Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
You cant compare tallgeese to wing zero, or epion or freedom or destiny, tallgeese blows in comparison, tho it is a cool suit,
Id hav to go for
1) Heero (Wing) - Suicidal, indestructible, suicidal, ultimate killing machine, suicidal, close to no emotion (even tho he talks bout acting on emotion[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] (also people bash him for sayin relena a bit...ok alot but we hear kira doin the same "Athrun" "Fllay" over nd over and over)
2) Kira (SEED/Destiny) Main reason is that he is a brilliant pilot the ultimate coordinator, bt has a conscionce (i cant spell) too, he managed to touch everyones heart in SEED and was a touchin character...plus he boned Fllay good on the lad.
3)Athrun (SEED/Destiny) The mechs were a bit, so-so bt his conflict wit kira in SEED having to live with the fact he "killed" his best friend then joining him for the final battles, oh nd the battle wen he nd kira totally tore eachother to pieces was so kool 4 beams on athruns gundam, pure class.
4)Garrod (X) Gundam X was jst a kool mech despite bein a bit plain, bt wen Garrod got Double X he seemd to get a new sense of purpose.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
>___> Garrod just wants a litte tiffa action, haha but anyways yea he matured a bit after gaining more power with double-x but i'd have picked that blue-leather wearing chick instead ^^
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: chriscant
Id hav to go for
1) Heero (Wing) - Suicidal, indestructible, suicidal, ultimate killing machine, suicidal, close to no emotion (even tho he talks bout acting on emotion (also people bash him for sayin relena a bit...ok alot but we hear kira doin the same "Athrun" "Fllay" over nd over and over)
That might be true. But nobody does it like Heero and Relena, not even Sakura(Naruto) can match their determination. There were whole episodes where all they did was look to the sky and call each other's name.
Kira is my favourite, because of his maturity and leadership.
Shinn(in SEED mode), because he`s just so cold-hearted. I have to respect that kind of brutality, and just utter disregard for life.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: fox_t
Kira is my favourite, because of his maturity and leadership.
IMO kira isn't mature at all, he just acts on his emotions and the choices he makes somtimes pisses me off
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
shinn only cares about his friends' family's lives,, he kills so much, before he knew it was stellar he's all *rawr!* when he finds out he's all ;__; "nooo i dont wanna kill u cause ur hot, doesnt matter that u killed an entire town"
really pissed me off when he killed that orb guy,, same damn guy who practically SAVED shinn back in orb (in SEED)
no respect for shinn from me >__<
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
he didn't want to kill stellar because he loved her and he promised her that he would protect her
he didn't know who the guy was in the carrier none the less if there was a guy there, he's in a mobile suit, you think he'll be able to see that tiny little thing in a small and curved down window??
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
me too... no respect for shinn, that guy doesn't know how to think. he protect's a girl with his life he meet like 1 month ago.... max, and its all because stella is like the same person as him "losing love ones".....ooo come on, everyone in war is like him losing family. i dont c him think about others. he think of himself as The One, but in war millions of people are jus like him...family dieing...... for EAF and ZAFT. If shin really knows the pains.... he should know the pain of others too. "Eaf and Zaft". im not that hating on Shinn but i gotta say....he is surrounding himself with the wrong people.......and i really feel sorry for that orb guy, he seem such a nice person.
the choices kira makes is not one sided...he thinks about others too both coordinators and naturals he understand in war families dies Thats y he fights, to protect. I dont buy the whole starting overing by GIL, that stuff is "genocide" . Genetic Wise- shinn is no one special he is jus a regular coordinator that is angry and got seed mode because his family died... man alot of people families die and each of them is gonna turn out like shinn...wow... how about that...
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: chriscant
You cant compare tallgeese to wing zero, or epion or freedom or destiny, tallgeese blows in comparison, tho it is a cool suit,
Id hav to go for
1) Heero (Wing) - Suicidal, indestructible, suicidal, ultimate killing machine, suicidal, close to no emotion (even tho he talks bout acting on emotion[img][/img] (also people bash him for sayin relena a bit...ok alot but we hear kira doin the same "Athrun" "Fllay" over nd over and over)
2) Kira (SEED/Destiny) Main reason is that he is a brilliant pilot the ultimate coordinator, bt has a conscionce (i cant spell) too, he managed to touch everyones heart in SEED and was a touchin character...plus he boned Fllay good on the lad.
3)Athrun (SEED/Destiny) The mechs were a bit, so-so bt his conflict wit kira in SEED having to live with the fact he "killed" his best friend then joining him for the final battles, oh nd the battle wen he nd kira totally tore eachother to pieces was so kool 4 beams on athruns gundam, pure class.
4)Garrod (X) Gundam X was jst a kool mech despite bein a bit plain, bt wen Garrod got Double X he seemd to get a new sense of purpose.
Write out the full words. It's AND, ABOUT, BUT, BEING, HOPING, COOL, JUST, WHEN. I really don't want to catch all of them as you wrote like every other word without a letter. Makes you look dumb, it's better to write the whole word.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
shinn is high ranked soldier,, he should know atleast who that orb guy was, just from his uniform (like should be some indication he's someone important
well its just basically the whole idea of him not caring for orb JUST cause his family died.. sooo he'll go ahead and kill a whole bunch more other people with families, and he doesnt even think about it, and damn stellar prolly didnt even like shinn,, she was all messed up in drugs and had a limited mind (like a child) that she shouldnt know love,, no doubt if some stranger, like i dunno some 5 yr old kid goes up to stellar says "die" like a whole bunch of times, she'll get all x__x! and all the kid has to say is "dont worry i'll protect you" and bam she'll go strip for him
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Gotta agree with the opinion on Shinn. Just watched phase 32 and I got really really angry. I'm still fuming...GRRRR.
Now honestly, Shinn is probably one of the most imature pilots ever, how would anyone in their right mind hand him a gun or even a Gundam??? I served in the military and there I was already worried about certain people carrying guns, but...c'mon giving a 16 year old boy with a pretty much unstable psyche a killing machine with that much firepower is just crazy. I admit that many Gundam pilots were bothered by internal conflicts but this one is the first to get me hate him that much. That stupid kid just stopped fighting Stellar, because he had some feelings for her, but in just that short break from fighting she goes all Hiroshima bomb on Berlin. Did you take a look at the destruction she caused? Do you know how many people live in Berlin? Several million people. And that insane girl just blasts them off the face of the planet. And now Shinn acts all pissed on Kira? Are you kiddin' me? It's partially his fault that a lot of people died. I don't care if he loved her, if he can't make a decision like that he does not belong into a seat, that's for sure. Of course you can't expect this sort of decision from a 16 year old kid, especially with his background, but that just proves my point not to let him pilot a mobile suit at all.
And about Kira being a imature...he might have been a troubled youth himself in SEED, but he matured a lot. Right now I fully understand his attitude. He doesn't want to fight, because it means the death of people on the battlefield, on the other hand not fighting at all means the death of a lot of people, who are no combatants at all. That's enough reason for him to take up arms again, to protect as much people as he can. The casualities that occured near Gibraltar with ORB and EAF involved were not directly his fault. The other commanders were just acting pretty stupid. Same as with phase 32, where Gladys says, that she can't understand why the AA is acting this way. C'mon, you don't seem to be that thick, Cap'n...for anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence it should be quite obvious. They are trying to stop that goddamn monster, something they have a higher chance of accomplishing than probably every other force on earth right now. Most of the guys in the Gundam SEED shows are pretty strange soldiers to me, honestly. On a battlefield there is one rule you should pretty much stick to, that being "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", at least for this battle. Sort out the details after the worst has been dealt with.
That actually reminds me of another thing: someone(actually every military officer) should start punishing that sucker Shinn for all his disobedience. With all those selfish stunts he has pulled off he's the most dangerous threat to his unit and Minerva in general. But what the hell is everyone doing? Even Athrun takes shit from him...that stupid lil' brat just shouts at every authority that crosses his path. Nobody seems to ever put him into his place and THAT is really necessary.
As you can probably see, in case you're still reading^^, I am definately no supporter of Shinn. I like Kira for his idealism, but my favorite pilot would have to be Shiro Amada from 08th MS Team. Frankly, the whole OAV was a lot more believable in case of character choices. The idea of putting children or teenagers in a warzone was always strange to me...what were they thinking?
Anyways, I still love Gundam, no matter the age of their pilots. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Eh, I don't know why all of you are so angry on Shinn's ass, I bet you're just jealous that he got to see Stellar's tits. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I love him.
And Kenzaburo the reason to why he has that killing machine is probably not because he's a mature guy but because he's a good pilot whom Gil sees uses for in his grand scheme.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Good pilot or not, that guy is waaaaay to unpredictable. Even the druggies are more reliable than him. There have to be other good or even ace pilots that are more reliable as a pawn than this selfcentered brat. With the right manipulation you could get Athrun to be your pawn or use Rey instead of Shinn...He's just too much of a risk for any scheme. Only if you're a real player, you would take that risk.
The only thing, that has made him a "good" pilot so far are his lack of concern for others on the battlefield and his SEED mode. If that's all that is to him then I' ll already say my goodbyes to ZAFT. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
And by the way, I couldn't care less about Stellar's tits. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] I just don't like stupid girls, although she was more of a child than stupid, which makes her even more unattractive, when I come to think about it...argh, terra, what are you doing to my mind...?
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
Originally posted by: fox_t
Kira is my favourite, because of his maturity and leadership.
IMO kira isn't mature at all, he just acts on his emotions and the choices he makes somtimes pisses me off
You seem to have a serious Kira complex.
Clearly, since the second half of SEED, Kira has showed little to no emotion. Most, if not all of his decisions have been pretty level headed since him and athrun had it out.
I don`t know what your deal is but come on, since Lacus has been hiding in Asteroids in space whatever Kira has said has been done. Capt. Ramius was freaking out until Kira sent the a txt from his blackberry and told them to head to the ocean.
I think people hate Shinn because they don`t understand him. We`ve been exposed to too many characters with a higher understanding of what`s really going on. But if you place yourself in Shinn`s position with his knowledge of the situation.
That means all you know is...
You`ve lost your family during a battle in a nation that swore to protect it`s citizens. On top of that you feel guilty because you survived and they did not. Your guilt turns to anger and who else are you going to blame but the very people who swore to protect now. Someone has now given you a MS and you have the power to make a change (a change which you feel is for the better). So much confusion, hate and anger. He`s been mad since episode 1 and he`s still going still determined...how can you not respect a man for trying to take things into his own hands.
Sure he can be immature but if I watched Freedom cut everyone else up on the battlefield and then took him down. I`d be bragging to Athrun too. I think if you understand where Shinn is coming from than you would see that he is one of the more honourable characters in GSD.
Just my opinion though, I think you have to respect him, because he`s never wavered from his ideals since the beginning of the series (not including last episode).
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: fox_t
I think people hate Shinn because they don`t understand him. We`ve been exposed to too many characters with a higher understanding of what`s really going on. But if you place yourself in Shinn`s position with his knowledge of the situation.
That means all you know is...
You`ve lost your family during a battle in a nation that swore to protect it`s citizens. On top of that you feel guilty because you survived and they did not. Your guilt turns to anger and who else are you going to blame but the very people who swore to protect now. Someone has now given you a MS and you have the power to make a change (a change which you feel is for the better). So much confusion, hate and anger. He`s been mad since episode 1 and he`s still going still determined...how can you not respect a man for trying to take things into his own hands.
Sure he can be immature but if I watched Freedom cut everyone else up on the battlefield and then took him down. I`d be bragging to Athrun too. I think if you understand where Shinn is coming from than you would see that he is one of the more honourable characters in GSD.
Just my opinion though, I think you have to respect him, because he`s never wavered from his ideals since the beginning of the series (not including last episode).
nicely said, i couldn't have said it better
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
i would understand him and feel for him, but wut he is doing, i cant go with that. its the things he does that i dont give repect...- he jus the same person as any one else, (no one is born evil it jus through bad experience or bad teaching that got him evil.)
if u watch batman, and u believe in this philosiphy...
Its doesn't matter who you really are in the Inside...Its wut you do.. that defines you...?(i dont really believe this)
but he is truely surrounding himself with the wrong people....Gil dont know shit, since he learned from the mask dude from zaft in GS(how smart can he be......???) and something makes me think Gil planned the whole war shit....from the timing where the mobile got stolen by eaf and said, "power is need"(with that smile), meteor insodent in the begining, those men was prolly his tooo.... and that dude that always watch multi TV....i remembered him trying to press a button to stop the airing of Gils speech(its like they're working together), trying to kill Lacus, its all comes out as his evil plan, and Kira had a feeln all along about Gil being not trust worthy...(trying to kill lacus)and him making mobiles when its not suppose to be made... shit....that evil fucker. and remember this, no orb or eaf made (new gundams class mobiles) b4 in the whole GSD...it was all zaft's making......., and zaft is always the people to start shit in GSD.
sorry alot of corrections......
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
i would understand him and feel for him, but wut he is doing, i cant go with that. its the things he does that i dont give repect...- he jus the same person as any one else, (no one is born evil it jus through bad experience or bad teaching that got him evil.) but he is truely surrounding himself with the wrong people....Gil dont know shit, since he learned from the mask dude from zaft in GS(how smart cant he be......???) and something makes me think Gil planned the whole war shit....from the meteor insodent from the begining, those men was prolly his tooo....and him making mobiles when its not suppose to be made... shit....that evil fucker. and remember this, no orb or eaf made (new gundams class mobiles) b4 in the whole GS and GSD...it was all zaft's making......., and zaft is always the people to start shit, like bloody valentine and meteor shit, they be starting shit.....
actually the naturals started bloody valentine and that started the war
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
no its zaft......wtf.....
i dont know the exact name..i forgot since its along time ago since i watch GS, but the part in the begining when zaft blew up the whole base where alot of people lived in or something..and im sure its zaft...
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
i would understand him and feel for him, but wut he is doing, i cant go with that. its the things he does that i dont give repect...- he jus the same person as any one else, (no one is born evil it jus through bad experience or bad teaching that got him evil.)
if u watch batman, and u believe in this philosiphy...
Its doesn't matter who you really are in the Inside...Its wut you do.. that defines you...?(i dont really believe this)
but he is truely surrounding himself with the wrong people....Gil dont know shit, since he learned from the mask dude from zaft in GS(how smart can he be......???) and something makes me think Gil planned the whole war shit....from the timing where the mobile got stolen by eaf and said, "power is need"(with that smile), meteor insodent in the begining, those men was prolly his tooo.... and that dude that always watch multi TV....i remembered him trying to press a button to stop the airing of Gils speech(its like they're working together), trying to kill Lacus, its all comes out as his evil plan, and Kira had a feeln all along about Gil being not trust worthy...(trying to kill lacus)and him making mobiles when its not suppose to be made... shit....that evil fucker. and remember this, no orb or eaf made (new gundams class mobiles) b4 in the whole GSD...it was all zaft's making......., and zaft is always the people to start shit in GSD.
sorry alot of corrections......
But you can say that because you`re observing from a privileged position. As a third person observer who has seen the events of GS and GSD unfold, you have a greater understanding than a Shinn does. Before episode 31(GS), your mindset was like that of Shinn`s. During episode 30(GS) you were hoping Kira killed Athrun. After episode 31(GS) you also was wondering what was everyone really fighting for. It wasn`t until Cagalli opened Athrun`s eyes that we as an audience truly understood what Waldfeld was talking about. After episode 31, after Kira had his rebirth, we also had ours. Shinn might be surrounding himself with the wrong people, but he`s not evil, it`s just that they`re deceiving him. I think you really have to take that into account when you form an opinion on the type of character Shinn is, he`s not as bad as everyone makes him out to be.
But i do understand where you`re coming from, I found myself wanting Kira to rip impulse to shreds, but that`s just because of my bias towards a Kira whom I`ve watched grow considerably. Taken from an objective perspective Kira and Shinn are really just trying to accomplish the samething. Shinn`s method might be wrong but his heart is in the right place.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
i didn't say shinn was a evil person, i said he surround himself with the wrong people, i am going against wut he has done(yes as a 3rd person), wut he done is wrong and immature to me...., if i put myself to his school i would understand how he feel, but i go back to a 3rd person view..what he did is still wrong...., example, if i killed someone, even if i look back and i would still be wrong.
im not saying he is evil, but im saying wut he is doing is wrong...., im not blaming him....and again im saying wut he is doing is wrong....wrong is wrong ,right???
i believe everyone hearts are at the right place, wanting peace world to living in.....
there is war,racisism because people often look at the differences of people instead looking threw the similarities inside, is that all living things has a heart and Same Feelings Inside...
(no one is born evil, its jus through experience and teaching people ideal change.)heart will always remain the same.
the hardest part is always Forgiven part...because one kill's your love ones u want vengence.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
But hopefully, Shinn...like Kira...like Athrun...will have an awakening.
Well I guess he has to otherwise he has to die.