GotSpeed 05
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My eyes. they hurt!
Check the link to the ep Saph, you put this in it
Is that... first person view? Isn't 12th supposed to be blind?
This series is simply put... brilliant.
Yukkii manned up!! Like f*ing finally..
How the hell did Sixth go from a "sin outlet" to someone who commands respect from everyone - and also somehow learns to hypnotise? I can only think of one answer....
Yay, with this episode Yuno can finally be tagged with Ax Crazy.
Yuno's words suggested that she's still a virgin (yay!), which means that in the This-Is-A-Replay-After-Yuno-Won-The-First-Game theory:
1) They didn't make out before this, or
2) Yuno wiped her memories, and/or
3) Yuno reversed her body's condition, or
4) Yukkii-Yuno's a clone whose experience is separate from the original Amano-Yuno.
edit: oh, and Sixth is a bit of a weird one too.
"I'll use you as a lure to capture the First."
"I'll kill him before your eyes."
"I didn't expect him to actually show up."
..exactly what were you expecting or trying to do????
By the way
As a manga reader, I try to stay out of discussions since i don't want to inadvertently post spoilers.
I'm honestly impressed with a lot of the theories that are getting thrown around in this thread though. I'm glad that they are finally doing a proper adaptation of this series and this is probably going to be the best show this season (even better than Fate/Zero).
Another great ep. So is fourth trying to hit on ninth? lol. And wow at twelfth actually not being a bad guy. They didn't need to kill him! I wasn't expecting sixth to be deceiving Yukki, and more of Yuno just being "jealous", but in the end I guess sixth really was trying to. About time Yukki manned up.
Anyways, I'm still waiting to see what happened when Yukki saw that room in full of dead bodies...
12th kind of killed himself. He implanted a bomb inside of himself?!
I guess since Yuno got the "Yukkii and Yuno cum together - HAPPY END -" diary entry back, it was undone to some extent. I suppose the drastic change was a result of Yukiteru no longer trusting Yuno after seeing the dead bodies. That, however, was undone thanks to 12th and 6th interfering. Just a guess though.
I'm still not quite sure hoe Dead End flags work. It's not good enough that someone knows your identity and wants to kill you, or has a plan to want to kill you? Does the plan have to be foolproof or something?
Up until now, I thought it was just a Locked On type of thing..
I guess thinking back to previous cases, the people getting targeted were sneaked up upon, whereas this time it's more of a You vs Me thing.
I believe the Diaries foretell future as it would occur if none of the parties involve read the diary entries and change their actions based on them. You set a Dead End flag by putting a plan into action, and it would go according to keikaku if the other parties don't do anything different that saves themselves. This implies that Diary entries change as soon as you decide to take a different course of action than what you would have done without reading the diaries.
that however, won't always take care of the Dead End flag.Quote:
This implies that Diary entries change as soon as you decide to take a different course of action than what you would have done without reading the diaries.
sometimes you need to do something which prevents the plan from working so to say. otherwise your diary will keep saying "Dead End" as the last entry.
so basically, you need to do the *right* thing before the Dead End flag disappears.
for example:
enemy planted a bomb in Yukkiis house, which will soon explod (in several minutes/seconds)
Yukkii checks his Diary, it says "Dead End" if he keeps watching TV
so he decides to run -> entries change since he passes by different locations and such, however the bomb radius is so fucking huge, he can't escape it by running
so as he runs he checks his phone again -> after several entries about his surroudings he is going to pass by soon it says "Dead End" again
so he decides to turn around and find a suspicious looking object (the bomb) and tries to defuse it -> entries change again, he sucessfully defuses the bomb -> no more "dead end" flag.
I'm late to the party this time, but this was an amazing episode. I'm all for a combination of Ninth and Yuno fanservice... >_>.
Glad to see that Yuki actually decided something. Let's hope he continues to make actual decisions instead of becoming Shinji 2.0 (or _.0, if you consider all the Shinji-clones before this series).
@Bill: I'm thinking it's not as convoluted as it seems. Judging from the opening of episode 1, Yuki sacrifices himself for Yuno, so one would assume they hadn't actually consummated their relationship.
I'm actually going to toss out a new theory pulling from previous ones. Continuing with the "replay" scenario, Amano-Yuki did not know, or at least wasn't yandere for Yuki in the "original" game, but after Yuki saved her numerous times, or just by being with her, she started to become like she is now, thus the change from "Amano-kun" to "Yukkii". And then, as mentioned before, Yuki sacrifices himself for Yuno, and she becomes the new God of Spacetime; chooses to go back and try to change the past (whether being herself, and subsequently killing her past self, or as a clone) so she can be with Yuki. Thoughts? Most of it has been said before, but I wanted to touch upon the relationship change.
I didn't think it was possible but they made ninth even hotter.
It was probably the coloured waki.