Code Geass R2: Episode 07
Well no subs have come out yet but if you really want it...
[Chihiro]Code Geass R207[H264][HD]
[Chihiro]Code Geass R207[H264][SD]
mostly quality is rock bottom with colours are washed out, it's way too sharp and pixelated but if you want it...
If you are are looking for something better it is well worth waitting... for someone like eclipse
Eclipse CG R207 h264
Eclipse CG R207 XviD
Sweet :)
Code Geass R2: Episode 08
I'm currently downloading it and will check wether there is problem with it (it happened in the past)
[gg] Code Geass R2 - 08 [D4AAD659] mkv HD 343 megabyte @Mininova
Code Geass R2: Music Release Thread
If you were waiting for the opening song like me, well its finally released by Nipponsei!
If the ED is out, I'll have this thread title updated so just post and I'll do that so everyone else knows. Enjoy!