Just one episode left. This series went by way too fast.
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Just one episode left. This series went by way too fast.
Well episode 12 is out. That really was way too fast. But good to see Sasahara finally get a job, though I wish more would have progressed between him and Ogiue. Is there any plans for a 3rd season? Not sure if they could do that considering everyone's got jobs now.
I'm so not ready for it to be all over :(
I think there are at least two more volumes of manga that didn't get to the screen, that's probably enough for another OVA, we've got to have more Genshiken!
Is the DB tracker down? I can't download the DB torrent from tokyotoshokan..
Had troubles as well to get it working but managed to get it off isohunt seems to work if you go there instead... on another note I'm sad it's over T_T
Oyabin, looks like their site "Dattebayo" is getting DDOS'd most likely because of their latest post saying they've discontinued fansubbing on Naruto/Bleach/pokemon/etc because of people uploading everything to flash video sites like Youtube. ehh just wait there'll be a YHBT tagged on it & a post about the downtime.
Arg, I wish this series wasn't over! :( Glad to see that Sasahara was finally able to get a job though. If there's more manga volumes that need to reach the screen, I'll be praying for the next Genshiken series to come along real soon. I still want more after going through the first series and this one. Genshiken is one of my all time favorites now along with Full Metal Panic Fumoffu.
Does anyone know if the first series was licensed or not? I want to get the boxset for Genshiken if it is.
All of Genshiken is licensed by Media Blasters that includes the first season, OVA and season two. Hoping there will be a OVA or something to cover the rest since there's some lose ends right now where they ended the show
The first season OVA is the 3 episodes of Kujian, right? They were put onto the Genshiken DVDs? Did they ever make a series of Kujibiki Unbalance (I think they did)
There were three Kujjiun 'episodes' released with the original DVD releases of the first 12 episodes of Genshiken. back in '04 that are meant to represent the 1st, 21st, & 25th episodes of the same anime watched by the Genshiken crew in their world.
In '06 they made a 12 episode TV series based off the Kujibiki Unbalance in Genshiken but not directly related to the three OVA episodes. In each of the 3 DVD releases for that Kujiun series was an ep of the Genshiken OVA. These Genshiken OVA's were essentially Genshiken eps 13-15.
Then of course in '07 we got Genshiken 2 and who knows what its DVD's will hold.
Was the Kujjiun series fansubbed at all? And did the Genshiken OVA have anything to do with the series itself (and by extension the manga)?
This line is meant to convey the fact that the three ovas follow directly after the original 12 episode series in terms of story. If the original Genshiken had been 15 episodes the three OVA's would have been the 13th, 14th, and 15th episodes (albeit with different animation).Quote:
In each of the 3 DVD releases for that Kujiun series was an ep of the Genshiken OVA. These Genshiken OVA's were essentially Genshiken eps 13-15 .
The OVA's pick up the manga story from where Genshiken stops and Genshiken 2 picks it up from where the 3rd OVA left off. Not watching the OVA's would be like skipping episodes 13-15 of a 27 episode anime. Considering new characters are introduced and the plot advances you're missing out if you don't watch them.
In case you were planning to ask they were subbed by gg. gg's tracker has apparently kicked the bucket but I believe they are still on irc bots in #gg on rizon.
Genshiken, the Genshiken OVAs, and Genshiken 2 all represent a single continous story, the same story that is in the mange, except the manga doesn't end where Genshiken 2 ends.
The Kujiubiki Unbalance episodes released with the Genshiken S1 DVDs (which are NOT related directly to the 12 episode series) can be obtained either here by Anime-Faith and Digitalpanic or as part of the [LIME] Genshiken DVD batch which also includes all of Genshiken season 1.
The 12 ep series was subbed by some group called yu which has since fallen off the earth
Kujiun 01-03 - [yu]
Kujiun 04-06 - [yu]
Kujiun 07-09 - [yu]
I can't find torrents for eps 10-12.
Thanks for the clarification. Seems a little difficult to get the OVAs for Genshiken...though I suppose they counted on the fans to buy Kujiun in order to watch them. Once again hard since no one's fansubbed that really either
I expect even more eGratitude for going through and finding all this for you.
Genshiken Season 1 + OVA's - [Solat & Faith+A-Faith+gg] <- May require having a (free) boxtorrents account.
Genshiken - 13 (OVA1) - [gg]
Genshiken - 14 (OVA2) - [gg] <- May have low seeds.
Genshiken - 15 (OVA3) - [gg] <- May not have seeds