Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
answering to the question about haku asked xtort serveral post back?.....lol. "i'm sure kimimaro could've put ten holes in naruto head before kimimaro is pushed back." thats a decent assumption.(not fact). but we're not talking about that are we? .... we are talking about naruto hitting kimmaro with rasengan , his chances are next to nothing.. remember..
... the hell? you were talking about naruto catching kimimaro and hitting him with a rasengan. which NEVER happened so it must be a fabricated scenario where ANYTHING can happen. so you said it's possible because naruto has done it to kabuto before. so i talked about how kimimaro could kill naruto just before getting hit by the rasengan because since naruto has been hit before in the same situation, so why can't i apply that to this scenario? oh right, i can't because you want to right about everything yet you're too stupid to realize that people are smarter than you. your real problem is that you ignore what's really there and force yourself to believe imagined words. after i've proved a point and squashed whatever you threw at me, you just ignore that didn't happen and try to ask the same question in a different way. grow up.
You say one thing and do the other thing... thats why i asked are you sure you know kyubi is part of Naruto... you said yes sir... but why do you need to keep explaining only reason naruto won because of Kyubi's chakra.. we already know naruto used kyubi's chakra against neji and I also know Kyubi is part of Naruto.. you dont go around saying, only reason kakasi won against zabuza because of his best friends sharingan .. do you?
what is the point of this. now you're arguing two different things. you're asking if naruto's taijutsu alone beat neji, i said no, kyubi was the deciding factor in the fight and not naruto's skill in taijutsu. you asked if naruto won because of certain types of techniques not whatever the hell you're asking now. you switched up the words and rephrased your question in a different way. you don't even know what the hell you're talking about cuz each time you try to ask the same question, it's worded differently and the rephrased question strays off a bit by bit from the original question.
anyway, to answer your dumb question, no, i don't go around saying kakashi won the fight because of his sharingan. but i do believe that even if kakashi did not have/use the sharingan, he would've still won. although the fight might have been closer, i think kakashi was just more skilled than zabuza. the sharingan made the fight a lot easier for kakashi.
EDIT: i'm glad you decided to talk out of your ass. the manga forums got quiet after kimimaro died, but your stupidity made it rowdy again. just the way i like it.