thanks marik!
Jeez i cant wait till next chapter this once a month wait is torturous. I wonder if Al's body will come into play soon.
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thanks marik!
Jeez i cant wait till next chapter this once a month wait is torturous. I wonder if Al's body will come into play soon.
Wrath to the very end was disgusted at humans, but seems that he still had a sliver of respect since they gave his life meaning.
Also Pride seems to be a container, just like Father is, so he keeps holding his face, like there is a crack there. That might explain why he hasn't used his shadows since he has to concentrate on keeping it together. They should shatter him like the porcelain doll that he is.
well it got pretty shounen-esque this chapter with "everyone lend me your strength" and "your power level is not the same as mine", but at least the solution for "everyone was dead but then they got better" was something introduced a long time ago in this manga, back with Al and Barry the Chopper. of course, hoenheim's "I hid something around the country for years and it somehow keeps us in this fight" was still more than a little bit WTF
and, of course, Wrath. Fucking there he goes, and he totally was a bastard to the very end, even with the thing with his wife, which i thought was going to play a bigger role.
I do not think there could be anything more suitably ironic than the Ishbalans cooperating to restore alchemy throughout Amestris.
let's see how this ends
Actually there was foreshadowing toward this previously in the manga.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Chapter 106 is out. *reading*
Fullmetal Alchemist 106
i'd reserved what i thought Wrath was going to do for what Kimblee ended up doing to Pride. I know it was already dire straits for Pride but i had never expected fucking Kimblee of all people to come out of left field like that just so the good guys can get a power up...
the dialogue in this chapter was fucking epic. it was a little cliche to have Pride just be a basic baby, but i loved the parts with Hoenheim, Father, and Greed and Roy/hawkeye as well.
onward to the conclusion and the happy ending!
Question. I may have forgotten something, but where the heck did Kimblee pop out of?
Kimblee was eaten by pride and his soul added to the many others in his Philosophers Stone. So he worked from the inside of Pride. Those scenes with Kimblee was from Prides mind.
I can't want to see what happens.Quote:
Originally Posted by Me
Crap. That's it? I wonder if they're gonna be able to tie up all the loose ends in just those two chapters. We still don't know what this whole "truth" thing is all about or how Father came to be. Then Al and Ed have to get their bodies back. Crap. There might not be a lot of closure on all those things. Here's hoping. *fingers crossed*
Well, if the last two chapters are longer and more extensive than they have been in the past, then it'll be like 3 or 4 regular releases. *shrug* I've got a lot of faith that the manga will have a good ending.
From Mangastream.Quote:
We're working on FMA 107, but it's 71 pages of epicness so it will take some time before it's ready.
I cant wait.
It's out. Enjoy.
mangastream / binktopia
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Much better quality.
Teamwork FTW.
There's gotta be a happy ending to all of this. I'm thinking either Father gets sacrificed to bring Al back in his original body or something of that nature.
So far he Al got his body back and Ed has him arm back. And Greed ... well I like him. He made me smile haha.
Pretty kickass chapter. I wonder if anyone else will get back what they lost? Maybe father has enough souls in him to return Roy's eye's and Izumi's womb. Although its kind of creepy that there is a womb just chilling out by the gate.
Wow, epic chapter.
Kinda hoping Honheim doesn't die, or if he does he doesn't sacrifice himself. I'm sick of the whole "one dude sacrifices himself, everything goes back to normal" formula... like during the Pein arc in Naruto.
I'm praying something along the lines of Father (was that his name? I forget) pulling his trump card on Ed, then Honheim pulling his trump card on Father and they both die. It ends with the dead people staying dead, the gravely injured people staying gravely injured, and Ed promising to find a way to save Al.
But we'll see what happens.
Hohenheim is marked for death. He's the only one who can use his philosopher's stone without abusing the wills of those inside, since he can talk to them, so he will be the one to make a big sacrifice and die so his sons can be whole and he can be with his wife. Although I wouldn't mind an ending where Ed uses Hohenheim's stone to get to the Gate and then beats the shit out of Truth and gets everything back without paying anything. He deserves it.