I hope your kidding.....I know alot of nerds, and none of em are that bad.:rolleyes:
Today I learned that RYL 2 Ownz. http://ryl2.com.my/ All Gotwooters register and download goddamn it. Me and Lazy are tearing it up.:D
Printable View
I hope your kidding.....I know alot of nerds, and none of em are that bad.:rolleyes:
Today I learned that RYL 2 Ownz. http://ryl2.com.my/ All Gotwooters register and download goddamn it. Me and Lazy are tearing it up.:D
Today i learnt that scratching yourself in the eye after making thai noodles isnt the best thing to do
I have said that multiple times, as well 95%? Thats close to mine but I sleep tooQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Today I have learned that spend way to much Time on the computer...
...how hard it is to stop drinking french vanilla everyday :(
...how Sesshomaru fangirls dominate the male species?
Today I learned that some font colors should be disabled, or at least strongly advised against, for the sake of my eyes.
Today I learned that drinking only tap water gets old really fast. I need to stop being such a cheap/lazy bastard and go get me some good stuff.
Today I learned that a small plastic projectile traveling at 290 feet per second at the head of a small rodent will kill said rodent.
I also learned that cats really do like to eat mice, and that mice apparantly like to eat my earl grey teabags.
Originally Posted by complich8
What happened to his second post. Did you delete it? Was it too much for ya. :p
...and you said newbies were getting a hard bargain b/c of the ...... system. :D
If it was 290 small rodent feet per second it wasn't such a high velocity...Quote:
Originally Posted by Cabewse
Yeah. That's unfortunately very true. I sometimes try to increase the amount of plain tap water I drink in relation to other stuff, but it never seems to last terribly long. And so I gradually shift back to drinking something else.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr Squiggles
No, more like 290 average sized King Henry the first feet per second.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Today, I learned that if you drink 17 bottles of beer a day, you prevent prostate cancer. That is what researchers of the Oregeon University says. It seems that hop (Humulus), which is contained in the beer, contains xanthohumol (not sure if its an english word) which helps to prevent prostate cancer.
Isn't it better to take pills that contain xanthohumol or something? Those researchers must either be retarded or under the influence of some beer company.Quote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
I'd think at 17 bottles of beer a day, you'd have more cause for concern about liver and kidney failure, Korsakoff's syndrome and the whole host of other things that drinking way too much way too consistently can do to ya. Prostate cancer would be the least of your worries.
Today I learned that changing the position of something in my room makes it a New Object to my cats which they must Investigate Fully, which usually involves said object getting jumped on, walked on top of, and often knocked over by my two little troublemakers.
so, i guess putting them to sleep permenently is out of the question? just playing.. or am i?
today i learned that nami tamaki is only 18, when she actually looks 22.. go figure.
also learned that there is going to be a delay on zx, about 1 month later than expected. son of a bitch!
Today I learned that my fat guinea pig can actually jump...who knew?
Today I learned that some girls really do prefer "bad" boys after all. That probably means that "nice guys finish last" is a little more true than I thought.
It's not that they like "bad" boys, it's that they hate total fucking wusses that are afraid to show their sexuality, they want real men not boys. This is not what some women want, most women want this.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
If by "bad" boy you were referring to guys that treat women like shit, then yes some women do prefer this. Women that have such low self esteem that they think they do not deserve a good man or to be in a good relationship.
This is an exerpt from a great article on social conditioning.
Originally Posted by Allen Reyes
I was in fact referring to guys that treat women like shit. I already knew all that other stuff (but thanks anyway for the article excerpt. It was a good read). I was referring to guys who have no respect for anyone else except themself. I learned that some girls are attracted to guys who act criminally, or who won't care about or pay attention to them. Apparently some women see some attraction to that. I was just surprised.Quote:
Originally Posted by el_boss
Then again, I can kinda see the attraction in the "dangerous guy" type. It makes sense that a girl would want excitement like that and whatnot. I'm just talking about guys who act like jerks - the "obvious shit" from that quote.
I've learned that lesson a while back.
At first I'd heard the same, that it was just an excuse 'nice guys' liked to hide behind when things weren't going there way. But it's just plain true, some people at some point in there life just need some 'bad medicine'. Maybe they're fucked up in the head or have some emotional issue but it doesn't detract from them actually going for the ones that will treat them like shit.
And let's not even get started on sexual manifestations of masochism or low self-esteem...
Oh, and today I learned that I am unable to stomach lamb's liver for more than 3 hours. Yum.
This past few days I learned how completely and utterly dependant I am on my internet. As the Hydro lackeys were near my house, cutting some tree branches away from power lines, they somehow managed to damage my internet cable which lies in the same vicinity. The earliest the cable company could send a tech to fix it was today, and I've been fighting withdrawal. For the first day, I couldn't sit still, I didn't know what to do. I have to be applying for jobs, but that's all done online. My playstation games and anime helped to tide me over, but it was a shaky few days. I wanted to go to the library, but realized I couldn't look up the location online, or find out online what buses to take.
On the up-side, I spent a lot of time playing piano and discovered quite a few of the bike trails around my house. Still, I'm soooo glad to have my internet back! :D
Yeah. I suppose it's totally different to not have the net connection at home or when you are traveling.
so since i have been down in New Orleans again i have realized how much i like living simply, loggin on to the internet ever once in a while and only eating rice and beans realying on the generosilty of the Mission teams that come through( they come through to gut houses i am like a team leader). and just hanging out sharing stuff drinking a bit and smoking a hooka
Today...I learned many many things.
Today I learned that I despise having to share my bandwidth with my brother considering the fact that he eats it all up when I'm downloading and lags me out whenever I'm playing online. Even though I do the same exact thing to him...it still annoys the fack outta me.
Today I learned that I havn't eaten an apple for over 2 years....so I decided earlier on to go out and buy one, I did, and the apple was pretty good................
Today I learned/realized that I havn't done jack-shyt since the summer started......
Today I learned that my computer needs some memory.....
And the final thing I learned today was that my little brothers rabbit died....Havn't nothing to do with the year of torture I've put it through including shaving it till its junk was clearly visible. I used that rabbit to pick on my little brother so many times....I'ma miss it...Sincerely hope I didn't kill it...:(
A long time ago me and my brother had a couple of bunnies over the summer. They were nice and funny. But they truly only were for the summer, as they were borrowed from a relative, who raised bulk volumes of them for the meat. So there they returned when the summer was over; back to the main flock. And probably they were eaten eventually, though we never witnessed their demise.
Today i learnt that i have peculiar taste in guys. eg. i dig the eyeliner, skinny jeans thing, long fringe covering 3/5ths of their face...something so damn sexxy about it :D
I also learnt that i thoroughly enjoy taking a very very long time showering even though we're in a drought atm. But it was raining yesterday so its ok :D
Today i learnt that my school sucks even more then it did last time :(
today was the first time i saw afight involving swords and blood and alot of punches and i learnt not to mess with the gangsters BECAUSE they have BIG HUGE scary swords which look like they can chop your body up in 1 second :eek:
i also learnt that emo guys are really AWESOME :p
Gansters with swords? Are you joking, or are you into time travelling?
LOL no im serious!! I was like wlaking home from school and i was waiting at the station for msmush & friend, when all of a sudden two groups were like talking and screaming ( i didn't no what they said because i had my music on ) But one crew was asain and the other were african people. The asain crew is well known in my area - there gangsterss. AND THEN two people from both sides start punching then everyone started punching bashing eachother up and tehen RANDOMLY THEY WHIP OUT SWORDS! and ive never seen one so from anime they look harmless but in real life when your next to someone carrying one.. IT'S SO SCARY, then the two crews start chopping and fighitng with swords (it was nothing like the anime, as i thought it would be) while i was like sHAKING my ass off! :( then BLOOD everywhere, then the asain crew ran off because someone had callen the cops and the cops came( there always in trouble in fights and stuff & apprently cops looking for them) then cops did the usulayy ask witness stuff.. and yeah, alot of peopel at the sence not to mention HEAPS of school kids( which was so dangerous), the peopel fighting were like 16, 17 and stuff..
IM not sure why i told the story but i had to tell someone :D and because i like posting in gotwoot, it makes me feel special:D
And I thought growing up in Jamaica for 10 years was scary........the most I ever saw was a machette. xD
But gangsters with swords, hmmm, thats messed up. My friend brought a sword to school once.(back in middle school, like 10-13 years old for those who don't know)
Had it wrapped in a purple sheet walking around with it, told me to come out back behind the bicycle cage, hes got something to show me, as he was taking it out he sliced his own index finger straight to the bone, strangly, it didn't bleed that much(but boy did that look painful). I told him we should go to the office. He told me to keep it to him self. I wonder how he explained that to his parents.....
Its strange that he was walking around with that the entire school day, in class, and nobody asked him what it was.:D
But wow, gangsters with swords..kool.:cool:
Damn, Lucifus, you had a hardcore buddy!
And I guess that also proves once again that if you just look like you know what you are doing and act naturally, nobody questions you. Well, obviously for him it was just an act well performed, if he almost cut his finger off...
Swords are powerful weapons against unarmed people, or people armed with knives and such, but nowadays gangsters have often firearms, and only in anime a sword beats a gun, elsewhere a sword always loses, like Indiana Jones demonstrated in the classic scene. Besides, a pistol is easier to hide and conceal than a bloody sword, which might be one more reason why they haven't been so popular for a while. That's why it's so hard to believe...
I saw my fair share of guns in Jamaica, I just meant I never saw anyone with a bloody sword. xD The guns weren't used of course, it was like...hmmm
If you carried a gun you were kool, if not, your lame. So like half the school had em, and brung em to class, but they were never used, least to my knowledge.
At Kraco, yeah, I accidentally sliced my self with that metal flap on top of a diskette once. Hurt more that anything I ever felt in my life, I doubt I could take almost cutting my finger off with a freshly sharpened 4 foot sword. Man.......
So yeah, that day I learned never to bring a sword to school......I'm surprised nobody, not even a security guard asked him what it was, hell, I didn't even think to ask him.
@ lisaa - WHAT, i missed it?. i came like 15 minutes after you. !!!.
@ lucifus - you grew up in Jamaica? :D sugoi....
@ Kraco - oh where we live anythings possible...not sure about noitacoL though, perhaps swords is outdated there but here its still around.
This song rulez............................:D
The Jamaican Parliment banned this song.....because its "true" Bunch of mofos.>.>
It was strange being like the only white guy everywhere I went. o.0
Today I learned that sometimes it’s ok for a man to cry…………….
Nay, it's always ok for a man to cry.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
No. not when his nail breaks.Quote:
Originally Posted by el_boss
And today i learned that my boss from work is still a dick.
Today I learnt I got my first job and the pays $100 buck a week. Scrub my dentists floors for half an hour, and spend the other hour and a half doing homework and studying in the back. After work, I do whatever I want. =D
10 an hour, 2 hours a day, mon-fri. Don't care if its degrading, its money!! And no one will know.:D
My boss/dentist is kool, but hes my boss....so...I guess that makes him a dick. =S
Once this school years over, I'll get a better job. For now, this suits me just fine =P
Lucifus, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Once you get to college you'll be paying them for you to do schoolwork, so cherish the time when someone else is paying you for your time doing schoolwork. And if your boss is cool, then all the better. I've worked for jerks, and I've worked for people I respect. The difference it can make to how you view your job is astounding. And finally, degrading? There's nothing that says degrading like jobs where you have to deal directly with the public. When you're just scrubbing floors, you don't need to worry about being polite to customers or taking any crap from them.
So congrats on the job! Hopefully it works out well for you. ^_^
That's not so peculiar. At least not here. :SQuote:
Originally Posted by msmush
Today I learned Lucifus doesn't spend a lot of money. Wait till you get that first summer internship @ 15+/hr... if you don't have taxes withheld your seeing around $500-$600 a week for a standard 40 hour work week. While working 8-4:30 5 days a week usually isn't fun, ripping open that bi-weekly check sure is!
Ripping open that bi-weekly check as a fulltime employee is even more fun!
Today I learned that theres a place in the mall called Ice Imports where i can buy shuriken and throwing needles so i can be a ninja like naruto!!
How do i figure out such things you ask? Well, have I got a story to tell in these 10 minutes before I go to the movies.
Well, I was over at my friend Tom's house with my friends schuylar and max.
We were walking down the street, and all the sudden, schuylar ran into the street and screamed at a car, calling it a "PDIDDLE!" which apparantly is a car with only 1 of its 2 headlights working. The people in the car flicked us off and drove by. A few minutes later, as we were about to cross the side-street to get to the other side of the sidewalk, the car cuts us off. Unsurprisingly, it was the "pdiddle" car.
Two enormous wiggers get out. And these guys were like 6"6', steroid jacked, whitebeater-wearing wiggers. When they climbed out of their car, they screamed at us, "What'd you call us?!?"
Tom, schuylar and I started sprinting for our lives. But max stayed back.
Wiggers: "Why dont u go running off wit ur friends son?!"
Max: Why? What you gonna do to us? punks
(max then pulls out his pocket knife)
Wiggers: This what!
(wigger pulls out gun)
Max then ran for his life and hid in a bush with us as we waited for the car to drive by.
After it all died down, I started to think, "How would sasuke have handled that situation?"
Then I thought, before they could reach into their pants for the gun, he would immobilize their hands with throwing needles and maybe a shuriken if it got too serious. So I did sum research and found out I could purchase these weapons at a store near me.
You guys get bi-weekly check's? In the UK you only get them once a month.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
But yea I just got a graduate job so I'm looking forward to ripping open the full time checks :D. But internships can be fun too!
Two terms I've added to my vocabulary this day.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mizuchi
Possibly the only good post you have ever made.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mizuchi
Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
Today I learnt that its not very smart to spend all of my first paycheck in 1 minute..........
I bought a PSP with alot of accessories and games.
Should be here in 2 days. :)
Can't wait for Valkyrie Profile, and that soon to come Final Fantasy VII game.
Today I learned boring people ask pretend to be asked a question so they can have a conversation with nobody.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mizuchi
^ internet is serious business...
Today I learned that my lawnmower is very picky and will only work when it wants to, otherwise it just likes to make strange noises and fill the air with enough smoke to make a hippy cry.
Today I learned that I've started exactly 10 threads here in GW since I signed up here and started posting.
Today I learned that some people can't stay on topic. Just sayin'
I also learned that I hate it when my users think they know more about system administration and information security than I do. I wouldn't mind it if the belief were true, 'cause then I could learn something. But some people are just stubbornly idiotic, leaving no recourse.
It's annoying.
Today I learned about
and that when something is repeated 3 times it actually does stick.
Christ, I really f*cking hate that commericial. I mean hate it to the core. If I saw the creators walking by me, i would mug, and beat the sh*t out of them. >.>
One of the most annoying things i've ever seen/heard in my life.
Today I learned that my brother got a cat......I don't like cats. I'm more of a dog person.
Seems like i've got a new pet animal to torture. :D
What the fuck are you two talking about.
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Go to my stupid/funny/annoying commercials thread so we dont end up off topic and theirs a link to it.
It's not a thread anymore...
So where do you apply it again? I forgot.
YouTube is a magical placeQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Today I learned that and this...Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Today I learned that the PSP is the f@cking greatest!!! Easiest to use, most simplistic hardware! :)With a ton of features! It`s so customizable, if of course you know how to use it. Well worth the buy! BTW, I made this post with my new PSP!
Today I learned that when I call something a coworker is suggesting wrongheaded, futile and reprehensible and give them detailed, cogent arguments for all three points, some of them actually listen!
Well, I guess that was technically yesterday. Yesterday I also learned that in 34 weeks on this very sustainable low-fat diet, I've lost 32 pounds, without really substantially changing anything about my lifestyle other than the diet.
Today i learned that complich has some weight on him. Because if i lost 32 pounds i would weigh 98 pounds.
yeah ... umm ... welcome to the "post a picture of yourself" thread 4 months ago :p.
Today I learned woofcat is either very skinny or very short.
Well, since he's a cat, even if he is a woofcat, he can stretch himself longer, and at the same time become skinnier. And if he doesn't stretch himself, he's shorter, and not so skinny. So, yeah, he can be both.Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
And I have no idea what I just wrote or why...
Originally Posted by el_boss
this is better
Today I learned how poorly the dub version of naruto translates things.
for example:
The Uzumaki Naruto Combo
translated to
Naruto Barrage
...whenever naruto does a kick, he pronounces a syllable of his last name. Now, there were 4 kicks, but only the parts of a word. And it sounded really weird. They could've atleast kept the name and made him say the right things at the right time.
I also learned that true disaprin
come from within
Today I learned that hentai in your signature is okay on these boards as long as you're Mizuchi.
Do you know what message you're sending??
Today I learned that you will come of as more powerful if you speak in statements instead of questions. I also learned that it is extremely difficult to make the switch.
Today I learned making a good scanlation isn't as easy as it seems. :(
Today i learned that you just can't stick your fingers up Godzilla's ass. They might break and I'm sure it'd smell awful. - http://www.gaijinsmash.net/
Today, I learned that it's possible to break the speed of light in third edition D&D.
Today I learned to not bitch and take what you can get.
That Nickelodeon promotes tranny cow, MALE COWS DO NOT HAVE UDDERS!
I can actually answer your question as to why the male cows have udders in that stupid movie barnyard. I'm currently interning at Nickelodeon movie promos. There the people who have to come up with adds for stupid movies like the Barnyard which they just finished rapping up. Basic reason why the male cows have utters is simply because the writer/director of the movie Steve Odekerk thinks utters are funny. That's it. That's the reason why the male cows have utters.
Stupid, yes I know but the internship has been interesting, especially because I got to see an early screening of Shrek 3 (at around 50% completion).
today I learned that mercenary groups are still very active in this day and age, particularly at the behest of Western capitalist powers using them as proxies in areas around the world. If your people won't support your troops dying, why not pay someone else to go risk his neck instead? (and, the best part is they can't trace it back to governments easily)
Vinnell - Company contracted to train Iraqi security forces by the US government
Blackwater - The "black ops" group, although they promote a nice friendly image...
MPRI - They train ROTC officers, but did they help Croats in ethnic clensing? "MPRI is not a private company, it is an extension of the US government" -anonymous Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
....that no name brand 'Satin Soft' toilet paper is in fact neither soft, nor possessing any satin-like characteristics. Holy false advertising batman!
Today I learned that snorting a fat line of coke and crushed up Oxycontins makes your head feel wonderful.
Actually I didn't learn it today, I was just reminded.
Delt with them in Vergina, they are all ex military and basicly all they do is if you are with in lets say 100 yards of what they are protecting, they just shoot you. Also they make most often more than $1000 USD a day.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Speaking of false advertisement, coke zero does NOT taste like the real thing. The other day my friend poured me a glass of that stuff without telling me it was that coke zero stuff, and as soon as I took my first sip I was like "wtf, why'd you give me diet?". Or maybe its just the fact that I drink so much coke almost every day that I have become ultra-sensitive do any changes in its taste...Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Today I learned that I finally got a job working in an office in my school.
Also, I learned that 70 foreign exchange students from Germany are attending my school until the end of the first semester (december) to learn the english language.And one of them is in my mechanics class and his name is Christopher Klup something. He is such a cutie.^_^
Today I learned that buying a fruit drink you've never seen or heard of before isn't the greatest idea.
It tasted like medicine. :(
I learned something similar, though it was actually a couple days ago...Quote:
Originally Posted by Genma
My buddy bought this random grape flavored alcoholic beverage that caught his eye, and it tasted like very strong grape flavored cough syrup... So we gave up on that nasty shit and just decided to stick to our beer. I'd warn to stay away from the drink but I can't remember the name of it, not that I really care to anyway.
Today I learned that most places in the greater seattel are don't process B&W film in house.
Today I learned some of the basics of the programming language Python. I also learned a bit about using Unix.
today I learned precisely why it's important that we define pushdown automata as nondeterministic when we're talking about recognizing non-trivial context-free languages. We didn't talk about strategies for dealing with that nondeterminism though... but I know of two or three anyway.
today i learned how to release the eight seals of the apocalypse mwuhahahahahahahahhahahahahahaah
....oh, and i learned why people say "if it's not broke dont fix it"......damn bitcomet 0.71
...ohhh, and i also learned that
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Today (well, yesterday) I learned that computers have cases for a reason, and it's not a good idea to thoughlessly reach inside one while it is turned on unless one is prepared to be attacked by a fan.
Yay for Gestalt...Quote:
Originally Posted by kippykinkel
Wow...I actually read that without a problem. Today I learned that kippykinkel can type in a way to piss people off but still manage to communicate.Quote:
Originally Posted by kippykinkel
Today I learned that people's attention spans are amazingly focused and myopic. My class of 100 was told to watch a video of people passing a ball around a room, after the video played we were asked if anyone had seen the woman with the umbrella walk right through the middle of the people passing the ball, only two people noticed. I also learned that a lot of cognitive psychologists from the 50's and 60's were remarkably foolish and oblivious.
@kippykinkel don't do that shit! just because it can be decoded unconsciously doesn't mean that it's not more taxing (annoying) tn the mind to confirm what's being said.
I've seen the exact same video, only instead of a woman with an umbrella, it's a guy in a gorillla suit. About 10 people saw it (I wasn't one of them) out of ~100. Pretty cool.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Today I learned School rumble rulez! Nuff said.:D
Also learned I shouldn't stay up 3 consecutive days in a row......:o
YES!! school rumble does rule! it's so awesome! teehehe.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Today, I learned that pot may protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease. Pot contains THC which can help the brain tp protect agaisnt the disease. Research done by Scripps Research Institute
Theres always new things discovered that may "protect" the brain form Alzheimer's, it's just an excuse to get things published. I did a 4 week internship with a lab that specifies on Alzheimer's; all they did was western blots and such. I don't know how they come by these "new developments," since techically the protein responsible hasn't completely been identified.Quote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
Today I learned how darn useful Chi Squared tests are. However I'm still trying to figure out the internal logic on how they work. :confused:
Today I learned never read through every comic of "penny-arcade" in one sitting, no matter how hilarious it gets.
Dear thread,
Today I learned that sleeping on carpetted floor is comfortable only for the first 6 hours; anything beyond that makes your spine feel practically nonexistant.
Don't be so spineless. (Sorry, couldn't help it.)
Today I learned that my radio station is getting money from Google. There's a guy from Google here right now. I'm resisting the urge to steal his Blackberry and copy all the numbers.
Today I learned that walking into a room full of guys and asking, "Do you have any sugar?" can be interpreted in a variety of ways that I didn't intend...