Originally Posted by python862
I got my tooth knocked out by a PS2 once... Game inside you may ask? Destroy all humans... Videogames are dangerous! HA! :-D
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Originally Posted by python862
I got my tooth knocked out by a PS2 once... Game inside you may ask? Destroy all humans... Videogames are dangerous! HA! :-D
I win...Quote:
Originally Posted by python862
Told ya I would, and wouldn't ya know it, I did a better job than usual
actually, call of duty, can help in trainning a better soldier. it's a matter of quickly regiestering nearby (suddenly appearing) objects as enemies and acting at a certain way. which is just conditioning, 'see Y, Do X'. that's why model targets are in the form of human soldier and not in the form of butterflies or pinetrees.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
it's not perfect, or even anywhere near useful, but it's the same principal.
HnK might not be a good example, but what about more realstic animes (Ippo, for example) or even not-so-animated violence such as Mixed Matrial arts? Again, not perfect, but if you're clever enough, you might pick up some hints.
I'm not saying that it makes kids violence, but it makes them more dangerous to themselves and eachother. since when they fight, they'll be armed better to hurt each other.
another example: Show a kid that's it's possible to hurt someone with a knife, and give all kids knives. next time they fight, one of them will bring out a knife, becuase he knows that knives can be used to hurt someone.
that's like saying doing anything that might make your reflexes better makes you a more dangerous person.
sorry, but that's just poor logic.
I'd have to disagree with that. They'll use the knives not because it can hurt people, but because it will hurt more than fists. What would you rather prefer as a weapon: your fist or a knife? Choosing the knife is just rational thinking. You'd have to be insane (literally) to use your fists when the knife is available to you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
This is all very interesting, but i think we already have a thread for video game violence. Lets just bitch about how stupid Death Boo Z's remarks are in this thread and not try to counter them with logic, ok?
As a person with military training, leadership training included, I have to say for my own part I haven't particularly felt playing FPS games would have made my soldiering skills better, though not the contrary either. One of the FPS games I played most is, though, Operation Flashpoint, which was probably the most realistic modern combat simulator out there. It's hard to say what kind of effect it might have had, but one thing is sure: I enjoyed it a lot more probably because I had military training already when I began to play it, and those skills helped a little in the beginning.
Yeah it would, but I'd say he was lucky. I know that when I sold gold in an unsecured way(on other accounts) I got the final warning at once on one account, and permanent ban on three others. I had no warnings from before of. Then again I haven't been on US servers for 2 months or so now so they might have softened up or something. And, it depends on which GM. I know people who have got a whisper from GM during botting, and have managed to talk their way out of it by blaming lagg. Thankfully I've never gotten a GM whisper when botting myself.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sarahchan
If you get banned due to such reasons do they refund any unused days you might have? Or do they have such an EULA that it allows them to do whatever they want?
They don't refund anything. They can do whatever they want(with the account) if you're found to be breaking the EULA in any way. So if you have a half year subscription active, you're screwed if you're banned.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Simulation is playing an increasingly important role in military training. We even have labs built to play games. I mean train soldiers. :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
America's Army is the most realistic game I've played. It's so realistic that it's not even fun.
Damn internet-related problems. I need to check my email to see where and when this test review is taking place, and for the first time in about 3 years, the site is "under maintenance".
Fuck that. I didn't sleep last night, and I really need to check my email now so I can take a nap and be ready to study without falling asleep later on. Murphy's Law...
Also what's the deal with people walking backwards in crowded streets to shout one last little thing to the person they're talking to?? If one more faggot bumps into me this way I'm gonna push him in front of a moving bus.
Why do people feel the need to complain to me about the prices of some items at my work? I don't set the prices, telling me it's cheaper somewhere else will yield ZERO results. I'm not going to give you a discount and I'm not going to ask the owners to change the prices, even if they're my parents. If you don't like the price, just say, "No thanks" and go to that "cheaper place." And if you think I'm going to be dragged into an argument with you, think again. It's a place of business, not a public discussion forum. Either buy your shit and leave or just FUCK OFF.
I know what you mean. I used to work at a gas station about two years ago during the summer and it sucked a lot, mainly due to people complaining about the gas prices (it would reach around $1.15 per Litre, this is Canada). People put in gas, come inside to pay, then bitch about the prices at me, as if I'm the one who sets them. Some even yelled, which really pissed me off. I just do what I'm told to do, yet I'm suddenly the big boss? I never thought I would run into so many damn idiots in one summer.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Wow, that's pathetic. As far as I know, gas prices at the stations are set by the corporate head offices so they're even out of the hands of the operator of any station. My cousin's dad has a gas station and Shell calls in to tell them the price.
It IS pathetic. That's pretty much how the gas stations work, yet the majority of people think that the manager or even me set the prices.
I don't have enough monies for an XBOX 360, PS3, or/and a Wii.
I just downloaded what I thought was Halo 2 for the XBOX.... It was Halo 1.... I am kinda sad, kinda mad but hey, now I have Halo 1. Now I just have to find Halo 2, should not be too hard.. I hope.
Jaitne, Neither do I, that is why I was overjoyed when I got it for free! Please reference this thread for more information.
Edit: Oh yes, and the university shut off the dorm air conditioning.... it is hot in here now. A overheated Spiegel is not a happy Spiegel...
I love you. Let me come to your house and play with your Wii ;;>.>Quote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel