I agree. Yay to making babies! Shika-Tema-Tatuya threesome!Quote:
Originally posted by: SDShamshel
This also works towards my belief that Shikamaru and Temari will one day be making babies together.
Also loving Temari's new outfit.
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I agree. Yay to making babies! Shika-Tema-Tatuya threesome!Quote:
Originally posted by: SDShamshel
This also works towards my belief that Shikamaru and Temari will one day be making babies together.
Also loving Temari's new outfit.
For some reason, I have the feeling that the first thing Gaara's going to do when he sees Naruto is smile.
Not his "I'm going to grind your bones to dust" smile, but like an honest smile.
And it'll be the creepiest thing ever.
Yeah, it's pretty new. Remember Kabuto explaining the small village of the sound, at the beggining of the Chunnin written test?Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
. Does Orochimaru own a small country too?
I am sure there is a Sound Village, and that he created a new country. Not totally sure if his country is also called sound. I can think of an episode, I'd guess around the preliminaries or so, where Oro explains.
There's a map with all countries we know so far and his, which is rather small. If I have time I will check and try to find it, unless somebody figures that one, first.
As for Itachi not being evil enough, well judging by Sasuke, he may have had a good excuse for doing what he did...not just because he's pure evil... j/k
Yes, he is evil and psycho... And I hope he remains that way.
It's very bizarre to imagine Gaara and Naruto going for ramen at Ichiraku...or going out with the boys:
Gaara: Come on, there's still a tea house open.
Shikamaru: Sheesh, don't you ever get any sleep?
Gaara: Nope. No sleep. Ever. Demon inside. No sleep. He eats me.
there could always be the possiblity that they found away to supress shukaku with some kind of seal, and now gaara kinda kinda get some sleep.
joke chapter for next week
after kimimaro has been defeated gaara revirts back to a demonic state and kills lee, and then proceeds to hunt down naruto.
but the bags under gaaras eyes seem to have receeded. and are not as larg.
Great! --> that Gaara has changed side, man he's cool now.
That's something we will never know... if those bags are from not sleep or from the Tanuki inside...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
but the bags under gaaras eyes seem to have receeded. and are not as larg.
Mmh, I don't know about Temari/Shikamaru. I'm more into Ino/Shikamaru. But seems Tayuya is smarter.
So perhaps, once the Konoha girls realize Sasuke is a jerk not really worth their time (except Sakura), the new village Don Juan will be Shikamaru!
Shikamaru has always been fighting females, and now, saved by a female :S,
shik = chick, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].... He has not been fighting a male thrue out the entire naruto-serious.
gaara could make for a very interesting support type character.....just imagine a group of ninjas fighting a group of enemies, and gaara just standing there blocking all the enemies attacks for his teammates.
then at one point bustin out the shukaku to assist gamabunta on some snake ass-whupping
Just caught a scanlated version of Chapter 212 from Narutofan. Link'll be below. It was scanlated by a new group, and while I prefer Inane and will expect theirs (whenever time permits for them to work on it), this new group did a decent job. Decent enough with the text, and the images were of fairly swell quality.
Moving along to the chapter content .. GOD DAMN! So sweet. First of all, Lee's drunken hysteria seemed to wear off a bit, enough where some sense started to return to him. Opening the first gate, attempting Initial Lotus .. It was great. Kimimaro is indefinitely skilled. Thus, the whining thread of why Lee is on Par with Kimimaro can be closed. It was shown that they actually are not on equal fighting grounds. I would give Lee the advantage of speed, but that is all .. sadly.
As for the ending .. amazing!! Gaara helping Lee, and Temari aiding Shikamaru .. just as you all said .. irony at its fullest. Still a most pleasant surprise. Well, a surprise to some. Just like most people's theories, I figured Gaara was one of the people Kiba had smelled a number of chapters ago.
Once you see the final page, or second to last .. Temari states they are aiding Konoha on this mission. The Sand & Leaf are once again allies. Wewt, wewt ..
While Lee could not bypass the bloodline limit of Kimimaro, he still owns you all .. !!
Ninja vanish!
yes, we have a new group translating the mange.
thanks bakafish, it is very appreciated.
edit: Temari is such a hot babe !
Temari was looking pretty good. I liked the all black get-up of Gaara's the most, though. I do not particularly like his character (at all); the aiding of my favorite character [Rock Lee] has earned him a few points of favor in my book.
Considering Gaara is not really a mobile shinobi, I suppose we'll see a lot more motion and action on Kimimaro's part, come the next few chapters. Or even better .. Lee & Gaara both take him on. Kimimaro will indefinitely have to utilize the power of his seal, at that point. No way could he take on those two Genin.
Ninja vanish.
Yeah, Kim will have to go full on against those two. Lee has a few scratches only, he'll keep fighting, and Gaara... well, I supposse that Gaara wont just use the Sand Coffin, since it'd be cheap...
I give Kimimaro much much more credit, than to even fathom the idea of him being caught within Gaara's sand traps. None such as the likes of the Sand Coffin, anyway. His speed is below Lee's (of course, this is my assumption and own personal belief), but only under it by an almost insignificant notch. For the Bone Collector over there, to get caught in Gaara's [cheesy] techniques, both Lee & Gaara will have to pull off some amazing team work.
And, you're right .. Lee's only cut up a bit. A few bruises. He's gotten worse lumps and scrapes from training with the sparring log. Konoha's Beast is far from done. And, the Demon of the Sand [hopefully] has been up to more than playing in the sandbox.
Ninja vanish!
i think all of us here can agree that kimimaro will end up 'losing.'
but i don't care, go kimimaro! he'll whoop some major ass before he goes down. he's too fucking bad ass.
Yeah, Kim will have to go full on against those two. Lee has a few scratches only, he'll keep fighting, and Gaara... well, I supposse that Gaara wont just use the Sand Coffin, since it'd be cheap...
Yeah but you saw how easily gai and kakashi penetrated it, like they just jump in and remove it from their hand, Gaara's desert coffin is nothing for a jounin, though kimmimaro is prolly a chuunin.
I do not recall Kakashi ever nullifying Gaara's sand assaults. But, I do have a faulty memory. So, maybe I just do not remember. In any manner, the point you were making is true. Unless Gaara's got some nukes hiding in that gourd, or better yet some new useful techniques .. I do not know what's going to be done with him now involved.
I do not know about you, but I am not even a Gaara fan and I would like to see more out of him. If he stands there for two chapters, with that stupid look on his face, and the sand doing everything .. I am going to plead permanent insanity, and go berserk.
Ninja flippin' vanish! .. Wewt.
I'm no Gaara fan either, and I never understood what was about him that made people go "OMG like Gaara is so kewl!!1!1", but the power of his new clothes is too big for me to resist, so I'm happy he's there.
Regarding the sand's power... well, Gai "easily" cut it off to protect Lee, but I don't think that was Taijutsu only. I'm pretty sure Gai had to use a chakra-charged blow to uh, blow the sand away.
Besides, we know Kimimaro is close to Sasuke in terms of power (whether he's weaker or stronger doesn't matter, he's at Sasuke's level), which means he's at chuunin level at most.... and given that most chuunin-to-be couldn't deflect that attack (in the chuunin exam, how many did he kill with it?), whose to say Kimimaro wouldn't be at the very least hurt by the Desert Coffin?
It's my belief that Kimimaro will get completely owned by Gaara, it just seems like a REALLY bad matchup for Kimi, especially if Gaara starts to go berserk.