You forgot THAT? That was like the massive seasonal climax where Eren's titan seemingly did something special for the first time!
...and then didn't do it again for, like, 3 more seasons before they explained why. :p
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You forgot THAT? That was like the massive seasonal climax where Eren's titan seemingly did something special for the first time!
...and then didn't do it again for, like, 3 more seasons before they explained why. :p
So they establish that the Attack Titan always refuses to be ruled. But Eren says he's been that way since he was born. And we known the Attack Titan has the memories of its future users.
The implication being that Eren infected all the previous Attack Titan hosts with his rebelliousness. And is the reason they always rebl.
That's the moment he tried to human punch the titan that ate his mom, there was an electrical spark, and then all the nearby titans suddenly attacked her and tore her apart.
At the time, I thought that was the Attack Titan's special power. But we found out WAY later it was cause she had royal blood, so touching her let him use the Founder's power.
An excellent twist this episode as Zeke paraded Errand around these memories trying to dissect just where he was brainwashed by Grisha only to slowly realize that he had pretty much always had a few screws loose and was willing to kill for his freedom. Finding out that not only did the attack titan give future memories, but that Grisha had been staring down based Eyron during those pivotal scenes as well was a delightful recontextualization of what we thought we knew about events thus far, including the killing of the Reese family. Little details getting glossed over have a way of coming back to bite the viewer's behind in Attack on Titan, and I love it.
I didn't think of that. If he appeared to dear 'ol dad, it makes sense that he would to previous holders as well.
No doubt the rumbling is coming, with that warning Grisha gave out.
"Screws loose" for "willing to kill for his freedom"? That's a pretty good reason in the realm of reasons imo.
He grew up on the other side of walls that prevented him from being exposed to any of the titan business until the wall fell. It didn't have any impact on him at the time he had already demonstrated the ability to kill without remorse or hesitation. He was always high functioning psychotic.
The fate of the world being in his hands is the most chilling thing so far. I only hope the small remaining tethers to humanity (friends and loved ones, if any) can stave off his wrath if his power is as great as hinted at.
episode 80:
I love it :D
One of the few flashbacks in anime that was exciting from beginning to end. It was cool to see the author actually trying to explain the titan powers. Admittedly, the weakness of that explanation is "where did that divine parasite come from and get his powers from?", but when it comes to fantasy and scifi, you'll always reach the point where you have to just presume something to be the case, whether that's a Mana tree, a warp engine or the Force.
However, we're not at the end, so I'm worrying that Eren will not actually win in the end :/ This happened too early, meaning that something else can/will happen to oppose his plans.
But still, I enjoyed this episode greatly. Even the titan eating-thing was explained with that King's "eat your mother's body to inherit her powers!". Great.
Ep 80
Zeke my boy. The violent genocide you're about to see can't be further from your intended vision.
Interesting backstory on Ymir, who was in fact a nobody. She just happened to be outed for losing a pig (who knows if it was actually her anyway, she was probably just easy to blame). She happened to get Titan Powers from a creature within ?Yggdrasil?. Clearly these guys are Nordic.
Despite obtaining great power she chose to return and serve, got some sort of life, then went to protect her king that she presumably developed feelings for. I gather that she probably could have regenerated, but decided to give up in despair. Despite that, the cannibalism meant she had to serve her kind in death by continuing to provide them with titan powers.
By the end of this, I wonder how much she could have refused physically. I'm going to guess that she can't leave the Coordinate World (World of Paths). Could she have stopped making titans (for example, choose not to revive Zeke when he blew up)? Or did she still need an outside agent to follow (As in, invite Eren into that world so she could take the Founding powers from Zeke to give Eren)?
What's still not explained is how one particular king (Fritz the Pacifist Sage Descendant, not Fritz the Original Asshole Slavedriver) exert so much influence that he overrides every Royal since him?
Actually, thinking harder about this.. what happens when an Non-Eldian gets injected with spinal fluid?
And if all present day Eldians are descendants of Ymir, and she only fucked the king.. everyone's technically a Royal.
I fondly remember when I correctly predicted the Juubi with one of my Naruto-hating shit-fanfics. Oh my.
I mean, this anime was never going to have a traditional happy end, was it? The most pressing question imo rn is: Will Armin, Mikasa and the rest actually be on Eren's side now or is there gonna be another conflict? Mikasa especially is still unsure whether her entire life has been a lie in regards to her feelings for Eren. I'd hope that this would be the one happy end this story sees: Eren X Mikasa successfully united.Quote:
I mean, he definitely won't. His plan is to kill most of the planet.
Btw. I was glad that this episode mentioned that Eren could choose what memories to show to Grisha. Explains some "plot holes" we discussed last week.
Yeah, technically sterilizing all Eldians should too set Ymir free - but she went along with his plan because of empathy. The art style change that humanised her right at the end was amazing.
On prior occasions this was just used for a brooding or comedic effect depending.
And I love it, because usually these stories go the opposite route: emotional, "human" villain -> reaches understanding and calms down -> The end.
Here we have "calm, pragmatic villain -> emotional, "human" and it feels so natural. Stories usually go for that boring message where the winning move is to be rational and all, but here we see people, Eren and Ymir, give in to their human feelings and that's how most people would react irl, too. None of that high and mighty behavior of the usual anime hero. Fuck Kirito (lol, sorry).
Btw. sorry Mikasa, but towards the end of the episode, I was starting to ship Eren X Ymir ;>
So AoT S01E01 was titled "To you, 2000 years from now" and started off with Eren waking up a long dream and crying.
Just impressive.
Ymir could have called him, and that's what Eren is implying here. It may not have been him specifically, but she cried for help and he was one subject who heard her.
The other interpretation is that memory transplant isn't necessarily an Attack Titan thing. It's just what Eren said to Zeke. It's probably a Founding Titan thing. Eren even commented here that he needed Zeke to take him through Grisha's memories in order to push Grisha the way he did.
The facts are that Eren is the Founding Titan. It has lots of manipulative abilities on Eldians in general, but only Royals - or those in contact with Royals - can tap into that power. Presumably it's by visiting the Ymir-dimension. Eren has always had both the Attack and the Founding titan since he ate Grisha.
Also, even though they call the place "paths" and whatnot with that tree branching out, thus far it seems to mostly represent the Eldians/titans. When Ymir got to her dimension, there was no tree of light. When her 3 daughters ate her body and became 3 titans, the tree materialized with 3 main branches from the trunk. As the montage played out, the tree got more branches. I'd say that's more symbolic of Ymir's "family tree" than any alternate-reality-type of path.
As the the Founding Titan, Eren could talk to all his subjects. They also were brought into the Ymir dimension as well in that final episode. It seems to encompass people from across the globe as there were Eldians with armbands shown.
The concept of "Royal" starts getting muddy IMO, since everybody who is a "Subject of Ymir" should be a descendant of Ymir - and thus a Royal. I still don't know what to make of that.
But as for my previous thought about what'd happen when normal people get spinal fluid - probably nothing useful. Otherwise the whole Honorary Eldian thing would collapse and you'd just use Marley Soldiers instead.
Could the difference between royal and non-royal Eldians be that royals are direct descendants of Ymirs, while non-royals are Eldians who ate Ymirs flesh?
I can't think of any other meaningful difference. Like, maybe the king had children with various women, and he ordered all of them to eat Ymir's corpse, whether they were her own offspring or not.