RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
I would say kidoumarus web armor is much better thatn garaa's sand armor cause kidoumaru can still while garaa stays in one place when he has the shield
huh? kidoumaru can still what? you totally made that sentence worthless by not finishing it [img][/img]
im assuming you meant "move", but you still completely ignored what i said. gaara's SAND ARMOR is different than his SAND SHIELD. Not to mention that everyone's saying that kidoumaru CANT move with his armor, so what's your reasoning for saying differently?
oops. haha thanks assertn ill edit it now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Naruto 116-117 discussion
my reason: in the episode when neji finished his attack in a cloud of smoke you saw kidoumaru get up unharmed. that means when he got up he had the armor which means he can move while he has the web armor
EDIT: Sorry for the double post but i couldnt edit my last one to put my reason(wierd).
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
even so, gaara can still move around with his sand armor. Probably with his sand shield as well, after all, it did follow him around when lee was kicking him around in the prelims (of course that can be my only example simply because gaara CHOOSES never to move around)
Naruto 116-117 discussion
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
I have to agree with Board here.
On the subject of Kido suddenly vanishing, there's something I noticed watching that scene again.
When they are standing there looking at each other, there is this...distortion, that moves along the treetrunk in the middle of the screen. Looks kinda like when a character is invisible, only smaller. I think that thing, whatever it is, is Kido slipping away while he simply left an illusion of himself standing there. Then the illusion disappears and it looks like he just vanished.
Watch it again, its pretty obvious if you're looking for it.
I always thought that was a leaf, but after this discussion I'm starting to think otherwise.
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
even so, gaara can still move around with his sand armor. Probably with his sand shield as well, after all, it did follow him around when lee was kicking him around in the prelims (of course that can be my only example simply because gaara CHOOSES never to move around)
Right, Gaara does have mobility with his sand armor on and the shield will attempt to follow him and protect him of its own will.
As for Kido standing up with the armor still on it's possible the armor around his legs had already fallen off. I don't have the episode anymore to double check but I believe it only showed the armor on his face crumbling off, which could be the last of it.
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
I never seem to get around to watching these episodes until the discussions are pages and pages long.
Anyways, I thought this was a fabulous ep. A lot of fun from start to finish. And even though I will never love Neji as much as Shikamaru, Neji was pretty awesome in this episode.
As for the debate that's going on about Kidoumaru's armor, I speculate that he has some limited control over its material properties (i.e. hardness, strength, malleability). My reasoning is this. When he forms it around his body, it is strong enough to withstand Neji's attack. However, when he stops needing it, it crumbles off easily. This suggests some manner of control on Kidoumaru's part. So, theoretically, he may also be able to make it malleable enough for him to be able to move while encased in it.
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
dled ealier but I just watched it and I gotta say I enjoyed it a lot. I don't think I had this much fun watching an eps. since Gaara vs Lee. This ep was pure fiyah and has to be Teh Best 1hr Speshul EVAR!!!1eleventyone
I can't say enough good things about it. WOO this ep kicked sooo much ass man. I'm hyped. *backflips 4x Man they better animate the Kimimaro battle well too. Oh and before anyone says "OMG teh spoilarz" if you paid close attention to the ep, Kidoumaru mentions Kimi so hold dat.
Anyhow the standings so far:
Jiroubou (the fatass) < Chouji
Kidoumaru (the spidey guy) < Neji
Tayuya (the chick) - will fight next ep.
Sakon (the two-headed queer) - will fight next ep.
Hope A/A gets 118 out this week and not next or the week after <_<
I'll prolly just get DB if I can't wait.
Lastly I must state my disgust for the latest ED. It has absolutely no substance at all. Apart from a few snapshots of chibi naruto & sasuke, the ending is filled with bright ass colors with naruto who appears to be running around like an asshat. As if that isn't bad enough, the singing is awful and only serves purpose as to complimenting the shitty sequences of naruto running on the spot. Seriously it must've took them 5 maybe 10 minutes to record that song. Sounded like they took a bunch of silverware and put it in a blender.
Anyhow I'm out.
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
I agree the new ending sucks. They should've kept the last ending a bit longer since it's only been used for 10 eps
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
Yeah, this ending does not get my approval at all. Both the animation AND the song don't suit my taste.
Well, A/A FINALLY got their episode out (my long patience has endured, yahoo!). Such a kickass episode. It's so nice to see this type of episode again after all the crap the past episodes went through.
Naruto 116-117 discussion
Aeon said : fullcrap, as if Neji would die to the likes of him. I won't believe it till I see a funeral that has a crying Tenten(Less face time then Kin, that's sad).
lol.. i was saying the same thing from the chouiji episode.. right after i saw chouji episode i said i won't believe and refuse to believe they died till they show a funeral and ppl crying... and same with neji episode as well
@_@ i sincerely can't believe ppl who say this episode sucks.. i mean episodes these days are just awesome.. and shows character development.. last episode made me respect chouji.. and this episode made me love neji.. he is so kawaii and kewl..^_^ and i like how he totally got over his hardship.. and now trusts naruto and comrades.. loved the part where he says "HE WILL SAVE HIM" and refuse to believe that guy when he said there is no way.. and i would love to see neji learn even more techniques.. i mean there have to be more techniques from hyuuga clan.. !!
Naruto 116-117 discussion
bah i hated the chouji fight and the start of the neji fight. there was just something lacking, besides the animation. the chouji fight was just who can hit who the hardest, no tactics and the sound guy stood there and watched him eat the pills. i didnt like the start of the neji fight so much either, but that was mainly because of the animation, but by the end it was good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. yes this new ending does really suck balls
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
Yeah, Chouji fight wasn't that good. Not much happened since most of it was based on his past. Enough with the past and get on with the action! It's been far too long, haha.
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
how bout kidoumaru's spiderman impression. watched this ep again. it kicks so much ass.
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
yea. kidoumaru kicks ass. je looked awesome when he was in the second level
RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion
Why do they all look ugly when they go to the second level... uglyness shouldn't come with a power up...
I bet when Sasuke does come out of that barrel with the level 2 seal and one day faces Itachi, Itachi prolly gonna kick the crap out of him again and say somethin like true power isn't achevied by taking shortcuts or something like that...