Anyone out there with the good pictures of Temari, plz post.
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Anyone out there with the good pictures of Temari, plz post.
- Older.
- Quick at the mouth.
- Financially secure.
She's part of the ruling family. You know she's set!
Tsunade gets my partial vote since she's a drinker. But, that woman's got serious gambling problems.
"You scramblers can't handle the problem .."
Thanks to piasEnigma for posting this lovely picture of Temari and Shikamaru.
Damn, that really makes me wanna draw Temari.
Ok, Anko is indeed hot, Ino is too, but i will choose SAKURA, i like her attitude and her inner self, that are basically the same. Ino was right, her forehead is indeed sexy. Im a Sakura Fan!!!
Sakura is too dull and boring not to mention useless. On the other hand Anko is yummy.
Originally posted by: Jadugar
On the other hand Anko is yummy.
Kurenai has intoxicating eyes. She's up there, too.
And Temari beats them all hands down.
I just can't help posting this one more time...Quote:
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
but i will choose SAKURA, i like her attitude
And a special one I found, and I edited for younger viewers.
ok, ok. Still i think she is hot. I liked Temari when she participated in the Chuunin Tournament against Shikamaru. Kurenai, YUMMY!!!!!!!.
I can't believe there are people who actually care that the Naruto females are underage.
It's just a number in the manga world, nobody looks like they are 11 or 12. Temari looks like she's 20, and 12 year old Dosu (remember the mummy?) sounded like fucking Barry White.
Dosu could've just had a natural deep voice with the bandages making it sound deeper [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Very valid point Mr kooshi
Hey piasEnigma, can you post me(over18) the original pic. Thanx.
ha "no no spot" that was grand, and yes i have to agree that temari is hot ...
I prefer the original Temari and not some sexy temari fan picture.
Reading this, I felt I had to register and post...
My pick would be Tenten... Why does everyone overlook her...?
Second pick, Temari >.>
Oh, and greetings, good people of GotWoot. I hope I shall find some amount of comeraderie amoungst you all.
Wrong choice.Quote:
Originally posted by: Lasaphlon
Reading this, I felt I had to register and post...
My pick would be Tenten... Why does everyone overlook her...?
Originally posted by: Lasaphlon
Oh, and greetings, good people of GotWoot. I hope I shall find some amount of comeraderie amoungst you all.
i would definitely pick temari