Originally posted by: DDBen
Originally posted by: NineTailsKitsu
In my opinion, I don't believe that Dullindal is trying to make Shinn into a mindless "psychotic" follower, but rather that he's using Shinn as a poster boy. I mean, Shinn came from humble beginnings, lost his family to the previous war and through his anger rose through the military to become a "Super Ace" of ZAFT. I mean propoganda wise Shinn is the perfect solider: he's defeated countless enemy units, taken down fleets by himself, he destroyed the Destroy unit and then defeated the Legendary ace and pilot of the Freedom, Kira Yamato. Who better to be the poster boy of Dullindal's new campaign against LOGOS and those that would side with them? That is the reason Dullindal won't punish Shinn, and that is the reason why he is constantly rewarded. As for the comment that Shinn is insane, well...Taken into account what has happened to him during the course of the series, who would'nt be in a severely confused state after that? When you talk about the reason Athrun punched Shinn, being "upset that his best friend and girlfriend were blown up", thats pure hypocrisy. When you think that, then also think "but hey, didn't Kira kinda kill Shinn's entire family, and THEN kill the only girl Shinn ever loved?"...Think about it, cause If you think that Shinn deserved that punch from Athrun, then Kira should have gotten much worse then nearly dying.
Incorrect the only reason that Dullindale is forgiving anything Shinn does is because he desires Shinn to be completely loyal to Zaft. This is shown every step of the way because despite anything Shinn has accomplished his actions in every single case have furthered the war and not stopped it. Please note that this is directly against everything that Dullindale says he is trying to accomplish and there is absolutely no other reason that Shinn would still be a pilot at this point.
Also for some side notes...
1. Shinn did NOT stop Destroy Kira did this isn't even argueable.
2. Shinn gave back Stellar which granted Destroy a pilot he would not kill meaning he couldn't have stopped it.
3. Shinn is completely unstable this has been shown during the entire series and he does not follow orders at all.
4. The propoganda film that Dullindale showed is the only thing that made Shinn into what your claiming he is as it was carefully edited to make Shinn look like the hero of Zaft. If you actually believe that then you need to rewatch the series instead of refering simply to the propoganda video.
Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
did talia actually know that the one pilloting Destroy was stellar?
because if she does know that i find no reason why shin didnt get punished badly, Shin is the one who supposed to get the worst punishment, not stellar, he put stellar in danger by returning it to Neo, he is the one who killed stellar even though its indirect kill, and then in 35 he arrogantly said to asuran "I got my revenge" what revenge? for kira killing stellar ? OMG I hate that guy as much as I hate Fray(Kira's 1st girlfriend in seed)
The short answer is yes she did. Not only did they hear it over the radio but they watched Shinn carry her body from the wreckage and run off with it.