episode 14 will be the end of the second era. (takato era)
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episode 14 will be the end of the second era. (takato era)
That's cool, but I think that's a little too early IMO...
I think we need to watch some more of Iori... and that also means that the next era will have about 10 episodes... I think that it is too much considering how few episodes have been arranged for the previous two eras...
And they really have to develop an amazing story to surpass this two eras... I think that it will be a hard task...
I wonder who the next opponents are... the Shinsegumi maybe? at least it looks like that on the opening...
i dont think so, i mean i know that takato will face off wit jubei,but that still leaves iori, im saying that it will atleast last for another 5 more eps then continue on to the next
i just hope they will continue to sub the show do not care how many there are in the eras lol
well 14 seen to be the end of this era ..
and I dont think there is gona be only 3 mutsu probably more I think
also ppl still thinks this is call side story because you can see 3 mutsu in the intro ..as said before thats wrong ..
below is my last post:
dont remember who but some body was asking why this was called shura no toki the side story .. well the original (Shura no mon) comes from and old 31 volume series that was published in Koudansha's Monthly Shounen Magazine from 1987 until 1997 the hero in this one is Mutsu Tsukumo..
so far we seen only two of his special moves
Mukuuha "no air wave", or "vacuum wave" Mutsu creates a miniature vacuum by causing his fist to vibrate at an extremely high rate, and he releases the energy as a wave into his opponents body. Capable of breaking ribs and doing damage to internal organs.
Ikazura "Thunder" A vicious throw manuever, Mutsu breaks his opponent's arm over his shoulder, performs a hip throw, and kicks his opponent in the back of the head on the way down.
there'r others dont want to spoil so I'll just tell you the names
Kohou "Tiger Cannon" , Gazan "Fang" , Shishikou "Lion's Roar" , Jahazan "Snake Wave" , "Ryuuha "Dragon Wave" , And the last one my favorite Shimon "Four Gates" or "Gate of Death" <------ I always wanted to see the animated one hehehe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
P.S: the manga story is placed in the future around early 90s (I cant remember)
14 is out... go leech!!!
woohoo! leeching now
3kbs, Think I'll try again later tonight when there is more seeds.
woot glad thier doing the rest of the series and the quality of the subs and video is great
Thnx bud, dl'ing now
this ep was off the hook
hella yes another new arc looks like this time the mutsu is younger than previous ones looks like it will be good deffently a series i am gonna get on dvd
Now I wish I got it earlier, I keep getting refused by the tracker now[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].
Aeon... just get it of a bot on IRC
P-Virus... did we get to see one of the Mutsu's special moves that you were talking about on episode 14? I can't recall seeing one...
if there is only 3 arc, then this last arc must be pretty good. the first 2 was good. I like the Yakumo arc, he's just a bad ass. takato was ok, he's not that great though.
well I hope so because takato didnt show any of the special move I mention before .. and for what happend in ep 14 we wont at least not with takato era (ohh wait oh yeah there is one the eye poke blinding move lol , that was the sickest move I ever seen and very surprising too it was so danm painfull yeah definitly shura one of the greatest animes ) ... I hope that in the next eps there will be more of this special moves
now off topic and I know Im late but please dont flame ..... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
how many green green tv eps and ova in total?
Yeah there was the eye poking... but I was hoping to see something like the vaccum wave....
As for Green Green
one OVA that comes before the series... actually it is almost unrelated...
then twelve episodes of TV series... then the ending OVA or episode 13 as some call it, also known as Green Green Erolutions
hey a 14 version 2 was released what was wrong with the other one?
no idea what was wrong with 14v1 seemed ok to me lol i got it anyways can not wait till the new arc starts
but boy takumo was wicked looking when they over shadowed him and they shot the girl boy he went beserk lol
I havent seen ep 14 yet but the Takato era cant be over anytime soon cause atleast Yakumo showed his skills but Takato havent done anything but evading attacks.
I hope Takato shows soon how good he is cause i want to see some shura moves mabye even the speciel shura moves.
By the way it was me who was asking why it was called side story.