HS - Episode 33
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I was laughing ridiculously at the epic music playing in the background while the lander was touching down. The utter lack of tension combined with the music was absurd. At least they didn't spend a whole episode on it and left us off with a clifhanger consisting of Hibito's foot landing on the moon: "Will his foot touch the surface of the moon? Will a single shit be given? Tune in to next week's episode to find out!"
The amount of puke in this show is too damn high.
It became one of these shows where you just browse through the timeline for me.
I'm sorry I'm saying this - but Space Brother should just get cancelled and leave it's funding and timeslot to something else.
Awsome, hopefully we got an episode like that for EVERY candidate.
fake-edit: omg, wrote the above without seeing the preview. this cant be real :/
We're probably going to get one for Serika next week. See, objectively speaking I didn't mind the back story. In fact, I kind of liked it. It's just that to tell it right when the results of the selection process are to be told makes the anime seem to come to a screeching halt in terms of progression.
This thread is barely surviving thanks to Buff.
This show really went wrong at some point.
HS - Episode 38
Nice easy pacing with meaningful reflections.. but hurry up and get thatAllSpark!
ep 39 is out!
Houston, we have a plot!
Wow...I was wondering how I'd be made to care about the space events...
It's like the year 2025 or something and they still haven't figured out something to help these guys out? You'd think that before landing on the moon they'd orbit the place and map it out or something..
Still, good to feel some sort of tension.. and I bet you Nitta really was asleep.
HS - Episode 40
And right now with the mission going wrong, the show is doing everything right!Quote:
Originally Posted by Inazuma
Damn I'm looking forward to the next episode.
I don't suppose anybody here can tell me if you really hear hums in space?
It is getting better.
Also I guess you can't hear anything in space.
The moon's atmosphere is next to non-existent so I don't think it can transmit the pressure waves required to carry sound from a human voice across a distance.
Dunno which it was, but in some other scifi-series, astronauts could talk to each other by pressing their helmet visors against each otherīs. Is that possible at all?
Anyway, while the last 2 eps were better, theyīre only short-term interesting. Unless Hibito and Co. find an alien base on the dark side of the moon, things will be resolved rather quickly. So, I still need a proper plot plan for Mutta.
HS - Episode 41
What's that, like the shortest episode ever?!
Damn NASA..
Azuma's going to reroute the unmanned rovers to the site Mutta suggested and all will be well. I'm beginning to forget that I was well on my way to not liking this show anymore. I am a bit worried about what's left to cover after this situation is resolved, assuming they live. If they die, it'll be easier to draw out some interesting stories for awhile longer.
HS - Episode 42
Didn't happen!Quote:
Originally Posted by Barles
Well, itīs too obvious: Thereīs oxygen left in Brianīs old astronaut suit, which Hibitoīs going to use for survival. Then weīll get some "thanks, Brian" feel-good scene and thatīs that.
Old astronaut suit? His suit is underneath that little mound?
I don't know why it isn't possible, but the smartest thing to do would be to tap into another astronaut's oxygen tank. Damian can use his backup while Hibito uses his main.
But that question is the same as why they didn't map out the moon before - to create tension.