RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
kagemane maybe you should work on your ps skills a bit more than just whine. and damn mut what kept you going for so long with that? a50 nice new sig looks abit like another one you made awhile ago tho. naroku looks good exept för the text maybe.
oh and i need brushes lots of them i dont know any good sites tried to search on google but only found some shitty sites with like 3 brushes on each. anybody know a good place?
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here! hers are good shitload there variety there, most not so great, some good grunge ones tho
and thats just from a google search, so im sure if you actually LOOKED you could find tons more
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
k i also did a google search but maybe i didnt check to much, thanks man.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
dam nthats beautiful man, i really love your style.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
a50: You wouldn't mind giving me some links to some of those small fonts? It's har finding small fonts.
And nice sig.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: Uzumaki Naruto # 1
a50: You wouldn't mind giving me some links to some of those small fonts? It's har finding small fonts.
And nice sig. *coughs
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Ok guys well I realised I was being a dick about the whole wanting a50 to make a tutorial thing. If he said no I should have just left it at that but I didn't and I was a dick so sorry a50. Anyway I decided to stop asking for people to teach me and try to teach myself the way you guys all did. So I got some new brushes thanks to r3n's link and this is the final result. Please tell me it's better than my other shit.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] And help me out too.
here it is
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Looks alright.. I'm not wild about the quality of the Lee image but then I'm not sure what sorta quality (smooth or rough?) you were shooting for. If you're shooting for clean then there are some tricks you can use for better image quality.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
You might also consider using a very small gaussian blur.
edit: On a duplicate layer.. then lower the transparency on that layer to where you feel the pic looks best.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Worse. Can you get a better stock image?
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Stock image?
The original image. A better quality version of that lee picture.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
I don't know, since it came straight from the manga.
Edit: Well I took off the first duplicate that was only an overlay and just left the blurred duplicate with overlay.....Any better?
Edit2: Do you like the top one or the bottom one?
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Like souryusen said earlier, you need a better quality picture of rocklee. there are weird looking edges and the picture is very choppy. and aside from quality issue, i like the first rock lee one better because the "kage bar" is aligned with his eyes where as the 2nd rock lee one isn't, and you see his hand in the way of his face.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
you're just not that very good.
you need to look at one of those 'complimentary color charts.'
and yeah, 2d + 3d = gayd
well, there are exceptions.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
i think the stock image is fine, i dont see the problems people are having with it. Maybe their monitors are just too bright and they're picking up artifacts that shouldnt be visible [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
but like mut said, try changing your color scheme. The blue doesnt work as well with lee.
Also, put a border around your sig. It NEVER looks right when details of images spill into the solid grey backgrounds of the forum
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Ok here's the final final product. Thanks for your help guys. (especially mut with the border[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img])