Well you could always download it from their bots on #shinsen-subs @ rizon, the bots are quick.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
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Well you could always download it from their bots on #shinsen-subs @ rizon, the bots are quick.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
I don't think Shinsen has a batch for it yet
ya i know, but 2 issues with that. one, i really prefer to download a batch, cuz then i can just let it run for a day or two and it'll be complete. second, i tried getting the eps but my irc is being gay. it wont accept the sends for some reason. i keep gettign a msg saying "you have a file pending, turn you client to receive" or whatever, even though i've tried it on auto-accept.Quote:
Originally Posted by kAi
Have you tried all of them? Some are firewalled, before trying a bot type /mode nick -x and then see the correct command to accept the file through the firewalll, of course, there are some unfirewalled bots which are the ones you should use if you can.
I got my eps 1-10 by shinsen from mininova and the 11-16 from their site and downloaded them individually. Until now mininova has still seeders but it seems episodes 2-5 are removed from mininova. By the way, the gunxsword torrents of shinsen in mininova are the same from their website.
Man I don't even have time to watch the rest of the episodes... too busy at school:(
edit: I tried downloading episode 1 of shinsen from their website and it's working.
Well, Shinsen have released episode 17.
Gun X Sword 17
17-26 have been subbed and released as a batch by a group called SHRIMPS, the quality isn't as good as shinsen but if you want to wrap up the series like i did its worth the dl i guess. Overall I thought it was a pretty good series, not great, but definatly worth watching.
I think just about everyone grabbed the SHRIMPS release because by the time Shinsen is done GunXXXSword will be out.
18 by Shinsen:
Any of you guys ever finish the series? I just got myself the dvdrips and managed to finish the series up.
I thought this was a really cool series, and I loved the bad guy... he reminded me a lot of Bill from Kill Bill. I thought it had a great ending.
I know it's been a long time, but any of you guys ever finish the series?
I got the dvdrips from animecorpx, they have a bots with the whole series on rizon if anyone is interested.
I finished the series, it was a very odd ending with the whole planet destruction and all (don't remember too clearly what happened).
I didn't think the series was all the super good, it was okey to watch and better than most shit that is aired today, but still, not many things about the series that was memorable, only the ring-hat :D
I finished the series when it was airing. It was alright until the end when everything turned too "destroy-the-world-and-start-over-as-a-single-entity" for my liking.
Meh, I didn't mind that at all... it's simply a plot device to move the story forward, and when you consider the abundance of parodical elements in the story, it was fitting that this would be the device used.
I loved how all the bad guys were obliterated, even when you started caring about some of them at the end, when they turned a bit good, they get killed off in the most meaningless way in quite an ironic manner, with falling debris. The way he killed The Claw was great too, cutting him in half without a word.
I also liked that even though Van changed slightly through the series, he stayed mostly true to his character till the end, a complete idiot who cared about nothing else but his revenge... it was quite refreshing to have a character like that. I also liked how he ended up leaving, without making a big scene nor caring to say goodbye to anyone, and I also liked how the anime at the least gave us a final scene were we see Wendy grown up with Van stubbling to her house by accident. I thought it was a nice touch.