Theyre each others half, kami gets a free pass.
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Another idea stolen from Dragonball Multiverse. Gast Carcolh is a fusion of the remaining Namekians who possesses essentially god-like power.
Anyway, disappointing that a fusion composed of the entire Namekian race was not even stronger than Gohan and Piccolo. I imagine none of them were very strong to begin with.
Just watch the next 10 seconds to 15 min44s, it pretty funny with the English voice actors.
Frieza being Frieza. Frieza never does the dirty work unless he knows he will win. After the Jiren and Goku rematch I bet Jiren will be weak enough for Freiza to demolish.
Yeah, they had volunteers not the entire race. Otherwise I am pretty sure it would be a whole lot stronger.
I figured it out. Ultra Instinct reminds me of Ittou Shura from Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry.
Both UI and this do the exact same nonsense. Just that Ittou Shura makes a lot more sense than Ultra Instinct.
I think someone at TOEI plagiarized Ittou Shura.
So, I ran into this video that does a really good job of covering a lot of the things I'd been mentioning over in the manga thread:
So now Robot universe is all that stands between the big U7 vs. U11 finale.
Shantza was adorable.
I enjoyed this fight much more, where defeating the opponent relied on figuring out your winning condition and executing it. None of that fighting 'difficult' battles because you're conserving your energy crap. If it's difficult to conserve your energy you really shouldn't be conserving it then.
fights were over as soon as they began
so boring
Because they were fighting scrubs.
Let's be real here, from the beginning of the tournament, nobody outside of Universes 6, 7 and 11 actually mattered. Everyone else is just padding.
I'm expecting Universe 3 won't last more than 1 or 2 episodes. Before we move onto the final stage of this arc.
Looks like U3 is gonna hold on for at least one more episode after all.
I'm curious if they'll be able to eliminate anyone before they go. I figured it was about time for the Androids to get knocked out.
I'm damn surprised 17 survived that. I thought for sure he was performing a heroic sacrifice to eliminate them both.
And the more badass stuff they give him, the more annoying it is that he doesn't have his own slot in DBFZ.
So the final stage begins! 5-on-3!
Animation was pretty solid. Looks like next ep is gonna be great as well. And...Vegeta is actually pushing Jiren? I mean before UI Goku couldn't even harm the guy and now Vegeta is actually hitting him? I am guessing he's getting closer to the UI attacking form as opposed to the defensive form of Goku.
Glad Goku actually used the instant transmission for something good this time. It pissed me off when he didn't do it when 17 was falling off but then I remembered they can't sense the androids energy so he can't lock on to them.
SSB2? Not sure about that. I do hope it's UI for Vegeta and that he's the one to take Jiren down eventually. I mean, I love DBZ and DBS and all that but it's mostly Goku winning. The guy's earned a win.