So the Zodiac was actually about the Chairman's most trusted... And Ging doesn't fail to make an impression.
Now, as I understand it, it'll be a "free-for-all" grand tournament?
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So the Zodiac was actually about the Chairman's most trusted... And Ging doesn't fail to make an impression.
Now, as I understand it, it'll be a "free-for-all" grand tournament?
If it is a tournament I'll be so happy. The tournament format is what made this series so good, along with his older series (Yu Yu Hakusho).
I would be very surprised if it turns out to be a tournament.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.320: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
What a major... dunno, screw. Ging is totally hilarious (and quite oposite to what I always envisoned him to be - more like an older Gon). Illumi looked bizarre, good to see Hisoka acting his old self, and I'm very much intrigued by whatever "negotiation" Killua is having that could possibly kill him. Not to mention Illumi's "ultimate" objective.
Swear to god even on his fucking deathbead writing HaitusX Haitus, Togashi still manages more plot progression than Onepiece, Bleach, and Naruto combined.
This series can never go wrong with more Hisoka.
Which two psychos would vote for Hisoka of all people? At least none of the Genei Ryodan got any votes.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.321: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
Doredamon and Deathnoth make a good combo!
although, it sounds a bit like CCS, "lose the one you love the most".
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.323: MediaFire | SendSpace | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
Lol at Ilumi, thinking Killua likes him so much...
did they explain why sometimes only two people die and sometimes a whole lot more? I didn't quite get that part.
More people die if the wish is more demanding, which is why Ilumi thinks that over 10,000 people will die if Killua wishes for Gon to be restored and then fails the pesterings afterwards.
No new chapter this week?
Yeah, there's a chapter this week. The full raw has been released. One Piece is the only series absent from Jump this week.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.324: MediaFire | SendSpace | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
Beat me to it, you scoundrel! haha. His mom's reaction was priceless.
it's funny that they actually force all their female butlers to have the same haircut.
Killua's mom was always a bit of a nut head. I guess that's why she married into the family.
Damn why does HXH always take the longest to scanlate...
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.325: MediaFire | SendSpace | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
Way to bring Leorio back! Kind of a cool ability.
the vote grabbing punch!! the Spider Routine!!
HxH is awesome.
seriously though, Emission and Materialization, or Manipulation?
I believe in the HXH data book he's listed as Emission. And yeah what a sweet chapter, I really hope Togashi isnt just wrapping things up to end the manga in 20 chapters or so.
I figured that he was Emission, but I still think that what he did involves another type of nen...
we've seen an emission boxer back in the greed island arc, and he couldn't send his fists like that (he needed to draw something on the floor), and he actually 'teleported' his fist across the ring.
Leorio punched a guy from a greater distance, and he created a new 'fist', (when the punch hit gin, Leorio had both his hand where they should be). seems fishy.
also, I think that might need to hit an identical object to send the fist (the table, in our case). maybe he can use a knife next time..
Now I have to reread HXH to remember the different nen-types, I was hoping to just get by with the anime.
I am actually re-reading the Greed Island arc again. Good stuff. This is what DBZ was talking about:
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.326: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
I'm kind of interested in Ickshonpay Kaztouger. What's his nen power? Something similar to Shalnark (i.e., using electronics/information to manipulate the "real world")?
lol at Biscuit, Hisoka.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.327: MirrorCreator | Online Viewing
Poor Gotoh...
At least he gave it a good pun intended.
328. When two different plots collide.
Seems nobody has posted 328: Online Viewing (mangareader)
It's getting exciting.
[MangaStream] Hunter x Hunter c.329: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
the terror of Illumi, badass.
anyone knows enough about Japanese Politics to identify who's been criticized?
This is getting really exciting! What a creep Illumi is!
[MangaStream] Hunter x Hunter c.330: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
[MangaStream] Hunter x Hunter c.331: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
so, if I'm reading this correctly, Pariston is going to use the chiemera eggs to get an army of loyal (to him) hunters. they pass the exam (there's no limit on how many can pass on each exam, especially when Pariston is making the rules) and all vote for him. and once they become hunters, they cannot be hunted, unless the head chairman (pariston) says they've committed an atrocity. all ant hunters are ordered to hunt for the licences of other hunters, and because they all belong to Pariston's school, he gets a pyramid scam to raise to a 3 star hunter, with many chimera 2stars and 1stars below him. he revives the plans of the Ant King under his own name.
all he has to do is to stall long enough for the ants to pass the exam, and then he can use his majority voice to force a re-election.
Would need to find a few chapters but dont know where... missing a few 292 293 295 297 and so on to 310..
[MangaStream] Hunter x Hunter c.332: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
Wow...that may be the first shonen manga I have heard where someone talked about "jacking off".
[MangaStream] Hunter x Hunter c.333: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
what are the odds that pariston is actually working with Illumi? I don't remember if that was ever addressed.
although there's no action in this arc, I really like where this is going.
Gon looks completely fucked up.
In truth, I don't know how I feel about this miracle kid curing Gon, we'll see how it goes. Though it's been interesting how we've arrived here.
Aw cmon, every bit of this arc has been great!
@rockmanj: Killua told Illumi that IT can heal without penalty. But at the end of that chapter Illumi noted to himself that Killua hadnt revealed everything, and is probably still withholding information (so there probably is a consequence).
The new chapter is out, and honestly I look forward to HXH everyweek more so than every other shonen combined. So far its been amazing, I didnt even care about Pariston winning when Gon entered the room it was so emotional. I hope togashi doesn't half-ass it from here on out.
So, is it next week already?
Mangastream Chapter 334
From when the series first started I never would've guessed this is how the first interaction would've went haha.
I wonder why Gon must never find out that Killua was the one who saved him, probably another catch with being healed by IT.
Killua isn't with them here either, probably has to go back to the family house.
Awesome chapter, that's all that needs to be said and loved the first interaction between Gon and his dad.
Agreed. I wonder if Gon still has nen abilities. I am really digging HxH lately. I hope Togashi can keep his health and productivity up.
Everyone has been liking HxH, because it's a really good manga!
Except for the last arc with the ants, it just ruined it, and it didn't help that he had a monster break bigger than Miura!
Pariston and his crazy moves, wonder what we'll see him doing next. I like his character.
Just one thing, the comment from Ging "So don't mess up your apology! or else you'll be slapped again!" and Gon "Again!?"
I think I'm missing something here. Does anyone know what this means?
I thought the same kAi... might try another release and see if they got something else.
I'm trying to think back to all the characters who've slapped Gon, and besides Killua, I can only remember Kaito...
so, was Kaito a dual nen personality of Gin? that seems dumb, but who knows?
This is the first time Kaito slaps Gon.
Attachment 1214
Let's hope Kuroro doesn't learn about "it".
Actually, it would make for a great story if the Genei Ryodan ended up taking on Gon, Killua, Leorio, and maybe Illumi and Hisoka. And it would be a good reason for Kurapica to come back into the story.
336 is out.
Am I the only one who got very creepy incest vibes from this chapter?
From Illumi or Nanika?
[A3S Scans] Hunter x Hunter c.337: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
[Utopia] Hunter x Hunter c.337: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
Wow, the drawing is getting really sketchy again. I hope this is not a bad sign.
Togashi had a philosophical phase again... I guess it's that time of the month.
i had a question, why the manga name aad the "X", Hunter x hunter ,and kiss x sis...but whatever, i like to read them. :P
the X isn't part of the name. it's there to set apart the two words.
it's basically called "HunterHunter", but Japan is weird like that.
in one of the earlier volumes intro-pages, there's a 'rant' from Togashi about his mangas names.
It's out, later than the rest, but still,
translation didn't seem very good (bear hands?), but...
damn Togashi, he waited 388 to reveal... oh, you'll see.
Whoa! Also, I guess Gon has his Nen abilities back.
so, took a snap view of claymore?
and, obligatory YYH QUOTE:
"we are sealed apart from the outside world, there is a net between our world and the Makai realm..."
I cant tell if he's pulling a YYH on us with a bunch of bullshit final chapters, or if he's leading into a legitimate arc.
Oops, meant to delete this.
[A3S] Hunter x Hunter c.339: Online Viewing
No plot progression, but damn, that was a beautiful chapter. Even without words, Morau's part was hilarious, Kurapika looked positively scary, and I think it gave it all closure wonderfully. I've thoroughly enjoyed this arc, but now I want some Spiders, and to know about the supposed ant/leader of the NGR. Jugo, or whatever was his name.
Oh, and what the hell was the Goto part all about? I confess that I got confused with that.
what was that thing with the pictures? I get that they are making a toast for the dead chairman, but they were buying something?
goto... was he one of those fox-men things from the first volume? or did he and the real Aluuka actually die and were replaced to protect Killua?
I really hope it's the last of the King we ever see. he died, and is happy. we get it. move on.
Way back at the early parts of the ant arc, Morau and Novu made a bet to see who would qualify to join them and the Chairman in exterminating the ants. Morau bet that only Knuckle and Shoot would make it, and Novu bet that everyone would come. Looks like they just decided to pool the bet money instead to honor the Chairman.
I'm not sure why the navigator was brought back to impersonate Goto for a panel. I think Togashi was just trolling the readers there. Killua probably paid the navigators a visit and asked them to tell the butlers that they were doing okay.
I like hunter x hunter very much . Now I am reading naruto manga. It is not easy for me to come down that naruto 578 will come out 1 or 2 days.
Hunter x Hunter will be going on hiatus again after this week's chapter (340).
Hunter x Hunter Manga's Longest Uninterrupted Run to EndQuote:
This year's 16th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is announcing on Monday that Yoshihiro Togashi is putting his Hunter X Hunter adventure manga on hiatus in the next issue. He had been serializing the manga again since last August. At 30 installments, the most recent run is the longest uninterrupted run of Hunter X Hunter.
The next compiled book volume of the manga, #30, will ship next month. Viz Media published the 27th volume in North America this month.
Also, there will be a Hunter x Hunter film.
Mainichi: Hunter x Hunter Manga Gets 1st Anime Film
I knew the hiatus was coming soon. It was a good run.
well, that's how HxH goes..
we did get to see Gin, and we had a nice political story.
I guess 350 will take a few more years...
[A3S Scans] Hunter x Hunter c.340: Online Viewing
Togashi had better come back with volumes prepared.
I agree. That was a good cliffhanger.
hhmph, and here I thought that he introduced the zodiacs for nothing...
I just read the entire series of HxH in about 2 weeks, mostly on my kindle while laying in bed at night. It's a great series and I'm disappointed that I'm already caught up.
I noticed at the end of several chapters that there seemed to be many hiatuses. About how long do the hiatuses usually last?
There have been a few breaks which lasted over a year.
I know one of them was due to health issues with the author.
If the past is anything to go by, this could last a year. But, I don't think this is going to last longer than a year, I reckon about 6 months.
there's a kurapica gaiden chapter up at mangatraders.
good drawing most of it, though I can't say I'm impressed by the plot.
does someone know which chapter it was when we previously saw that kid?
Here is the link to the special on MangaStream:
It's nice to have some HxH again. Hopefully the series will resume after this gaiden.
It would be pretty harsh if Kurapica was the reason the Spider got on the tribe's trail.
Will Pairo survive the massacre? If so, Leorio might be the nen-using doctor to fix his eyes.
dude is dead, sorry to tell you so.
he appears in chapter 117.
I thought he was originally named Kurapica, but I guess I remembered something from a different manga.
Part 2 of the special is out.