Oh yeah, and there's still some people that I'd absolutely refuse to make an effort reconnecting with. In that case I would rather they stay out of my life without anything short of an apology from them.
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Oh yeah, and there's still some people that I'd absolutely refuse to make an effort reconnecting with. In that case I would rather they stay out of my life without anything short of an apology from them.
I absolutely agree about people who are not worth reconnecting with. Sometimes a friend's trespasses can simply not be forgiven, and even if they could, should not be without an explicit attempt on their part to seek it and ask for it.
I don't know, sometimes I think friends are the few people in this world that you ever really get to know and be a part of your life and therefore you should cut them more slack and forgive them for some of their bullshit since they most likely have cut you some slack for some of the bullshit you've pulled.
Depends on what kind of bullshit. And not all friendships, or relationships in general, are fair. Most of the time, one knows their place, while the other has their foot on that one's face.
I learned that each verb has approx 62 forms in Polish...I wish luck to anyone who is trying to learn Polish.
Crazy Polish people... :p
Of course this count does not include prefixes.
That the Finns are both completely insane, and incredibly hardcore.
Sauna World Championships
Make sure you read the whole thing for all the gruesome details.
140°C (284°F) saunas.
That's a brilliantly written article. No wonder the author has been consecutively chosen as the best sports writer.
It's 110 degrees for the competition, though. I have personally experienced a 120°C sauna and it was hell already. I don't even want to imagine the 140°C one the sauna champion uses for practice.
Anyway, before you are allowed to participate in that competition, you will need to sign a paper relieving the organizers from any responsibility. Makes perfect sense.
I learnt how to properly tie a Windsor knot. Up until now I was just tying it in the "Four in Hand" knot...which was all I knew. :-S
Just keep your ties tied. Loosen them when you take them off and tighten them when you put them on.
I've had the same tie tied for about 3 years and accidentally untied it a few days ago before a job interview. Youtube saved the day.
Keeping my tie tied throughout my last 2 years of highschool (we wear a uniform here) was the very reason why the knowledge hasn't sunk in.
Another good reason to untie ties regularly is that the tie creases. When it inevitably unties, the crease becomes bothersome.
On the rare occasion I need to wear a tie I usually rock the half-windsor. It looks the least fancy, which fits my personality.
Tying a tie is like so many everyday art forms, the skills to do them are slowly disappearing through lack of use. One prime example is writing kanji among Japanese youth. They rely so heavily on their cell phones and computers to generate kanji that they are losing the ability to write the characters by hand.
Buck the trend. Learn how to tie a tie. It's not like it's hard.
Its not only youth in japan, some professors in japan's university specialized in teaching kanji and kanji related stuff don't know sequences of strokes.(Info from my Japanese teacher who studied there)