Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
XD My worst habit is rubbing my eyes. It's annoying and smudges my make-up. =/
Hmmm cornea transplant...just thinking that makes go all 'Ooooooooh' at our technology. *is a nerd* But yes, infections are crazy nasty. And you can get them just randomly. (and apparently, you WILL get them if you share contact lenses)
And thanks. ^^ Well...let's see...firstly, there's the fact that your vision is 100%. I read somewhere that glasses don't give you the correct, realistic vision. That things appear...smaller? Or something. (it's been a long time since I wore glasses...)
Secondly, the look on people's faces when they hear you wear contacts. YOU? WEAR GLASSES? WOW NO WAI!!!!1111 :p
The downside of contacts, is you gotta change them according to what type they are( monthly, daily, etc) And it's expensive.
Also, they're very very delicate. My cousin bought her grey contacts, and on the day she bought them, she was handling them(and she has LONG nails) and it just broke in half. It's like...250 a lens. A LENS. ONE LENS. That's 250 GONE! I shed tears for that wasted money!! D:
Also, it causes Dry Eyes. Which seriously, is a pain. Constant irritation in your eyes even when you're not wearing your contacts. (I'm getting this fixed tomorrow...finally) and you'll end up using artificial tears for awhile. (depends on you)
Then there's...the whole...natural elements. Wind is terrible. If it blows stuff into your lens, your lens will continue to irritate your eye until removed. =/ So going into the wilderness is a major pain. (unless you're prepared)
Uncleansed water, when exposed to your lens, will be absorbed and then the lens is PAINFUL. PAIN. PAIN. Same applies to dirt, except for absorbed...it'll just cause irritation continously. AND...no going underwater with lenses. They absorb water...so...in fact, it's recommend you don't swim with them but whatever. I do.
On a side note, when I first began using contacts, I could never insert them quickly or properly, so I'd put them in, and never ever take them out. I slept with them, etc. Which was a very bad thing. =/ And I'd over-use them and not change them when I'm supposed to. At some point, one contact broke and I had proper vision in only one eye. LEARN FROM MY STUPIDITY. (Looking back on it now...such a dunce)
Lens can be great. =) And since you only need them sometimes, I'd recommend them if you want. All the horrible things normally happen to people who wear them constantly.
But recently...I've been missing glasses...just for the weekend maybe...or Jr time...=/
Tch, oh thanks Ani. <3Quote:
I think Junior would look freakin' adorable in glasses.
People are too careless with contact lens care. Basically you're putting your vision at risk by not cleaning them and wearing them properly.
And yes, I was too careless and now it's biting me in the ass. Contacts Lenses are serious business.
Vision at risk...heh, in fact, if not treated, Dry Eyes can lead to loss of vision*apparently*. (however, Dry Eyes can even be caught by non-lens wearers)
/end of long long post. man, it's good to be back.