RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Yeah, I guess I should add and change some things.
I actually haven't watch or read Naruto in a while. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
c'mon guys.....Dulindell has to be evil and/or deviously good. His VA is Shuuichi Ikeda.....AKA Char Aznable!!! mwuhahahahaha
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Very nice 1984 reference. I thought it sounded very familiar while I watching the episode but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
Dullindal has to be evil. He's doing all this stuff to be seen as a good guy, but we've all seen him sleep w/ Minerva's Captain and questioning about the Archangel. Why does he question about it now? Is it because Freedom showed up and his assasination plot failed? Couldn't he have just asked Lacus at the very beginning, because he obviously knew where she was. He went to the whole trouble of creating a fake Lacus.
Btw, I'm very confused on Mia's/Meer's name. Which is it? I hear Mia...but I can also hear Meer...I just don't see Meer as a real name...
Yeah, to the person who said Shinn saw Lacus with Kira at the monument on Orb: I didn't remember that. This is probably why Shinn has the weird look on his face and slightly confused/jealous thing going.
I'm still awaiting the episode when Kira owns Shinn. <sigh>
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
sure Dullindal coulda asked Lacus...but which would you choose: Lacus all the way over at orb w/ the earth army in the way or Mea who's on plant? And if Mea reveals that she's a fake, Dullindal would be done, so to hold up his end of the bargain (again assuming that my theory is correct), it would be in his best interest to finish off Lacus asap
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
c'mon guys.....Dulindell has to be evil and/or deviously good. His VA is Shuuichi Ikeda.....AKA Char Aznable!!! mwuhahahahaha
HOLY CRAP! I never realized that before. Dullindal just got bumped up a couple pegs.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
c'mon guys.....Dulindell has to be evil and/or deviously good. His VA is Shuuichi Ikeda.....AKA Char Aznable!!! mwuhahahahaha
HOLY CRAP! I never realized that before. Dullindal just got bumped up a couple pegs.
How could you not notice that? It's like the awesomeness of a lifetime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: Roko
sure Dullindal coulda asked Lacus...but which would you choose: Lacus all the way over at orb w/ the earth army in the way or Mea who's on plant? And if Mea reveals that she's a fake, Dullindal would be done, so to hold up his end of the bargain (again assuming that my theory is correct), it would be in his best interest to finish off Lacus asap
Well, EAF wasn't in the way yet. Remember, Athrun was able to travel back to PLANT. This was when he met Mia/Meer. So there wasn't enough tension yet to prevent Lacus from returning. I think it's odd that he'd take the risk of making a fake Lacus with the possiblity of the real one to expose it. I mean, seriously, I'm sure Dullindal knows all about Kira and Freedom and how they're insanely powerful. Does he really think it'll be that easy to take down Kira and the Archangel? There has to be some other motive to making a fake Lacus than needing "Lacus's power" to calm the people. Maybe he's having an affair! We can't rule this out because of all the sleeping around he seems to be doing...
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
c'mon guys.....Dulindell has to be evil and/or deviously good. His VA is Shuuichi Ikeda.....AKA Char Aznable!!! mwuhahahahaha
HOLY CRAP! I never realized that before. Dullindal just got bumped up a couple pegs.
How could you not notice that? It's like the awesomeness of a lifetime [img][/img]
for sure! and if it's true that Dullandil IS sleeping with the Minerva's Captain, Talia Gladys....well here's another VA tidbit, just to fuck w/ ur heads
her VA is the same as Kycilia Zabi's. LOL
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Caught up again... who is Kylicia Zabi?
Man, who DOESN'T love the chairman? A least a dozen yaoi doujinshi must have been launched by this ep alone... I'm not sure whether or not he'll turn out to be strait up evil. I'm thinking that it's likely more complicated then that. Maybe he's just ruthless, willing to go to any length (including killing Lacus) if he thinks it will keep his people safe.... Maybe that's why he gave Athrun that Gundam, because he can't trust his own judgement any more... didn't he say something like that when he gave Athrun the key?
What I found odd was that Phantom group suddenly attending Mia's concert. How, why, and when did they show up? Weren't they on the other side of the world or something? It seemed really random...
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
At first, Dullandil seems good and all but he's getting more and more suspicious and cunning. I agree with ya all that he might want to kill the real Lacus.
Also, aren't Athrun in love with Cagalli? It's annoying how the three girls keep attaching themselves to him! Luna and her lil sis is ok.... but Mia, seriously, she keepings on hugging Athrun and stuff, thinking she's his fiancee. She's just so annoying! Btw, can't the people tell that Mia isn't the real Lacus? I mean, just look at all the differences! Mia is wayyyy too genki, the songs are sung differently, and her personality is completely different from Lacus. I just don't understand how the people can't tell she's not the real Lacus. Are they all blind or it's just that Dullandil's too calculating.
I really hope that Lacus shows up soon, with Kira, Cagalli and co.
However, this episode was quite funny. The part with Rei hugging the commander/Dullandil really shocked me. When he's around the commander, he's different. He becomes more open and so happy. I think they might be father/son or sibling relationship. Also the expression Athrun made when he heard of Mia's arrival.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
I hope Dullandal is a good guy... it is toooo easy to make him a bad guy
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
I agree w/ Bud and Mae about Dullandil, but only time and eps will say
HOPEFULLY he is good and mea is evil; it would b nice to find out that it has been mea all along who has been manipulating everyone
oh, and another thing, doesn't it seem like zaft pilots are weaker than they're supposed to be? I mean, they are genetically enhanced and yet they're pretty much equal to EA natural pilots...
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
the EA pilots run diffrent OS in there suits which makes them more mobile and shit, if a coordinator were to jump into one of those suits they would kick ass.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Then how come the coordinators have not made a better OS then EA?? Since they are smarter and shit they should have the best OS to [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Wouldn't a complex OS like the one used by the Naturals get in the way of the Coordinators?
Er... maybe that's a stupid question...
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: TwisT
Then how come the coordinators have not made a better OS then EA?? Since they are smarter and shit they should have the best OS to [img][/img]
i have no idea, its probably one of those things that just is like that so it can work out normally, if the coordinators would acquire better OS the show would end since they could just crush EA easier than taking a nap.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
The Natural OS isn't really any better than the ZAFT OS. It was a less complicated OS designed to compensate for the Natural inability to use the ZAFT OS. Sorta like dumbing down the mouse sensitivity on your computer in a video game. I usually play with the highest sensitivity yet my friends can't play with that high setting. But they can get a similar result in aiming and movement by dumbing own the setting.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
The Natural OS isn't really any better than the ZAFT OS. It was a less complicated OS designed to compensate for the Natural inability to use the ZAFT OS. Sorta like dumbing down the mouse sensitivity on your computer in a video game. I usually play with the highest sensitivity yet my friends can't play with that high setting. But they can get a similar result in aiming and movement by dumbing own the setting.
similar yes, but nowhere nearly as fast at responding; but it is a good comparison id say