Might be it, Persona 4 The Animation is being terribly directed and animated but i still look forward to watching Brotag and Unlimited Swag Works.
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Might be it, Persona 4 The Animation is being terribly directed and animated but i still look forward to watching Brotag and Unlimited Swag Works.
Shu's mum is awesome.
The entire time Shu was bitching about Souta, I kept thinking, "well, you're one to talk." Shu is equally unlikable, whiny, imposing his opinions on others constantly, and he's complaining about someone else? I wish Souta was the protagonist of this series instead of Shu.
Actually, until recently Shu just kept his distance from everything. It's when Funeral Palour disrupted him and made him do this and that, that he started complaining about why he should be doing XYZ.
The scene where Souta was going to confess to Inori though.. Souta so deserved that. It felt cheap how Shu took the chance away from him. In the end though, I think I'm still rooting for Shu for the sole fact that Inori likes him. (or at least, is the most likely candidate for Inori's affection)
Even as boring of a character as Inori is, she doesn't deserve the punishment of being stuck with Shu (at least she shot a pistol properly this time, warp tiger knee or no). Same goes for well-endowed pigtails girl. I wouldn't wish a life with Shu on her either.
Any of the other girls would whip him into shape and wouldn't take any of his whiny bullshit.
How did super jugs follow them through all of that shit?
This episode just made very little sense overall
The episode made sense.. but the overall direction of the show doesn't. I have no idea what this show is actually trying to do.
It finally hit me what this show reminds me of:
-Highschool Male Character
-Special power that is used to various effects depending on the situation/person
-Power given by a mysterious and beautiful girl
-Has affiliation with a terrorist association
-Liked by a girl at school who has no knowledge of this
-Foreign group has, or seeks to have control over Japan
-Presence of Mecha
-Mecha that are piloted, not skyscraper-sized and outwardly appear like they are a technological possibility
-Terrorist has a female ace pilot
-Government has a male ace pilot
-Terrorist ace wears a red tightsuit
-Government ace wears a white tightsuit
-Government has an agent with an artificial eye, looks somewhat regal and has a fixation on the main char
-Main Char's side has a wheelchair-bound girl
What could this be if not Guilty Crown?
edit@below: fixed link. (looks like my idea didn't work)
I guess it could be
You don't have permission to access /pics/anime/9245.jpg on this server.
@Buff - Way ahead of you.
Ah.. indeed you were.
To be fair, I was able to make that connection so early because I knew Yoshino Hiroyuki and Ichiro Okouchi, the two who wrote Code Geass, supervised the script for Guilty Crown.
This is an anime original? I thought it had a manga precedent.
Manga came after the start of the anime, like Code Geass.
so far the show has always been "meh" but:
EP 9 is alot better than the ones before, especially in terms of atmosphere and background music (the music thats plays when Jun explained the void is really awesome)
Shu got some very nice scenes too, you can even go so far and say he was "like a boss"
best ep by far.
I like it that it is hard to tell whether his decision in the end was right or wrong.
edit: god that background music during! am i exaggerating?? I don't know but it feels like watching a Mass Effect Trailer (you know that one with Heart of Courage from Two Steps From Hell.)... or listening to Hans Zimmer
So two confirmed people that can see Voids now. And they both have the "virus" (working under the assumption that that is what Gai is being treated for). I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but the two are definitely connected in some way.
Did the Voids and the physical manifestation of the "virus" always glow?
It was good to see some Shu "solo" action. He definitely did seem more confident and intelligent this episode.
Really? Intelligent?
1 -Your brother died, I'm sorry for your loss.
2 -Your brother asked me to end his life, I'm sorry for your loss.
Okay, maybe not desirable intelligence, but, up until his breaking point at the end, he seemed more intelligent than he had been.
I forgot to mention... I totally thought Jun was a girl up until this point. Even though I'm pretty sure they mentioned it before.
is that suppossed to be an intelligent answer?Quote:
2 - Your brother asked me to end his life, I'm sorry for your loss.
"yo bra, that guy asked me to kill him, so I did it, no hate pls"
feeling guilt after performing such action is probably one of the most normal things to feel.
especially if you have to justify your deeds later, in front of someone who desperately tried to save him.
and its not like he had time to reconsider everything before he acted.