Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Again Terra so you can understand. Since the SE came out afterwards and the scene that was in the series is edited in the special edition it takes precedence. It wasn't removed they edited the helmet out for whatever reason.
Don't talk like I don't understand simple logic, you fucktard. If you read my reply you'd see that I acknowledge whatever purpose an SE shows, what I meant was if it's truly that important that the helmet is removed, I doubt it would be hard at all for the Seed crew to fix that on the DVDs. Though I didn't regard at the time I wrote it that these are US DVDs (meaning that the japanese ones are already out). I didn't think about that. It has nothing to do with understanding what you write.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
I think it adds alil more depth to it. Its a shame those screenies are so small but it still doesn't show the Strike blowing up. To note all explosions I've seen in the SEED universe that occur in space are pink. Also if something explodes it exerts a force. Like I have said the whole time as the shield gives out and explodes the Strike takes that last brunt but because of that is still consist of pieces with no torso/cockpit to be seen. The console definately starts to blow as the cameras and sensors in the head are blown away. But if the explosion is just like they shown the shield and it was infront of the strike the force of that is gonna push it away and they hide our view of what really happens to the Strike with that damn smoke cloud.
and after that we see a peice of strikes torso along some other pieces hinting that the rest got destroyed completly.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Seems like a lot of people are still taking about the mwu death scene. So I've made this gif for people who are too lazy to go dig out their old Seed episodes.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Man... that scene was so awesome..
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Don't talk like I don't understand simple logic, you fucktard. If you read my reply you'd see that I acknowledge whatever purpose an SE shows, what I meant was if it's truly that important that the helmet is removed, I doubt it would be hard at all for the Seed crew to fix that on the DVDs. Though I didn't regard at the time I wrote it that these are US DVDs (meaning that the japanese ones are already out). I didn't think about that. It has nothing to do with understanding what you write.
Well you make it seem like you don't when you constantly say the same thing and act like you didn't bother to read the post. Here is alil more info the DVD release of the series is supposed to be just that, the series unedited. Unedited being the Japanese and the US release. Also I think the Japanese DVDs were all released before the SE was released. Just for alil more to add to that topic.
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
and after that we see a peice of strikes torso along some other pieces hinting that the rest got destroyed completly.
I'm sorry i can't tell which piece you're refering to as the torso. I see parts of the arms and legs and the aile pack. Which would make sense since when the Head got shredded off the arms then got shredded off. The animation helps illustrate this nicely although I had to go back to the DVD for the finer details.
--Psyke thanks for showing that scene. Even thou its small it helps most that don't have the downloads or have the dvds.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Don't talk like I don't understand simple logic, you fucktard. If you read my reply you'd see that I acknowledge whatever purpose an SE shows, what I meant was if it's truly that important that the helmet is removed, I doubt it would be hard at all for the Seed crew to fix that on the DVDs. Though I didn't regard at the time I wrote it that these are US DVDs (meaning that the japanese ones are already out). I didn't think about that. It has nothing to do with understanding what you write.
Well you make it seem like you don't when you constantly say the same thing and act like you didn't bother to read the post. Here is alil more info the DVD release of the series is supposed to be just that, the series unedited. Unedited being the Japanese and the US release. Also I think the Japanese DVDs were all released before the SE was released. Just for alil more to add to that topic.
No, I don't make it "seem like" anything. You just don't understand, as usual.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
I wont ask you how you made animated gifs as i know you can do it in photoshop or something like that but thanks for that it proves Mwu is dead and Neo is probably a clone of him or his father. It probably surprised alot of ppl when the intro shows Ramius reacting to someone that may be Mwu and pointing a gun at him. I guess the revelation to that will come later.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
that gif is good evidence, explosion BOOM no more strike.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Except the pieces of strike that are there are relatively in tact. I was able to go through and the torso is shown upside and at a weird angle. Surprisingly its in very good condition. I also saw that the Strike was smoking in the cockpit prior to the Lohengrin shot from Dominion. Rau did abit of dmg which I forgot about. Which is why there is only one leg and arm. After watching the SE and rewatching my ep 49 in large size and detail I still looks possible for Mwu to have survived. We're not gonna change people's opinions it seems since we all look at evidence differently and some are more open minded to these things. We just have to wait and see who the man behind the mask is. And if Mwu has once again made the impossible possible.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
It's pretty funny though, if they removed the helmet because Mwu is Neo then they would spoiling their own show. That sounds pretty unreasonable...
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
I took a look again, the picture without the helmet looks like it has some different colors.
Looking carefully, I believe that it is a new drawing and thus rather then the helmet being removed they just didn't bother too draw it in. All of this could just be caused by someones lazieness.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Guys, guys... just to tell y'all, I am not attacking you...
but you're arguing about "angle of body" and "mask coming off" and stuff
let's wait until the show just tells us!! :lol:
Yes I've had my fair share of playing Sherlock on anime shows; hell, I'm doing that w/ the Gilbert/Rau/Rey situation....but for real, won't most of you feel dumb that you debated this and it doesn't turn out to be Mwu at all? or even if it is Mwu? I know I'd be like "ok, then, that was easy"
I know, I'm being hypocritical. Ask me about Evangelion and I'll LAUNCH into a diatribe of shit, hahaha. What I'm just saying is that this should be resolved in its own way...through the show.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
well, aside from the basic physical resemblance, i'd also like to direct everyone's attention to Exus, the Mobile Armor he was piloting in the first few episodes, which was clearly designed to be most similar to the Mobius Zero. and, as it was said early in SEED, Mwu was the only Mobius Zero pilot to survive the battle at Grimaldi Front, thus earning him that "Hawk of Endymion" nickname. Neo would need Mwu-like piloting ability to operate what was clearly a pseudo-Mobius Zero.
the most likely explaination is, in fact, the same memory wipe used on the Extended pilots, slectively removing unneeded memories, such as his affection for Ramius and the Archangel crew as a whole, while keeping his training and piloting abilties wholly intact.
realistically, there's no justifiable reason to clutter the story with another masked character if his background story isn't completely relevant. if it wasn't Mwu, they wouldn't have him the series at all.
as for the idea of Neo being a clone of Mwu or Mwu's father, the flaw there is the issue of aging and his apparent military rank. even if the earth forces made the clone, they wouldn't make him Colonel or whatever rank he is... he'd be a low-rank grunt, just like Rey is in ZAFT.
as for the point of the nature of Strike's destruction in Ep. 49 of SEED... from a rational standpoint, let's assume that when they finished writing out the script for SEED, the never planned on doing a second series. this is evident in the existence of the "Beyond The Stars" short movie... this is anime, they do unrealistic resurrections constantly... when Strike/Aegis blew up, the profile shot of the blast made it quite clear that there was no way Kira survived, but he did. it just goes to show you they can really stretch any truth they want to bring back a fan-popular character.
here's the way it's looking to me at this point... i may be wrong, it's just theory, but i'm basing it on existing evidence...
Rey is a clone of Rau, probably created because Rau had said that he had no real identity, and in an attempt to better understand himself, he chose to raise his own clone, perhaps created without the defects evident in Rau's genetic make-up. maybe he made the clone just in case he failed in his goal (which he clearly did)...
Neo is probably Mwu, snatched up from the Strike debris by the Earth Forces and mind wiped in hopes to use a rather reputable and clearly talented Earth Forces war hero to be in command of the "Extended" special forces group, Phantom Pain, much like they had probably planned for him when they transferred him off of the Archangel to a teaching position in California, which he bailed out on because of Ramius. i think, if he encounters Ramius, much like with what transpired between Shinn and Stellar, he'll regain trace memories which will, over time, develop into full memory revival...
sound reasonable?
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Ever hear the term "red herring"?
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
I think neo is mwu because he was way to cool to stay dead
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
hrm. i suppose the red herring theory is a possibility, but i tend to trust my gut on things like this, and i'm just not getting that impression. if it is, however, i think i'll be quite impressed to see that the writers pulled off that big of a scam on the viewers. hell, thinking about it right now, even though i'd really like it to be Mwu to properly wrap up all of the "love sub-plots", i'd actually be fairly pleased if it were a red herring.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Originally posted by: Gunslinger_BlaQ
hrm. i suppose the red herring theory is a possibility, but i tend to trust my gut on things like this, and i'm just not getting that impression. if it is, however, i think i'll be quite impressed to see that the writers pulled off that big of a scam on the viewers. hell, thinking about it right now, even though i'd really like it to be Mwu to properly wrap up all of the "love sub-plots", i'd actually be fairly pleased if it were a red herring.
I agree with the"going with your gut" when lacking absolute proof. In the end, one of us will have to retrain that "gut feeling". I hope it isn't me, I don't know how to do it.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
IMO Sooner or later Shinn will have to realize that he needs to change; it'd be fitting if such an event were to come too late. As for Neo, it's interesting that people have constantly been referencing the scar on his face; as bad a scar as it is, why has no one referenced the scars on his body? You see them particularly when he's showering, and they're bad--really bad. Now, where did they come from?
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
Personally I haven't ever refered to any scars in a post, however I have wondered about those. Judgeing solely on the width of the scar along his back, I can't imagine someone surviving that kind of injury. I doubt a skin wound alone would have been that large.
I don't know much about scars, but I would think the scar would have to be quite old and have stretched as he grew.
Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?
@Gunslinger_BlaQ: Not a bad theory as far as the brainwashing view is concerned, however, I give the GS/D crew too much credit to even consider Neo being Mwu for such a reason. According to me, it's a far too easy "solution" and the most stupid kind of cliche available in the world of anime (and action entertainment as a whole). Having Mwu survive as Neo would make absolutely no one happy, considering how good his death was and how extremely simplistic and amateurish it is to just brainwash an old character.
I just don't think of the plot as that predictable.