You should definitely go. You're only young once!
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You should definitely go. You're only young once!
You should at least try to coordinate with the others so that everybody would do the same thing. That would make it harder for the principal to do anything. Although it would be quite a nazi school to kick out for something like that. Especially since she gave conflicting information. Some lighter sanction seems more likely, if anything happens at all.
Its......just an amusement park...
I agree with Assertn, it's not that big a deal that you can't go. If it's that important to spend time with your classmates as a senior fun-day then try to organize it yourself. Don't let the school get in your way of having fun, but this kind of thing isn't worth it to rebel if you gotta face too many complications. If you do decide to skip class, I agree with Kraco. Make sure everyone is in on it. You will make a greater impression that way, and the repercussions might be less severe.
Stand up for yourself, but do it intelligently.
Stand up for yourself and STICK IT TO THE MAN! It's the principle of the thing. Go!
yea!!! school isn't meant to be fun!!! skip it with like your whole grade, she cant do anything!!!!
And in the unlikely event that she does, she can't kick you out for it. If she tries to do something, explain the situation to your parents and see if they'll help you. (in a school district, complaining parents are a principal's worst nightmare)Quote:
Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
The first thought i had when i read all this.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Amusement parks suck, just stay home and watch tv or something.
^^ The point is not just to skip school... The point was to do a last activity with all the grade 11. This is our final year. For many of us, we have been together since kindergarden and this ismore than 10 years. We might got to an amusement park. But there is some chances that it rains. We decided to go do paintball. But, I still have to convince my parents. All this trouble because of that bitch.
Just great. I tried to convince my parents, but I couldn’t since they talked with the principal of the school. She said that no matter how many students are in the class, there will still be classes.
I tried to convince them but failed. Plus, my dad is a teacher and he is ALWAYS on the school side.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Now, I am at school. We are 5 in class (We are originally 33). This morning we were 10, but 5 people left since they only wanted to come in the morning just to say hey we showed up but I have a rendez-vous now, so I have to leave. But they are really going do paintball.
The problem is that the teachers are still continuing the classes. When the people are going to come back, I will be harassed by my friends and classmates to explain them what they missed, and I am not able to say no.
Plus, the physic/chemistry teacher said that if we staid until 2:30. We would have 5 marks more directly in the report card in physic and chemistry. So I have to stay at school continue the classes while others are at paintball.
I seriously don’t know if I am supposed to be happy to be at school and get 5 extra % or be sad that I am not going to do paintball. I guess I wont be doing any activity with my grade after all. Fuck that bitch.
Well, that's pretty much given, if the recreational event (day) isn't sanctioned by the school. The teachers would be skipping work if they weren't there to continue the classes. And that would be worse than student skipping classes.Quote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
It must suck, but still in the end if it wasn't an official day off, it wouldn't have been technically anything but skipping. And if that had caused you problems not only with the school but also with your parents, it's a good question if it had been worth it in the long run. Studying is a student's work, and in a sense skipping it shouldn't be any different than an employee skipping work, which is certainly frowned upon.Quote:
I seriously don’t know if I am supposed to be happy to be at school and get 5 extra % or be sad that I am not going to do paintball. I guess I wont be doing any activity with my grade after all. Fuck that bitch.
Yeah. Life just sucks sometimes, and not everything ever goes as planned.
I'm sorry but what kind of pussy are you? If they harass you stand up for yourself and tell them that you won't give them all the notes for everything they missed. You could always tell them to pay for it *devilish grin*Quote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
It is okay. I know its sounds like I am one. But you see, my friends and classmates are really nice. I mean, when they see me and my brother waiting for the bus, they would give me a ride even though its not on their way. When they go out for lunch, they would bring me a little treat. When I am absent (which is really really rare), they would take my notes for me.Quote:
Originally Posted by PSJ
But now, I mean they missed school purposely (sp?). And I even text message them to tell them that the school is still on, and they are missing classes. They said, its okay youll help me out.....
@ Kraco: you got a point.
Damn Kraco why you gotta shit in the boy's Cheerios?
Well then i misunderstood you, you really shouldn't have used the word "harass" sounded like they made you do it against your will or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
Oh, that's not true, if you consider the timeline. It was already too late, so I tried to give a couple of points to explain it couldn't be helped. Of course that's a weak condolence. But I think even a weak condolence is better than saying: "You suck because you didn't do it." That never helps.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
@ PSJ:
Sorry. I guess I was really pissed yesterday. Yesterday night, I saw them. They offered to pay me so that I lunch time I could explain them what they missed. I still didnt accept since I feel its wrong. I guess its just me, since I am sure anyone would accept it.
umm... Is it just me or does every one thinks I am a guy?
Ho... I surely did think so. You are not?Quote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
Well, I suppose the combination of your avatar image and the rough language of the original post made me think so. And add to that the talk about skipping school. Of course girls can skip school just as well as boys, but I think statistically guys might be doing it more.
I dont talk like that usually, except when I am realy pissed and mad. And I was in my previous posts. I guess that is what happens when you have guy friends since you are young. And the part with guys skipping more than girls, that isnt really true at my school. Girls are becoming rebels at my school.
I know you are a girl. You like Yzak almost as much as terra if i remember correctly. But yea you sound somewhat like a guy in your posts.
And i would have accepted the money for giving them info, if they offer it you should just take it, it's not like you asked them to pay you. But that's just me i guess i'm a bit greedy.
50 yr old spoiled brats in my neighborhood. I'd wish they'd all die :mad: I hate how they all assume that the world revolves around them and their designer bags. Bah!
I'm a tad bit more upset then pissed.
I've been asked to help a research study by surveying people. I really don't care when they ignore me, nor do I care if they don’t want to participate in the survey. However I do care, if someone suddenly says “Fuck you” to me, which was exactly what happened today.
I also got this angry old guy who was accusing me of discrimination.
Him: "Why are you asking me? Why didn't you pick her?”
Me: "Sir, I'm trying to do a random sample by asking every third person who walks by."
Him: "Well, there just went three people. Why didn't you ask any of them?" and he keeps on screaming at me while I stand there thinking why I couldn't approach them was cause I have to listen to him.
Oh well, it was only 2 people out of the 1005 that I approached and I still have two more days left to gather data.
Sometimes I think these days you should be happy nobody punches or stabs you for approaching them as a stranger. There are all kinds of drug users and other wicked people around. Words can hurt, but at least they don't make you lose any blood or teeth.
Yeah man some people are screwed in the head and probably high on something... I don't think its worth getting all worked up over stuff like this. Best thing to do is just move on and not let it get you down.
Ah the day that I have been fearing for weeks now has come. It is once again time to re-join the work force. Not only that, I have to complete a training program while working. But it is something that I am interested in learning and i don't want to pass it up while i can do it. This is going to seriously cut into my Gotwoot time, sadly for a while. I know you F$^%*#@ won't miss me. But I will drop by atleast once a day maybe 10-15 minutes and then there is always time on the weekends maybe.
Hemmm, this is going to affect "THE CREW", maybe. Then again I always do my best or worst which ever one is more fun at the time.
In case you are wondering what i am training to become................. Nah i am not gonna tell you, but here is a hint when you are buying, selling or refinancing a house, I or someone like me will be involved.
i.e. When I am buying my own house I know exactly who to call. Myself.:D
F&$#^&# late hours, I just got home and its time to sleep, for normal people (not me).
I wish I can get a car right now. My new work place is a protected installation, and I can't take a cab in. So I gotta take a bus and walk 20 minutes in, and that's after a check by the security. I gotta wake up early and go back late because of this....
If not for my upcoming apartment which is going to cost me deep (as well as my wife who's not so keen on spending more money now), I'll get a car today.....
For the unenlightened, Singapore is one of the costiest place in the world to own a car, due to our limited size and high population density. Traffic at peak hours is a killer too. It's usually said that cars are a liability here, but when you need convenience you have to pay the price for it. :(
2:25... I had to do a research project for goverment last year and it is a pain in the ass to get people to answer some simple questions, and but fortunately, no one was rude to me.
On too the bitching....Appearances Can Be Deceiving
I cant believe this is happening...
That is the funniest fucking thing I have EVER seen.
Props to you drims!
i would beat them up, yeah i really would...
that's just sad.
Alright Rant time DF style
So unless you haven’t heard I’m current taking collage, and it has been making me get back in to this whole school thing again (I had not been in school for 2-3 year before this) But this is not a rant about that, It’s about how I hate my cities transit system (The bus system my city has)
Some background information is that my collage is Downtown, and those parking lots that do exist, cost a lot more per month (plus gas) to make it worth it to drive there as well. So being a poor student I am, I decided to take my local public bus system. Now it isn’t that bad I walk for about 10 mins and take only one bus to where I’m going. However that bus ride can take anywhere from 1-2 hours depending on conditions. Sitting on that bus for that long sucks but I can deal with it, more or less I just can’t stand the people around me.
First the bus drivers, seriously how hard is your job that you can’t show at least some kindness?. I have missed the bus because it’s passed my stop (Of course me standing there almost jumping up and down for them to see me) I have been denied getting on a Bus because I was less then a foot away from the door when he stopped to get other people. I have even had a case in which a Bus driver had the nerve to deny me getting on the bus because he thought my bus pass was fake saying I didn’t look like a student. I should also note that getting off the bus can be hard as they sometimes miss those same stops I try to get off at.
Second those random people that either try to converse with me or get me to agree with them in something I’m not a part of. Listen I don’t know you, I don’t care what you want, shut the heck up and move on. I’ve had times I’m just sitting there reading my text book and a person beside me tries to read it, and starts talking about it. Seriously what the fuck do you want from me?
Third are those idiots with cell phones. Stop talking so god damn loud about how you’re sitting in a bus with people. I’ve had people talk loudly on their cell phones explaining the people in the bus and what it’s doing min by min. I’m sure they pointed out the worthless information about what was outside the bus too. Frankly I don’t mind you talking on your cell phone but if you need to start shouting into the phone get a new one or get the fuck off the bus. I’m not even bring up the time one person insulted me to the person on his cell phone thinking I couldn’t hear it. Needless to say, that’s not going to happen again. Also stop playing with your ring tones on the bus! Holy crap this annoys me to no end. You fail at life.
Four are those that think their music is so cool that everyone in the bus needs to hear it. I got news for you, First your Music sucks, second I’m very sure I don’t care , and third when a person tells you to turn it down, you do it instead of telling me I have no taste in good music (How you can say mainstream Rap or EMO is good is beyond me) and ignore me. Your fucking iPod is going out the window next time you do this.
Fifth are those people that take up either 2 seats for their tiny asses, Block the alleyway inside the bus so they can be close to their friends or other wise make me stand like a jack ass when there is seating I could be sitting on. Like what the hell, me asking you to “move” means move god damn it. Not tell me there is no more room.
Sixth are those that think it’s cool to bring their animal on to the bus, This is so moronic that I’m not even going to start on it
Seventh are the Bums or hobos that beg for money ON the bus. I mean WTF you had money to get on so you could beg for more? This confuses me more then it makes me hate them
That’s about it, that I can think of right now, I only hope people that board that bus could read this
If you don't want to read this I can sum it up by saying I hate people
Haha, DF, so true! I take public transportation a lot and have encountered all the kinds of people you mentioned (with the exception of people begging for money on the bus/train which I never encountered until I came to LA...these people sometimes also assault the air around them by the sheer strength of odour they emit). There are also the crazy people you sometimes see on the bus, who mutter under their breath, or sometimes louder than that, and sometimes follow poor unsuspecting KitKat until she is forced to employ all her skills of evasion and running away to lose them. Ok, so maybe that only happened once, and it was on the streets of Glasgow, but there are plenty of crazy people on the bus.
DF i would sudgest taking up biking, it is a great way to stay in decent shape i used to bike and hour to school and i still dont drive a car.
Lol KitKat it happened to you in the UK? What were you doing up in Glasgow, that area is known to be rough...
Well actually down here in London there was a guy who was travelling with his g/f on a bus one evening and this dude comes up to the top floor of the bus, eating his chips (potatoe fries... the fat ones). Then he starts chucking them at people... he throws them at either this guy or his g/f, can't remember which, or maybe both... the guy asks him to stop throwing his crap around... the dude throwing the crap gets up and stabs the guy. So now this guy is bleeding and injured and his g/f is visbly freaked out. The stabbed guy tries to catch this arsehole, but he is losing too much blood and eventually doesn't have the strength to hold on. Needless to say the wacko who stabbed him runs off the bus. Sadly the dude who got stabbed died later that night.
lmao @ Ethnic Cleansing gameQuote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
"You go around shooting blacks and mexicans"
I can't believe someone would ever find that stimulating
Imagine actually taking the time to program that
It stimulates a strong individual racial identity, obviously!
I remember an article about those singing racist twins being posted here a long time ago. Wow...
Also, @Deadfire: I agree with the part of your rant concerning cellphones and people listening to music (I've bitched about that before in this thread too :p). A lot of people using public transportation can just be jackasses. It's even worse on long bus journies, where you're squashed next to someone you don't know, want to take a nap, but they can't take the hint that you want them to stop shouting on their cell phone.
DF I feel your pain. I too had to take a bus to collage. I always seemed to attract the religous people who wnat to convert you, the mentaly challaged person who dosn't get the fact you don't want to talk, or the crazies that tell me that their socks are trying to eat his shoes. But I have to say your system sucks for skipping a bus stop wiht a person at it regardless of how close you are to the crub.
50 yr olds? Are you shitting me?Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
And for my portion of bitching: the stomach virus fucking sucks. I've been throwing up for almost two days now and haven't eaten anything that can actually fill me up. :(
i just found out that black lagoon is only 12 fucking episodes long. Fan fucking tastic, two of the anime i ejnoy is coming to an end. Boy am i ever having a shitty day, this is just the icening on top of the pile of shit that is called sunday june 4th.
This clip might be a little old, but it made a big stir in Hong Kong where it happened. A guy tapped an old uncle on his shoulder as he was talking too loudly on his mobile phone on the bus. See what happens to him.
Take note: this is a rare case and Hong Kong Chinese are definately not uncivilised. Well maybe some of the older generation are, but most Hong Kongers are educated enough not to talk like this man in public.
This man got so famous he got on the front page of a top HK tabloid magazine.
"Fucking is not harmful."
LOL. That guy doesn't get it at all... it's incredible enough that the video was subbed in two languages
I fucking want a job and my parents won't let me. goddamnit all to hell...
I hate dogs! Specifically the dog whose shit i've been cleaning up the last two weeks. I also hate middle-aged people (35-50) with children, specifically people one child that has grown up who act like my mother and decide they need some new thing to nurture once their child is gone. Case in point, Kadera, a half Poodle, half Terrier, all cute, annoying little shit factory.
When you think about it most domesticated dogs don't even have lives, they just eat, sleep, shit, and generally sit around all day bored and dejected...kinda like me. But at least I have stuff to do to entertain myself, my new sister (yes my mom called her that) just sits in different places and sleeps. Maybe she's content with her life, idk but I also don't give a fuck. What I do care about is how my mom spoils the dog and how our particular dog is unable to learn the association between I'm taking you outside and SHIT YOU STUPID WASTE OF LIFE ENERGY! The dog seems to shit and pee as soon as everyone leaves the house, no matter when this is, but if I take her outside she either just runs around and smells everything or stares at me.
I realize she is a dog and thus is potentially comperable to a comatose retarded person in intelligence, however there are some smart dogs who learn to go outside and use the bathroom instead of chasing cars and staring at people who want to donate them to the nice Chinese restauraunt down the street. This brings me to my next bitching point...Middle aged people with empty nest syndrome! STOP GETTING DOGS AND MAKING YOUR CHILDREN TAKE CARE OF THEM!
It's amazing how fast parents can become kids again when their own children are gone. Taking responsibility for your possesions is part of having posessions, but it has dawned on me that having one posession take care of another might still metaphysically count as taking responsibility. Great, now I don't even have the sliver of moral highground I had when I started this rant..FUCK YOU quick reply this is all your fault. And you too inexplicably jittering laptop screen, wtf is this shit!
One more thing, being a chauffer without a shutter is the most irritating feeling i've ever experianced. The idea that i'm literally just a part of a mechanical beast of burden smashes against my individual ego like a tidal wave. I find myself thinking more and more like a chauffer every day. Arrive, get out, help mom out of car, get her bag, remember when she tells me when to pick her up, wonder how the fuck i'm going to find my way out of wherever she's asked to be taken, and finally get back in the car and marvel at my situation.
To wrap it up, don't get dogs! They probobly don't want to be alive anyway since they have crappy lives in captivity so why not put them down? Definately keep the more goal oriented breeds like Bloodhounds, Beagles and other go get em types though, the create their own purposes. But the ones that are just for show and don't have any usefullness other than to sit'n'shit...well we could use the biomatter for lots of other stuff, like fertalizer, low cost food for more helpful meat eaters, bacteria cultures, stem cell research, whatever. In conclusion, I don't hate dogs, just usless dogs and dogs attached directly attached to my family.
lol at Yuk, I think that's a pretty silly thing too... However I have something different about dogs to bitch about, something almost exclusive to Bologna (and maybe other Italian cities).
Now Bologna is an old city, very little green spaces in the old center, with parks being far away and almost no random little patches of grass or dirt or what have you.
Bologna is also a center of punkabestias (literallly translated as a 'punkbeast'), a bunch of lazy self-proclaimed anarchists who live out on the street, wear the same leather outfits and dirty piercings everyday and beg for handouts or sell bunk drugs in order to buy beer or whatever. Oh, they also have at least one dog each (hence the term 'bestia') and these dogs also live out on the street with them.
Finally, Italians, at least the Bolognese, seem to think that it is absolutely disgusting and totally filthy to touch feces.
Add these things and, well you can imagine, there will be randomn turds all over the place.
You guys conquered half the world, gave us the movie Gladiator, revolutionized architercture, gave us Michelangeo and Da Vinci as well as countless other legendery people and feats: LEARN TO CURB YOUR FUCKING DOGS
That's right folks, the people of Bologna do not pick up after their pooch. In fact I have seen only one, I repeat ONE, woman bending her little butt over to remove a piece of Fido's Alpo aftermath from a major sidewalk.
The Bolognese have come up with all these little superstitions (the italians are big on insanely weird superstitions) to make the plethora of poop clogging the streets into a joke or some kind of acceptable phenomenon:
"If you're about to meet up with a girl for the first date and you step in dog poop on the way there it means the date will go well."
"If you step in poop while holding something you just bought it means you will never lose it."
"If you go a year without stepping in poop you will start to become French."
I've even overheard the Bolognese talking about the subject. Here's how the exchange went.
"Alcune sono troppo maleducate!" Some (people) are so unrefined!
"Che cazzo dici?" What (the fuck) are you saying?" (obviously younger kids)
"Ieri andavo a via Castiglione e visto un tipo raccogliendo la merda del suo cane!" (Yesterday I was going down Castiglione street and saw a guy picking up the shit from his dog!)
"Che volgore! La merda?" How gross! The shit?
"La merda! Credi?" The shit. (Can) you believe?
"Toccare la merda e nausente, ma la merda di cane di piu!" (Touching shit is disgusting/nauseating, but the shit of dog even more.
I want to be able to walk down just one street and not need to watch out for Lassie's landmines. The person who starts the 'curb your dog' movement in Bologna will be my hero (though probably hated by the Bolognese)...
At least the dogs don't aim for the walls. A friend of mine lives in a very small town within the city (there are hundreds of small towns within Mexico city, but you'd swear you're in the middle of nothing as soon as you walk in) and the stray dogs there somehow manage to get lumps of shit all over the walls.
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
After almost a whole year of a crappy Internet connection, I finally snapped today. After a lot of cursing and punching my desk, I ended up with a big headache, very sore hands, and a crappy Internet connection. Since I'm not living at home, I can't fiddle around with the router at all, especially since this is a wireless connection and the router is upstairs. I can't complain since my landlord will most likely claim that nothing's wrong and/or would get mad at me.
How crappy can my Internet connection be? For starters, we all know that anime torrents are usually around 20 - 30 kB. Well, this morning, it took me a whole minute just to download one. Just one fucking 20 kB torrent! In World of Warcraft, my latency would be at an average of 2000 ms (how shitty is that). Usually, I can bear with it, even though my commands would be slower than usual, but what really pisses me off is that from time to time, my Internet would disconnect me from the server for about 30 - 60 seconds, resulting in my death about 90% of the time.
My Internet connection isn't always like this (thank goodness!!!), but when it does get crappy, damn, it becomes so fucking crappy that 56k modems (or whatever they're called) seem like a blessing. I think that this happens about once every 1 - 2 weeks.
In some earlier post here I stated that I hate people. Now I have to point that I really hate ungrateful people (I dont lack hatred at all).
Is the world filled with ungrateful people or is it just that all of them appear in my way to make my life miserable? Im not a very kind person but even I sometimes do some "good" things. Today on the urderground I was getting my tickey and a girl was trying to take hers, but seemed that she only had 1 coin and the machine kept giving it back. So I told her to take one of mines, she accepted, looking at me as if I was a delincuent or something. She took her ticket and left without even saying thanks. If im not worthy of gratitude why is my money different?
Also today I connected to the msn and an old friend without saying hello or long time no seen asked me if I could help her with her internet conection. She wanted to do a network of 3 pcs with a hub. I stayed connected like 1 hour explaining how to do it step by step. Then I told her that I had a date and I was already late. She told me to explain one part again so I did it (I already was a bit angry, but this girl is one of my weakness, even if she does this kind of things I have to adore her). In the middle of the explanation she sais: I have to leave, tomorrow I will call a technique to make the network, bye. And disconnects just like that.
And this was just today. If I help those people I always end feeling cheated and if I dont help them (wich happens very often) I feel guilty. Not with strangers, but aquitances and "friends" are the worst ones by far.
@Kooshi: That sucks how much do you pay for that "great" connection? Here I pay 45€/month for a connection of 1mb/300kbs when other companies give 20mb/2mb for 29€/month but they dont give coberture in my area (and thats now, until 2006 it was 512/128 for the same price) and this company is still the biggest one by far, f..king timofonica.
Holy shit this guy is hilarious. He should write a book.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Poor guy just got beaten up last month in Hong Kong. His bruised face even appeared in my country's prime time news. That's how famous he is now, though it may not be a good thing for him.
Damn that man just kept on talking. But the dude made a mistake when he "warned" him. It looked like the weirdo would have finally shut up otherwise.
ni**a stole my bike :(
You're serious? a black person actually took your bike? How do you know he wasn't mexican?
I lost the ability to change my title. :mad:
so.. you're stuck with chevaller forever? that blows..
because he wasn't wearing a funny hat?Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
edit: anyways, life sucks when you have no choice, but to show your cousin around. luckily, one of my friends tagged along to suffer along with me. seriously, a good waste of a beautiful night that could be spent in the city, grabbed a bite to eat, then she wanted to check out the mall, killed a few hours there, then we all went home. this wouldn't have been a problem, if she wasn't such a.. what's the word that i'm looking for.. bitch? she's done nothing, but criticize and bitch about everything about myself, when she really doesn't know me at all. hopefully, this is the last time i'll ever see her.
I'm so sick and tired of shitty horror movies today. Fuck "The Omen" fuck "The Hills Have Eyes" fuck "Final Destination" and every other corny-ass "scary movie" with a piss-poor plot and terrible acting that relies only on shock tactics and gore. It wouldn't be so bad if these movies didn't take themselves so seriously.
my parents are in town for the next few days (and have been, one of the reasons I've not been around. Did you all miss me? No? Didn't think so... anyway...) so of course being the only person who speaks even a lick of Italian I have to show them around and all that jazz.
Now I can't complain about everything. I get to stay in a nice hotel rather than my rented room (where about a month ago it dawned on me that we don't have AC) and I get some seriously awesome dinners paid for by the 'rents.
But on the other hand, I get sick of them doing the big American tourist thing. I've spent six months in this town proving to myself and to the people here that not all Americans are tourists, that we can actually try to understand different cultures and customs. Now my parents come into town and I'm forced to use my Italian to ask people to take a family picture of us in front of all the tourist sights. How embarrassing, I'm just a big tourist after all...
And then there's them relying on me as translator. The ridiculous things they make me ask, even after I explain to them that things work differently here (and Bologna isn't a real tourist town so they're not always in the mood to oblige your foreign taste) is downright embarassing for me to say.
But if I don't act as a translator then they (my dad especially) will just try to do it on his own. Speaking mostly in English with pointed hand gestures like he's talking to some dog, mispronouncing and misusing any and every italian word i've taught him.
Why are most Americans just woefully unable to deal with the outside world?
Come on, man. You are just in a special situation, having lived there for half a year, and having tried to integrate a bit. Your parents, however, what else could they be than ordinary tourists when they come to visit another country, especially one like Italy? Tourists do what tourists do for a reason. And there will always be natives who don't like tourists, no matter how well they behaved (what ever well behaving means for tourists), but also there are always citizens who are pleased that people from other countries come all the way to have a look around (and bring some hard cash with them).
Woops. Sorry for the double post :p
Fuck. Fuckity Fuckity Fuck. Just a few days ago I learned that unless you have corperate edition, theres a limit to how many times I'm allowed to reformat my computer. Well, I just hit the limit and now Windows is telling me my copy is nolonger genuine and that I have to activate windows with a new key. So I downloaded something off that came with like 6 keygens, a bunch of`read-me files with lists of keys (though alot of them probably have been already used), two programs to change my key, and like 5 cracks. I try using the key gens and putting in new keys when I activate windows, but Windows finds that they are not genuine either. So then I tried a patch to get rid of "You must Activate Windows within the next _ days". It turns out that the patch doesnt really get rid of it, but whenever I double click on "activate windows" the entire thing fills itself out with a bunch of X's then closes itself. Thats fine and dandy but the problem for me is that the "Activate Windows" still reappears everytime I log on on. And now my trial has ended and windows wont let me log back onto my user unless I activate windows, and because of the patch, I cant even do that because when I click on "yes, activate windows" the entire thing just freezes and I have to close out of it leaving me back to the log-on screen. Now all I can do is go into safe-mode. Now I have to get a friend to help me get rid of the patch. This is all very annoying:mad: . (I've been typing all this on my dad's laptop). I just hope this is all fixed before the next GWS event (It probably will be).
@ masa: To answer your question, it's because we aren't used to needing special skils when we travel. America is comperable to all of europe in size, so most types of vacation spot can be found within our borders. You wann ski go to Colorado, you want a tan go to Hawaii or Florida. After a life of vacationing within your own country, you get conditioned into a tourist mentality that doesn't include foriegn languages or special customs, just don't talk about the Yankees in Boston, is pretty much all you need to know. Then you plop some American down in Europe, and they'll usually fall into 'vacation mode', not 'European vacation mode' their bound to act like just flew in to St. Louis. One the one hand we are conditioned to behave as we do, on the other the solution would be to go outside the country more for vacation...which is expensive.
God, that reminds me of when my family and I drove to Mexico. We spent the day in a busy town, walking most of the time with me being the most capable Spanish speaker of us. I quit this "job" when my mom asked me to tell this guy it was his fault for her backing into his car.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
On an unrelated note, floods and massive rainstorms suck.
gark i hate guys. lol. ok no i dont but i hate the fact that they well not all acutally just one in particular is dumb as shit.
i also hate the fact that melbourne is SO cold. im getting hyperthermia and frost bites on my fingers. and the damn late broadcasting of the soccer "down under."
Good thing I'm living in Finland and not there if Australia is such a cold place...Quote:
Originally Posted by msmush
Which (not stereotypically, of course), happens to be the one you like, right?Quote:
Originally Posted by msmush
well the one i use to like. but he took too long to make a move. yes you could argue why didnt i make a move? but i guess i was caught up in that whole guy ask girl business, heck i still am. but yeah its just annoying that everytime i talk to him again old emotions stir cuz he's a great fella, top bloke. but what ever cuz its just like a really long passing infatuation sorta thing.
i hope.
well, my commanding officer is a poopyhead.
sure, it's not the first time that he has said or done something stupid and annoyning, and yet, the repeat is still... just so "Uhhh"
the story goes so, my father's workplace has a vacation planned for july from thursday mornning to mid sunday, so i asked the officer if he could release me at wensday evenning instead of thursday so i could get home and catch the plane with the rest of the family.
instead of saying "Sure thing, you'll take the last bus of the day, but you better enjoy the vacation" he started snorting out the conditioning "you have to prove yourself worthy and work hard so i could let you go", which is complete bull.
and moreso, he said that day would come off my vacation week, even though i would have done absaloutly nothing in those 12 hours between the last bus of wensday and the normal bus at thursday. it's also complete crap, becuase we all take the vacation week at the same time, while we switch into a diffrent base, but still, it's just stupid.
so i bitch.
and to a diffrent matter, a semi random survey of three girls and three guys revealed the all the girs and two of the guys think I am a scary person.
too bad i've passed my emo stage of my life a few years, I don't want to be scary. i want to be popular and loved.
and so i bitch.
Yes, I can see how that could work out; bitching is known to make people popular and loved.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
Hmm... Now, wait a moment...
Update: I just got myself a car! But since this is a bitching thread...... I'll bitch about how I need to wait for 2 months before the car finally arrives from Japan. Lots of procedures to be done regarding the loan, which will take 10 years (!) to clear. But well, you know what they say.... when you buy a car you're actually buying time. Very true in my case. If you want to see how my car looks like you can click on the link to my blog, which you can find in my signature. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
2am of Monday morning.
Currently at the office.
Been here since Sunday at 8pm.
I want to die.
RZ, i really hope that they are compensating you for your time. Shesssh man WTF? But hey sometimes you gotta do stuff like that. I really hope things get better soon, I mean now.
hmm.. something to bitch about..
WELL for starters, i hate racist people! :mad:
there so annoying and should go die, like AHHH it annoys me so much i want to punch them all.! i dont deal with racism much, but the the fact that there is racism in the world :mad: makes me angry.
Once when me and "msmush" were wagging school ( we were about 9 or 10 at the time) these 3 australian girls came up to us and stat going "CHING CHONG" repeatly, then they were like " GO BACK to your own country" screaming at us, we didn't know how to take it because we were so young yet they were like 15 or so. THEN they pulles down the pants and wacked there asses and were like " GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY" and other racist commentss!
AHHH i wish i could have punched them.! :mad: i would have done an awesome ' lisa rendan' to all three of them :mad:
ahh yess. i recall that terrible terrible time. twas so very bad wasnt it dear "lisaa"
Well, I left the office half an hour later. Didn't return until 3pm, instead of 8:30am.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
But thats it. My contact states I need to come to the office whenever its needed, but no extra hours are being paid. They promised free days though.
And with that your various conscious comments contradicting/copy catting condescending character comparisons between yourself and the racist stereotype...............:cool:Quote:
Originally Posted by lisaa
Yea..........sorry about that, just watched V for Vendetta and I just had to do that. xD Hmm..C for Coolio.:D
But yea, racist people suck. =S
People who over use the smiles in their post making their point (as valid and right it is) utterly useless to look at and argee with.
I'm not going to name anyone...
Originally Posted by Deadfire
not that you named anyone...shes a newbiie. and the smileys are cute. adds colour
edit: what the heck? i use smileys too and im a newbiee sorta. well post wise i am.
what's wrong with smilies? :(
oh nothing. just some people prefer posts without them i guess. its a pity in't it li li?
smiles= extra effect
now i feel bad when i have smiles in my post, so i wont do them anymore
You can still use them, I just don't like when people use alot of them for no reason at all to do so.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
IT's not you two either, your far from the point of others I know on other boards as well:)
....................<---look familiar?
Then you should import some!
I used to use the old smileys. But using these new ones make me feel like a homosexual.:eek:
And just you had to use that one? hehehe
No matter how ugly the new forum smileys are, they don't come close to the hideousness of the AIM smileys. I switched to Trillian specifically because the AIM smileys bothered me so much.
Talking about smileys and the like...
The Animated Smileys MSN allows are annoying.
Aye, I fully agree. I have told a few people who used them that I will block them if they don't stop...Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
lol, from the topic in discussion, I have drawn this conclusion. You all just wanted something to bitch about and are bored, seriously bore.
On that note I hated the sound you had to listen to whenever a new massage was recieved while using AIM. I really hated it, so much so that i stopped using AIM.
But on to something different, Yesterday was the 4th of July and it rained. I love the rain, i really do, but when you are trying to light some illegal firework it really sucks. And well a few of the backyard parties that were in session had to be moved inside, Boy was it ever freaking humid!
not much to bitch about but there.
Heh. Me too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
And I did block two or three.
I also hate cellphone tones, mine is always in mute.
aim is annoying, but some of those bastards on my list refuse to use msn, so basically i have no choice, but to disable the sounds.
msn all the way, for me.
the ones with lyrics or the one without lyrics, because i mainly hate the rap ones with lyrics, so gay, yet people think it's gangster..Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
because the only-sound (whatever you call them) are annoying and the ones with lyrics because people choose the stupidest things, like Homer calling you a f*cking drunkard and to answer the phone
hope the guy that has that one gets a call during church or a job meeting
I suppose thats why they refer to you as the dumbass huh, you DO know that you can simply TURN OFF the sounds right?....what? it didin't occur to you? Oh I see.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
aim, irc, and forums are all pretty annoying...
"I wish I could QUIT yoouuuuuu"
My dad keeps bustin' my cajones to get a job. Every morning I wake up and he's like, "How many applications did you fill out yesterday? What, one!? Argggh! Stop spending so much time with your friends! I don't care if it's your last summer until college! Get a job!"
Once I get a job and turn 18, he's probably going to start asking for rent.
... It sucks. :(
if you're going to college in the fall, it's already too late to get a job -- at least a decent one. It takes like a month to get people trained and certified at most jobs ... it's already july, college starts at the end of august. You'd get maybe 3 good weeks of real work in. Nobody wants to deal with the hassle of hiring someone and training them only to have them quit in a month or so.
Of course, if you're not going to college, you've got nothing to be bitching about, and you need to get a fuckin' job ya slacker!
Compy as a point, it's actually probably too late for even a bad job like at a supermarket or something. Nobody wants to hire you for only a month or so and send you off.
Oh guys, you misunderstood.
I'm actually going to a community college close to home, which leaves plenty of space for a part-time job. It's still ridiculous... I've put in 6 applications and haven't received one phone call back.
Regardless, my dad has upped his anger and frustration about it. Sometimes I think he'll like... beat me up in my sleep or something. @_@;
Your dad is similar to how my mom occasionally is. Much like myself, she has frequent mood-swings, and one day she will be like "It's okay son, you'll find a job, I believe and support you", and the next one she'll suddenly be like "WHAT THE FUCK, DON'T YOU HAVE A JOB YET GODDAMNIT I'VE RAISED YOU ANDBLAÖSLÖAKLFKFSF THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME YOU =R)="¤="" etc
It's funny.
You guys should move to calgary. everyone is desperate for jobs right now. It's soooo easy getting hired :)
My girlfriend would rather have sex with a little 15 year old skank slut she met here than me