Theory about Itachi's eyes
"i wish i had the actual anime to watch it over again, but i can't. i only have the manga to deal with. maybe the producers wanted to re do the scene cuz they thought it would be better, i don't fucking know."
well that explains a lot. And I'm here busting my ass checking the anime and manga - while you just go off shotgunning whatever comes to the top of your head from the manga.
Now - I see why you don't believe anything I've said, because you have no way to check anything I've said about the anime. Added scenes, etc.
So why don't you just keep your mouth shut, and check my evidence before blasting off half-witted retorts.
CheCK YO Self Before you WrecK yo Self!
edit: BTW: about "proof". this word should be erased from the dictionary. Sooner or later you'll learn that nothing can be proven. /edit
Theory about Itachi's eyes
i don't have the anime to thoroughly examine it but i've watched each episode more than you can count. so why don't YOU keep your mouth shut instead of underestimating my knowledge on it. you should ask yourself, why only YOU are arguing against many people. you can't even fathom the idea what you're saying is wrong and can go the other way.
so many people have jumped on to the 'overanalysis' boat making random, absurd crap out of simple events and happenings. ridiculous.
EDIT: i realize that this thread is on the verge of getting locked due to flaming. so let me say this real quick: i apologize if i came off too harsh, plz forget the hate. but i still stand by my comments.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
Times I've admitted I was wrong:
1. Itachi fearing Kakashi copying his moves. My bad, it was Baki
2. Mange Sharingan being a jutsu, Tsukiyomi's the jutsu (according to Elessar)
3. Orochimaru never having done Kage buushin (this is actually true in the manga, checking the raw version as well as the translated version)
4. edit Crescent Dance /edit does have Kage Buushin elements (according to a Naruto stats magazine, I trust the poster's insistence of this evidence, although I have not seen it. - something you should learn to do Mut@t@).
Times you've admitted error:
none so far
Keep thinking you're always right, and never voice your own opinion. It'll get you places.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
Originally posted by: BakaShinji
"i wish i had the actual anime to watch it over again, but i can't. i only have the manga to deal with. maybe the producers wanted to re do the scene cuz they thought it would be better, i don't fucking know."
well that explains a lot. And I'm here busting my ass checking the anime and manga - while you just go off shotgunning whatever comes to the top of your head from the manga.
Now - I see why you don't believe anything I've said, because you have no way to check anything I've said about the anime. Added scenes, etc.
So why don't you just keep your mouth shut, and check my evidence before blasting off half-witted retorts.
Well, as you mentioned in a previous post, this is the Naruto Manga section of the forum. So, it seems right that the manga holds more credibility here.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
Originally posted by: BakaShinji
Times I've admitted I was wrong:
1. Itachi fearing Kakashi copying his moves. My bad, it was Baki
2. Mange Sharingan being a jutsu, Tsukiyomi's the jutsu (according to Elessar)
3. Orochimaru never having done Kage buushin (this is actually true in the manga, checking the raw version as well as the translated version)
4. edit Crescent Dance /edit does have Kage Buushin elements (according to a Naruto stats magazine, I trust the poster's insistence of this evidence, although I have not seen it. - something you should learn to do Mut@t@).
Times you've admitted error:
none so far
Keep thinking you're always right, and never voice your own opinion. It'll get you places.
i never said i was always right, i'm just never wrong. there is a difference. if i wanted to say that i was always right, i would've put that in my sig instead. and i don't really care if you were wrong on whatever, that is not important. and there is no place for me to say that i was wrong cuz i never have been in this discussion. i've stuck by one thing: 'do not make your posts sound as if they are facts when they are not.' and as for voicing my opinion. i didn't give my opinion on any of what we've been discussing because i truly don't know. i don't know when kakashi got his eye, if he learned kage bunshin and gate opening from naruto and lee, respectively, or not. i really don't and that's why i didn't voice my opinions. cuz if i have nothing to back up what i say, i don't bother saying it at all. i agree on the fact that what you say is possible, but i'm not ever gonna believe it because it has no concrete evidence to support it enough. just saying that "oh, the animators made kakashi look at naruto with both eye while naruto was doing kage bunshin and that's where kakashi learned kage bunshin" is not enough of a solid evidence to convince anyone, especially me.
that is all.
EDIT: yeah, i was wrong on naruto's rasengan. cmdr_raven corrected me =/
it is kabuto who says it. if someone for whatever reason really wants to see it, i'll post up the page.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
well BakaShinji, apparently Mut@t@ does admit being wrong, judging by the adjustment in his sig
and did Baki actually say he didnt want kakashi copying his moves, or are you just confusing him with kabuto? cause i KNOW kabuto said that
can someone tell me what chapter oro used kage bunshin?
Theory about Itachi's eyes
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
well BakaShinji, apparently Mut@t@ does admit being wrong, judging by the adjustment in his sig
and did Baki actually say he didnt want kakashi copying his moves, or are you just confusing him with kabuto? cause i KNOW kabuto said that
can someone tell me what chapter oro used kage bunshin?
It's where Orochimaru and Anko were fighting in the Forest of Death. Well, here's the manga page I posted in a previous post on a previous page:
Orochimaru Kage Bunshin
It's in Japanese, but Orochimaru says "Kage Bunshin yo..." in the middle left panel.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
Ok, first of all, I can see where Orochimaru/Kage Bunshin confusion arises. It IS kage bunshin in the manga, but in the anime he says 'kawarimi yo." And the replacement melts away into mud.
Secondly, YO!! Mut@t@ and BakaShinji!! Chill out or earn yourself a time out! I have warned and warned, and I'm getting tired of it!
Theory about Itachi's eyes
i'm coo, there's no hate. i appreciate.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
yeah i noticed......they called it shadow clone and im so used to kage bunshin at this point that i didnt even think about it
also i was sorta goin through the manga fast so i could start getting to the stuff that wasnt in the anime yet (which was around the time when jiraiya first showed up [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
Theory about Itachi's eyes
@lasaire: During more than for of the six pages we may had a very emotional discussion, yes, but it covered a lot of issues and really got results out of it. No need for time outs at this point. The manga section mastered hard discussions [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Now I want to join the speculation about the Kage Bunshin / Kawarimi discussion.
First of all, manga reader's brains and anime viewer's brains work differently.
We [Manga reading folks] see this whole shinobi world and skills used by its inhabitants. Orochimaru was a high-class shinobi from konoha, so it is only natural for him to use high level konoha jutsus. For example the kage bunshin.
Anime crowds are more like "OMFG! NARUTO! L33T KAGE BUNSHIN MY A$$!". They see kage bunshin as Naruto's very own "special move" noone else is allowed to do. So to provide them their illusion, they changed it.
This discussion is a good example. Wee see different shinobi using the same jutsu and the question that arises is "Where and when did each of them learn it?". In the anime section on various occasions you could see posts like "OMG! XYZ ripped ABC of his SkillZ!!1!" (example: Sasuke doing Lee's taijutsu).
That's my conclusion. They changed it not because they do not want Oro to be able to do it, but to make the anime experience easier and to provide better and clearer distinguished characters the kids can identify themselves with.
PS: I am aware that the above contains some major generalizations. If you think you do not fit in there - regard yourself as an exception.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
Kakashi could have copied the mange. The only bloodline that the Uchiha's have is the sharingan itself. Remember that not every Uchiha develops a Sharingan even though they have Uchiha blood. If the sharingan is said to be able to copy any jutsu except blood line limits (obviously because it requires that certain thing that the individual has, for example you couldn't copy Kimimaro pulling out his bones, because they don't have the bones to do that with) then Kakashi should have been able to copy mange. Mange, even though without hand seals, is still a jutsu. Especially since it is emitted through the eye. All it is, is a high level genjutsu through the use of sharingan.
Oh, I hope all you people who are making such a hyperbole of Sharingan, aren't disappointed when it doesn't meet your expectations. Don't jump on the bandwagon, just to fall of the turnip wagon.
Theory about Itachi's eyes
He doesn't have two eyes and to create 3D illusions you'd need 2 eyes
Theory about Itachi's eyes
Originally posted by: Chi Chi
He doesn't have two eyes and to create 3D illusions you'd need 2 eyes
Theory about Itachi's eyes
inane is retranslating those chapters...
and for the record...
tsukuyomi is the illusion jutsu...
moon reader...something like that
and amaterasu is some sun god maybe...but its the technique that itachi used the black flame one that...they used to escape from the toads stomach...
it will be in the new volume 17 from the tankubons that inane will release...retranslated of course...