I think the manga is setting up for a few chapters in the hospital after the arc anyway, i mean one of his key goals after these fights is to update on lee. So it only makes sense that all of them survive get really wounded and all end up in the hospital, except maybe naruto who will visit etc.
hmm yea we need to find out about lee now its kinda boring to see akamaru piss on ppl and kiba doing siucide moves... i hope he does what we wants.. end the kiba fight quickly turn to shika throw in a few pages of naruto then end shika fight in chapter 206 middle and focus on narutos fight and possbile plot development.
Very good chapter even if it only was action.
I like when it focused one fight at the time its better than jumpin to several fights.
I hope Kiba doesn't die cause even hi isnt one of the best ninjas in Naruto he is important in the show and i like him and his dog.
I must say i have a lot more respect for kiba now.
The next chapter i hope they finish this fight and show little of Narutos fight before they focuse on Shika and Tatuya.
I dunno why he is killing off so many characters, we can pretty much assume Choji is dead. 204 seemed rushed, suddenly you see Kiba commiting suicide...hopefully something good happens in 205...like real good.
ps, isn't the Anime going to catch up with the Manga soon?
No not yet, there's still alot of chapters ahead... maybe they have caught up in the summer/autumm
alot of the sound nins wernt put in death positions compared to the genins, kidoumaru had his chakra flow cut off but that eventually regenerates - none of them took suicide like stuff.
we might see them all catch up to Naruto http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
yea - the relying on "omg, good thing i just learned a new jutsu" sucks.
neji was the only one that didn't have to resort to that in order to beat kidoumaru
not to be mean, but i sincerely hope chouji and kiba die. akamaru can live - he's cool. but i think it has been a trend that these two characters have the ugliest fights. (vs sound, vs naruto)
just kill these two waste of manga space characters off. if these guys weren't around, we'd already be at naruto vs kimimaru already! At minimum - make them goto the hospital like Lee, and never talk about them again. poor Lee =(.
lack of originality is a killer now...
if i wanted to see the kiba fight, i would just watch kenshin beat the mummy face silly
if i wanted to see people eating pills/beans wutever, i would watch dbz (not that I ever would).
"kishimoto's getting lazy"? i was under the impression that the story line for naruto had been completed and the manga was just being released. kishimoto did comment that naruto WAS his favorite work, meaning it was finished? they just haven't published them all yet, and finalized the comics.
And would a mod kindly explain why the topic about chuushin was closed?
I think it's important to elucidate that subject.
hey lets not be too harsh on the guy it has only been i bad chapter and it was this one i like the rest. i think it will get better after this fight just hold on til the kiba fight is over...
EDIT: only one that relied on "new jutsu" is kiba the others iddnt. chouji ate the akamichi pills which are perfectly fine in my opinion that fight was bad ass. and neji met a strategist nad used his old moves but stronger. shikamaru as always depends on his brain. and naruto on anger and raw power... it is not as bad as you guys say.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jiraiya_777 @ Feb 14 2004, 05:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> ps, isn't the Anime going to catch up with the Manga soon? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
nah, it's nowhere close to being caught up - but it's getting closer.
they're still missing a few major arcs:
akatsuki still has to visits gai and kakashi
jiraiya takes naruto off to find tsunade. (rasengan, orochimaru, frog vs snake vs slug)
after all that - then it starts to get close to where the manga is now... kinda, these battles are gonna draw out the anime a lot too.
Anime just started volume 14 (chapter 118)
Manga in middle of volume 23 (chapter 204)
a while ago (during double neji week):
anime was at chapt 102
manga was at chapt 197
so i guess it is catching up, but it's only a little over 1/2 way to where the manga is now.
won't catch up for a while =). i hope it doesn't. otherwise we'll end up with episodes like the lousy 65+ in kenshin.
blah..making fun of the french is not a crime.Conan O'Brian pissed off Quebec like hell when he was in Canada.Its all good.
I think that everyone will survive, at least one in the genin team survives without beeing major damaged, he will take them to Tsunande, and why not take the radio-link that the sound had to try to contact Tsunande who's the 5th, she's a specialist within healing and recovering..
i'm not a kiba hater, but the manga needs a few less characters, so the first one's to go should be Chouj and Kiba. Chouji extreme power up was half reasonable, since it was a sure death drug, so i can't really hate him for half winning...
Kiba's 'victory' is just shit. Kiba is THE avarge genin next to TenTen, he can't win a fight against the strongest of the sound four...
besides, his attack is too much like Kenshin Amakake ryu no (something somthing- i mean his ougie [succession technique]), with the air slashes and stuff, 'monto really messed up with this one.
if Sakon dies, then Ukno dies aswell, since he doesn't have anywhere to live in, but if Ukon dies, Sakon will just be lonely, and pissed off.
about the whole outcome: it's obvious that Naruto won't die, and I can't think about a scenrio where Shikamaru dies. and seeing how Neji managed to walk away and fight after getting that hole fixed up in him, i can't see him dying as well (espically since his fight was the most logical one in this arc). But Kiba and Chouji will die, both said that they will, so they have to, unless 'monto wants to make this manga really stupid...
and beside, chouji had a butterfly to represent his death, Kiba has Akamaru...
i believe that at least one of the sound four will survive to get Sasuke, and then they'll be dismissed by Sasuke (lvl 2, if it has not being shown yet) or Oro (to show us how strong his new body is) since they aren't needed anymore. my guess is that it'll be Sakon, since he won't want to live without Ukon, or Tatuya, in case that Sakon will stay back to help Kiminaro hold down Naruto.
Comon this ain't Berserk, Kenshin or such series, It's Naruto, for kids, no "main" characters will die, not even one in the genin team right now. Tsunande will heal them
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Legendary Nin @ Feb 14 2004, 06:21 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> blah..making fun of the french is not a crime.Conan O'Brian pissed off Quebec like hell when he was in Canada.Its all good. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Too true. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
205 better be as damn good as 204. the suspense is killing me
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 14 2004, 06:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Comon this ain't Berserk, Kenshin or such series, It's Naruto, for kids, no "main" characters will die, not even one in the genin team right now. Tsunande will heal them </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
If i had kids i wouldn't let them watch Naruto... it's really violent and pretty disturbing at times. Like when Sasuke broke Zaku's arms - that was twisted.
Also, i reckon Kishimoto is, but want to know why he is killing off characters, it's pretty obvious Choji and Neji are dead due to the butterflies and the bird scenes - more so Choji than Neji because Shikamaru looks surprised at the butterfly that flies past him.
Kill Kiba, Chouji and have the rest of the genins survive....
i dont understand why people dont like kiba and chouji i think choujis is cool and at the moment hes got a better chance at survival than neji and kiba he is physically unharmed but hes devoid of chakra so hes better of then neji who's got a whole in his side and kiba who has a kunai in his belly
I think/know that it's because people dosen't considering those as "genius". They are more like Naruto, but without the power (kyubi chakra), well they kiba has learned a very good jutsu, but it was easy to counter, check chapter 204. Chouji ate a pill to become strong, that's not the same as most other jutsus, it's like they aren't special in the way Neji, Sasuke, Itachi are...
so i bet if when hes older he devolops great skill look at his dad hes powerrful and chouji techniques are are uniquee to his clan and same goes for kiba hes unique to his clan
i really dont think that kishimoto will kill off imoortant characters of the anime