuote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Goddamnit, this torrent is slow. >_<
S : 4001
D : 2457
the american dad has
S : 2193
D: 2214
so i can see that going slow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Man, the new family guy was too good.
I like that I remembered the reference made with stewie as a pinball. That was nostalgic
It's amazing that FG maintains it's spectacular quality. You would think that it would start declining but it just keeps on making me laugh my ass off.
I liked this quote "It's like sex with Kobe Bryant, kick and scream all you want... it's still going to happen" or something like that.
Very nostalgic.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Man, the new family guy was too good.
I like that I remembered the reference made with stewie as a pinball. That was nostalgic
This episode was great. If nothing else, it proved Madonna's stupidity
Why did Stewie say "don't take me to a black doctor"? There's probably a reference, but I can't recall it.
Nice episode. I liked when Peter punched Meg. So random [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I don't remember, but it was funny cause they did [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
Why did Stewie say "don't take me to a black doctor"? There's probably a reference, but I can't recall it.
i dont there is any reference, its just that he said it so random and was like his last word kinda speech lolQuote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
Why did Stewie say "don't take me to a black doctor"? There's probably a reference, but I can't recall it.
Yep, same here, absolutely. Occasionally I still find that song in my mind these days for no reason. I was pleasantly shocked to see it here.Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Very nostalgic.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Man, the new family guy was too good.
I like that I remembered the reference made with stewie as a pinball. That was nostalgic
So when are more episodes going to be aired?
for US this coming sunday.
aaaahhh shit.....I Just missed 15 min into the new episode..........