Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
"also this asshole Vagabond sent me a spoiler about how kakashi doesnt have uchiha blood in him. im just going to say i post my theories in here, if i wanted to know i would post it in the open discussion! jezuz..."
you didnt have to share that with us....unless thats a joke.... but I dont know either way [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Since the Kakashi - Sharingan came about, both me and my girlfriend was thinking he is like, the love-child of Uchiha and another clan.
Also, maybe the scar is there as he had a fight once, long ago, with someone who thought that without the sharingan, he would be unable to fight - and with this attacked his eye, however he didnt actually cut the eye out - kinda like Guts nose job in Berserk , or Kenshins facial scar - its just there for show - and the story fits around it afterwards...
Would be nice to have an episode or two on just Kakashi explaining about his past - in the same way all the genin's did during the chunin exams.
It was pretty moving at the funeral and was nice to see the younger versions of the different, older characters. The ending was ok , just left an opening on whats to come. All I thought was, oh its Sasuke's older brother and that he's going to be the main object in the next story arc.
Thats only because I havnt read the manga, so I dont want to start going into crazy stories that may or may not happen - ultimatly doing that will just lead to my dissappointment [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
remember how before the third exam kakashi ran into oro and oro said something to the effect of "i see you got the eye" Also, i haven't checked it out, but in the flashbacks we have seen of him does he have it?
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
omg its j00b, what are you doing here?
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Haha you're the asshole. I told you it was a spoiler but i guess you didn't bother to read that.
Sorry to bring other people into this. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Yeah, in seeing pictures of him as a little kid there wasn't any indication that he had a sharingan. So likely it was something that happened when he started doing more missions. Hopefully it will be explained more in the near future, like in a certain fight.
Hey, I'm a Genin now, Yahooo.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Gratz... I'd guess the fight between Kabuto and Kakashi, because they are equal levels right? And Kabuto knows all? It has to happen sometime, right?
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
not if kabuto keeps runnin like a pansy
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Whose Kurenai again? i forgot...
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
kurenai is the jounin with red eyes, shes the one that Jiraiya looks at in the intro, wearing the kimono.
she is also Kiba, Hinata, and Shino's leader.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: XwingRob
Nah, "Gaara is longer there" makes no sense in the conversation they were having. Just watch that scene again, and try to imagine him saying "Gaara is no longer there". Doesn't make much sense does it?
who is saying that they actually said "gaara is no longer there"?
Baka_Desuyo thought that "Gaara is no longer there" might have been possibly true. I was just trying to show him that putting that phrase in their conversation would have made no sense. I'm assuming he's a manga reader too.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
dumbass of course i didnt click the link but the message was basically a spoiler anyhow
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
based on the flashbacks of kakashi, the scar near his eye, the fact that he does not have the ability to turn it off (it doesn't completely accept him as its controller possibly), and his conversation with oro, it seems quite obvious to me that kakashi was not born with his sharingan, although that doesn't necessarily mean he has absolutely no uchiha in his blood...however, one of my observations is that most of the people who are married share abilities with their spouse, and i would think that there would be strict rules within the uchiha clan about doing anything that may cause the spread of their advanced bloodline, so chances are that kakashi has absolutely no uchiha blood in him. I want to know the incident that led to his sharingan, and can't wait to see it (i am sure that they will show it eventually).
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
There's no spoilers,and those flashbacks are in the anime.You even see Sasuke's family in the anime,look back at the early episodes and you'll see the flashbacks I'm talking about,around the first 10.Let me repeat that,there are NO SPOILERS iin my post.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Was there something new coming?
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Sharingan Kakashi, PM Vagabond about the shit you have with him, don't post those useless comments. Also, if you thought what he sent you was a spoiler, then why would you post it?
From Kakashi's talk with Oro, his name (not Uchiha), and even when he first shows his Sharingan against Zabuza, it seemed pretty clear that his sharingan was not naturally with him. This could also lead you to assume that he probably doesn't have any Uchiha blood in him either.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Sharingan Kakashi, PM Vagabond about the shit you have with him, don't post those useless comments. Also, if you thought what he sent you was a spoiler, then why would you post it?
From Kakashi's talk with Oro, his name (not Uchiha), and even when he first shows his Sharingan against Zabuza, it seemed pretty clear that his sharingan was not naturally with him. This could also lead you to assume that he probably doesn't have any Uchiha blood in him either.
Yeah, I think people should just accept that for now until we get more evidence.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS** Taken from the flashback of episode 72.
Looks like Kakashi did not have the sharingan originally.
But then again, it seems like you cannot use that eye perfectly LIKE the Uchiha Clan. -Kabuto, Episode 80
Clearly states that he is not of Uchiha Clan.
You're lucky, since you got what you wanted already. You didn't have THAT a long time ago.That.. Sharingan in your left eye. -Orochimaru, Episode 40
Also clearly states that he did not have the sharingan orignally and that he got it somehow.
If you still believe that he is of Uchiha Blood, and that Sharingan is originally his then you are watching the wrong anime.
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
As for how he got the sharingan, it has not been revealed so no one knows for sure.
Well, I don't know for certain, but if I had to guess, I'd say he stole it. They make the point in the series of saying how a persons bodies can tell someone a clans secrets, and the part where the Lightning wanted Hyugaa clans bloodline power, and with his body they'd be able to get it.
So I'm guessing he killed a member of the Uchiha back before they were all wiped out and stole the Sharingan. Which is probably why that eye has a scar. Maybe some kind of ninja transplant procedure.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
also keep in mind though that sasuke didnt get his sharingan until after he fought haku
so apparently its not something that you'd have since birth
but at the same time the fact that kakashi only has it in one eye seems like he didnt just "inherit" the ability
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Didn't Kakashi have the sharingon when he became Chuunin? I think it said somewhere that he did, that would of made him like 6 or 8 when he became a Chuunin so he must of had it when he was young. I am not sure though. I think that his friend died, the one he visits at the memorial, I think he was of Uchiha blood and he probably gave Kakashi the eye. Someone who knew Kakashi was strong and could learn how to use it would let him and who else would know that better than his best friend. Maybe he accepted his eye as a way of carrying on his memory since he died or something. I dont know. Just something I think. I hope they explain more about Kakashi. I know the movie coming out is going to be somewhat of a prequal to Kakashis past. I know he wasn't born with it Orchi cleared that up by saying that he use not to have it and like him he wants the ability.
I wonder if Jiriaya is planning on sticking around the village after all of this. Even though Orchi doesn't have use of his arms, his still Kage of the sound right?? I wonder where Kazekage is during all of this. I wonder if the village is planning on attacking them or something. Its kind of sad about the sound, because it seems to be of kids that Orchi had taken in as his pawns, but they want to prove themselves to him that they are worthy.