I don't think that's very relevant anymore now that her memory reset days are over. She can stick to ol' Touma as long as Touma can survive the craziness attracted to her...Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
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I don't think that's very relevant anymore now that her memory reset days are over. She can stick to ol' Touma as long as Touma can survive the craziness attracted to her...Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
Err looks like I really should be grabbing the torrent :)
Indeed. Also, the next arc looks promising, since it features Misaka. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I must say I am very pleased with this episode. It totally saved the 'arc'. The fight was fantastic, very well animated, very well developed.
Although I was afraid for a moment... seeing a repeat of the first arc with the alchemist being a previous partner of Index. Guess he DID crack when it happened, unlike Stiyl and the other chick.
And next episode is what I've been waiting for since episode 1. The return of Mikoto!! (*stares at her Mikoto 1/8 Model*)
LOL Kraco... you are correct about the series name... unlike A Certain Scientific Railgun, which focuses on Mikoto, a Certain Magical Index seems to be more centered on Touma than on Index. Or rather... the story revolves around what Index is and has done, until now, having Touma being the star...
Jolly good fight. Izzard's ability is both awesome and flawed, the way things should be. It seems all forms of "magic" in this show has one weakness or another, while those naturally gived Espers are free to use that power all they want (with a tactical weakness, rather than a fundamental one).
Ms Deep Blood, on the other hand, was somewhat underwhelming. The way she doesn't remember killing anything, and how the bodies were arranged in her flash backs suggested that she had some sort of subconscious predator instinct that activates when a vampire approaches. The way they die on contact, with no awesomeness on her part, just makes her a walking version of this:
Like the rest of you I was all set to hate this arc I cringed when vampires were brought up and then.... This episode came along and ended the arc with a awesome fight and really kept everything moving nicely with the truth of if vampires even exist left until later.
I love episodes like this that exceed my expectations by and am really looking forward to what else this show has in store for me in the future.
I have a question...
How come Stiyl lost his skin and then appeared like nothing happened, while Touma got his arm ripped off and re-attached? I thought he didn't really lose it after seeing Stiyl... THAT confused me.
I'm thinking his thoughts were going out of whack, and he just imagined Stiyl normally grabbing what she longed for most, Index away fine and dandy. I guess those things he uses to pierce his neck clear his thoughts to focus his reality bending to words only?
When that whole thing was going on I kept thinking, "He's gonna reveal that he doesn't bend reality, he just bends illusions!".
That's because Stiyl was directly affected by his Ars Magna. His direct commands were "float in the sky" and "shred to pieces". In other words, Stiyl's damage was caused by none other than Izzard's "thought".Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Meanwhile, Touma can dispel any direct commands on him by touching himself (connotation not intended). That's why Izzard manifested a weapon instead, then told it to "fire the rotating rifle blade" or something. He aimed the shot at Touma's right arm, without actually commanding it to hit.
So when Izzard come to the conlusion that his Ars Magna has lost it's power, he'll think that everybody currently under the influence of it will be freed.
Or it could be as simple as animus said, he simply thought about Stiyl being back to normal.
Edit: rewatching that part, animus' reasoning makes more sense. The line of events where:
"My Ars Magna has lost its power"
"Wait..don't think that. If you do...(pause and imagines something)"
(Izzard opens his eyes in shock, looks up and sees Stiyl)
"Stop thinking....!!"
The most reasonable explanation was that he thought Stiyl would turn back to normal as he thought through the consequence of having his Ars Magna dispelled.
The pain from his skewers clears his mind of unnecessary thoughts, allowing him to concentrate. Ars Magna brings the alchemist's thoughts into reality. In other words, he must have confidence, thinking he can actually do something for it to work. Secondly, he'll need to have a single train of thought, for it to create exactly what he wants, without creating anything else that might cross his mind.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Him putting his thoughts into words just helps him concentrate on that one thought.
What you said Buffalo makes sense...I just could not get all that from the anime episode I guess.
Yeah, it was one of the most clever fights I have ever seen in anime. Usually there isn't that much to understand in fights, but this was certainly different.
animus & Buff:
Thanks for the explanation. Now I understand.
BTW... can't wait for Sunday... I need my Mikoto dose...
Neat episode, visually awesome and good planning. Can't wait for next episode.
Quite a refreshing episode, gave out a few laughs. The power difference in "Accelerator" seems too great for the MISAKA clones, but hopefully, Touma can save one of them.
I don't think I was spoiling.
Nadouku... edit that comment before others see it. You are spoiling.
The episode I've been waiting forever has arrived. Any scene involving Mikoto is a win for me...
Loved her weird 'blush' while at the soda dispenser.
LOL at Touma seeing the underwear of Mikoto and sister.
LOL at the Cat and the fleas...
I read it....:(Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryouga
Well, this arc seems slightly confusing, but I'll tag along with it.
Clones now....really? They're just throwing out every phenomenon and idea out there so Touma will get a harem.
Loved the creepy laugh MISAKA-bot gave after naming the cat Inu.
Sorry to dirty your eyes Bill! :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian