New? It's been around in practically all anime shows ever
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New? It's been around in practically all anime shows ever
In UC ALL ms were nuclear except slightly differrent(Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor). The ones in SEED are fission...shouldn't that mean they produce nuclear waste?Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
I appreciate SEED trying to retell old story for new generation, they certainly made interesting improvements - PS armor, nuclear-powered Gundams, Mirrage Colloid and such.
It's never struck me as excessive before.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
New? It's been around in practically all anime shows ever
Maybe I was cringing at the bad dubbing when I was younger. Before the Internet, subbed anime was rare. Well I should say before the Internet became a viable way to obtain Anime. Well that or Japanese Anime dubbed in Cantonese with Mandarin subtitles.'s something I've only noticed lately.
EHMMM....u kinda missed out Talia n dullindial wif his Fortune Gundam ....Quote:
Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
Alright PPL, with the way the series is going I am going to speculate the following:
Final Battle Outlook.....
Andy vs Lunamaria, Andy dies
Mwu vs Lunamaria, LM dies
Rey vs Kira, Rey dies
Athuran vs Shinn, Athuran is severly injured
Shinn vs Kira, Shinn dies & Kira dies, this ending would suck.....even better
All the main characters die in space when a giant asteriod comes flying at them near the speed of light
Athuran says: "No Fair, I couldn't even get my piece of A**"
Kira laughs and says: "sucks for you buddy, but on the bright side I don't have to be around Lacus anymore and act like a holy boy"
Lacus says: "SON OF A B****!" and continues swearing in a mad rage
Cagalli stays in Orb but a giant piece of debri from the asteroid impact falls head on Cagalli without killing anyone but her.
Andy says: "At least if I can't get Murrue then no one can! HAHAHAHA!"
Neo says: "Mommy"
Murrue says: "F*** it!"
Rey doesn't say anything, maintaining that stern face he always does but when the camera looks down the audience sees that he just wet himself from fear
Shinn says: "DAMN, WHAT THE HELL, IMPOSSIBLE" **nothing new except that he tries to throw Lunamaria in the way so he can at least improve his chances of survival**
Everyone else is preoccupied and have no idea of the asteroid, the chairman is in the John handling his business and Gladys is playing Pac-Man as a way to form a strategy to take down the AA
Finally, Stella and Yuna come back from their graves and take over the world as zombies
yeah, they probably do. The waste is probably all that red energy and steam coming out of freedoms wings. Thats why i have noticed sometimes freedom opens its wings for no reason whatsoever while staying in the same place letting red sparks and steam out, as if its doing a waste dump
But that would mean they have no regard for the environment, dumping nuclear waste like that. Hell, Kira probably killed more people by exposing them nuclear waste than on the battlefield. So much for the message of peace and no war. They are all killing people in one way or another
actually quite humorousQuote:
Originally posted by: splash
yeah, they probably do. The waste is probably all that red energy and steam coming out of freedoms wings. Thats why i have noticed sometimes freedom opens its wings for no reason whatsoever while staying in the same place letting red sparks and steam out, as if its doing a waste dump
But that would mean they have no regard for the environment, dumping nuclear waste like that. Hell, Kira probably killed more people by exposing them nuclear waste than on the battlefield. So much for the message of peace and no war. They are all killing people in one way or another
Kira: "no i don't kill people it's against my policy, wait a second gotta dump my nuclear waste" 'dumps waste and millions die or get maimed by the waste' "oh well life's a bitch" 'continues fighting whomever he was fighting'[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Actually, nuclear waste shouldn't be a problem, since the N-Jammers are littered over earth's surface any waste that IS dumped would become inert the instant it left Kira's suit.Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
yeah, they probably do. The waste is probably all that red energy and steam coming out of freedoms wings. Thats why i have noticed sometimes freedom opens its wings for no reason whatsoever while staying in the same place letting red sparks and steam out, as if its doing a waste dump
But that would mean they have no regard for the environment, dumping nuclear waste like that. Hell, Kira probably killed more people by exposing them nuclear waste than on the battlefield. So much for the message of peace and no war. They are all killing people in one way or another
N-Jammers prevent nuclear reactions, not simple release of radiation.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Actually, nuclear waste shouldn't be a problem, since the N-Jammers are littered over earth's surface any waste that IS dumped would become inert the instant it left Kira's suit.Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
yeah, they probably do. The waste is probably all that red energy and steam coming out of freedoms wings. Thats why i have noticed sometimes freedom opens its wings for no reason whatsoever while staying in the same place letting red sparks and steam out, as if its doing a waste dump
But that would mean they have no regard for the environment, dumping nuclear waste like that. Hell, Kira probably killed more people by exposing them nuclear waste than on the battlefield. So much for the message of peace and no war. They are all killing people in one way or another
is'nt the release of radiation a product of a nuclear reaction, namely the nuclear decomposition of whatever material is being used as the fuel?
No. I'm not an expert so this may not be completely correct in the most technical terms, but it is generally close to correct. Nuclear Reactors tend to use radioactive materials in creating the Fusion/Fission/whatever the correct word is reaction. Think things like Uranium or Plutonium. They were radioactive to start with and when they are dumped they are still radioactive.
well actually if the N Jammer actually does prevent all nuclear reactions, then that would mean that there would be no such thing as radioactivity. Radioactivity is the tendency of the nucleus to break down and release high energy particles. The decomposition of the nucleus is actually a nuclear reaction. So if N Jammers work like they should then you cant really define radioactivity in that kind of an environment since it does not exist
I totally forgot about the N Jammers as there are nuclear gundams everywhere. But didnt Azrael get rid of them or something in SEED at the end once he get the specs to the canceller. After that i think they just signed a treaty or something stopping the use of nuclear weapons
I'll have to take your word for it on the radiation.Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
well actually if the N Jammer actually does prevent all nuclear reactions, then that would mean that there would be no such thing as radioactivity. Radioactivity is the tendency of the nucleus to break down and release high energy particles. The decomposition of the nucleus is actually a nuclear reaction. So if N Jammers work like they should then you cant really define radioactivity in that kind of an environment since it does not exist
I totally forgot about the N Jammers as there are nuclear gundams everywhere. But didnt Azrael get rid of them or something in SEED at the end once he get the specs to the canceller. After that i think they just signed a treaty or something stopping the use of nuclear weapons
As for the N Jammers, they are buried too deep beneath the Earth to be retrieved and destroyed. The treaty wasn't to not use Nuclear weapons, the treaty banned the use of N-Jammer Canncellors in weapons. The differance is only important because the N-Jammers are still there. That is one of the reasons for radio difficulty (when Freedom showed up the first time in Destiny, Athrun tried to contact him, but he couldn't because of interferance).
Actually a nuclear reaction is when two or more nuclei collide.Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
well actually if the N Jammer actually does prevent all nuclear reactions, then that would mean that there would be no such thing as radioactivity. Radioactivity is the tendency of the nucleus to break down and release high energy particles. The decomposition of the nucleus is actually a nuclear reaction. So if N Jammers work like they should then you cant really define radioactivity in that kind of an environment since it does not exist
Radioactivity is the transmission of energy (in the form of waves or partices) from one medium to another. The decomposition of a nucleus is just an unstable parent nucleus breaking down into a stable (or more stable) daughter nucleus.
wouldn the emission of Alpha Particles particles be considered a nuclear reaction? Just asking for self-enlightenment since you know more than me?
It depends on the cause.Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
wouldn the emission of Alpha Particles particles be considered a nuclear reaction? Just asking for self-enlightenment since you know more than me?
If it occurs from a collision between two particles, than yes.
If it occurs because of molecular decay than, no. Any type of ray or particle emitted from a nucleus is considered radioactivity.
at the start of GS there are N JAmmer every where , N JAMMER IS THE TECHNOLOGY TO PREVENT NUCLEAR FUSSION, THEREFORE THERE WONT BE ANY NUCLEAR REACTION, but plant invented the N JAMMER CANCELLER, N JAMMER CANCELLER cancel all of the N JAMMER Funcition, therefore it allows nuclear fussion to happen on the unit that used the N jammer canceler
Clarification: The N-Jammers stop nuclear reactions by inhibiting the movment of free electrons. Since electrons are no longer projected outwards they cannot collide and break apart, and so on and so forth. Because of this, there is NO nuclear radiation what-so-ever. This is why Kira did not get a huge dose of Radiation poisoning when his suit blew up, because he shut down the nuclear jammer canceler (stopping the explosion and the radiation.)
correct me if i am wrong but i dont think electrons play much of a role in nuclear reactions, unless it is the release of beta particles
No it's because Kira shut down his nuclear reactor.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Clarification: The N-Jammers stop nuclear reactions by inhibiting the movment of free electrons. Since electrons are no longer projected outwards they cannot collide and break apart, and so on and so forth. Because of this, there is NO nuclear radiation what-so-ever. This is why Kira did not get a huge dose of Radiation poisoning when his suit blew up, because he shut down the nuclear jammer canceler (stopping the explosion and the radiation.)
On top of that I've already explained that radioactivity (or radiation) is not a nuclear reaction it is actually molecular decay.
feels like i'm completely out of subject but...
I watched 45's preview and zOMFG thats RETARD Fukuda brought more destroy Gundams.... I don't think he gets the fact that they got pwned by Destiny and Legend.... and if SF and IJ join in... not gonna be pretty to see.
Girty Lue is back to... and we get to see some more Yzak fighting and is it just me or Yzak and Dearka look pretty much more like real soldiers compared to Minerva crew... I mean the mechanics are Kids... the Pilots are Kids... the only thing the captain can do is complain and get owned by chairman's speech and the executive officer is a complete retard whos more childish and stupid than that fake Lacus. this is getting beyond stupid.
Anyways... 6 episodes left untill the end... hopefully not 6 episode of disapointment.