I wanted to do that. But I returned to Nocturne. After leaving it half-way to play Persona 4, now Im entering the last dungeon.
Dungeon crawling in P4 is way better than in P3, but getting money is a pain.
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I wanted to do that. But I returned to Nocturne. After leaving it half-way to play Persona 4, now Im entering the last dungeon.
Dungeon crawling in P4 is way better than in P3, but getting money is a pain.
It was ok in P3 in my opinion, for some reason I was more ok with it there than here. It might have something to do with the fact that it's not as easy to sneak up on the shadows in P4. Also money and lvl grinding was easier in P3 not to mention the fact that both Yukiko and Kanji kicked my ass horribly the first time, was severely under leveled when I fought them.
Its not that hard to get money, just make sure to level the fox s.link asap and sp restoration wont cost that much.
I didn't use the fox more than 10 times through all the playthrough. I kept recovering SP myself through abilities on Souji (MC) while the others just used magic the less I could.
I miss those recovering sp badges from P3... I know they are on P4, but I never found one or enough materials for the blacksmith to make it.
Im going through Nocturne right now. I just got my Level 80 Pixie, but left her outside the party. My main party right now is Naoki (MC), Dante (Devil May Cry), Daisoujou and Wu Kong. I wanted to get Black Frost, but I don't have enough luck to find his Burial Chamber yet.
bladechild: True it's not that hard to get money but it is harder than in P3, also I blow most of my money on equipment and summoning personas for different reasons, usually for fusing. And when that happens most of my money just go bye bye. The fox didn't get that much money out of me.
Ryo: Ahh I stopped playing that game after awhile, don't know have a hard time with the system and couldn't really get into it. Thinking about getting it again but don't know...
Couple of things I don't like in the new game plus.
- You don't get to keep any equipment. Ok fine if I don't get to keep weapons and armors but at least let me keep my accessory... I want my sp + 50% ring back...
- Unlike P3 the level doesn't carry over... well actually that's fine but felt weird since it didn't work that way in the last game.
- My own mistake on this really but since you start at level 1 as if you started the game from scratch the idea to summon a high level persona didn't seem possible so didn't try until some time later and that's when I realize... it worked. Also somewhat angry at myself that I didn't register the personas that I used at the end of the game... dammit.
The only thing I regret of not doing a new game plus on P3 and P4 is fighting Elizabeth, Margareth, The Reaper (P4) and getting Izanagi no Okami.
I actually HATE that your social links are carried over. What's the point of that? Getting your personal stats and seeing the links is like 50% of the point of the game.
Screw Margaret and Izanagi no Okami. If I replay did I do it from scratch.
BTW... Im just about several hundred levels before the last boss of Nocturne... yes... several hundred... Im already on floor 440.
When I finish Nocture I'll probably finish Disgaea 3 and debate whether to start SMT: Digital Devil Saga, Devll Summoner or leave SMT for a while and play Valkyria Chronicles... damn back log of games...
Never fought against Elizabeth either, was going to but somehow it just never happened.
What? The only things that carried over was the item you get at the end when you max the social link, if you want to do the social link again that's not a problem since I redid everyone except for the clubs, picked the other club instead.
Played until august or september then I went over and played Valkyrie Chronicles... it's been gathering to much dust so better finish it. Also on another side note banzai for 3 hours sleep the last 48 hours... yay.
3 hours? I hope not from work or school.
But your stats are carried over. Courage, Inteligence etc. Its fun getting them as well (for me at least). The only thing I've would want to see with top stats is Chie's reaction for when you ask her phone. 1st playthrough makes asking her boldly impossible.
On Nocturne news... Lucifer is freaking damn hard!!! He kicked my ass at Level 85. My party is Naoki, Dante, Wu Kong and Daisojou (which can be changed for my Level 80 Pixie). Clotho, Odin and my order Perso... err... demons are useless here (or are under-leveled)
Actually it's just because I couldn't sleep... stupid I know.
Yeah those does carry over but for me it's not such a big deal because I just want to do every social link I didn't do on the first play through so it goes a lot faster this way. Ohh and to see the normal ending as well and get Izanagi no Okami and maybe just maybe try and get 100% completion on the persona compendium.
No comments on nocturn or Lucifer call as it's called here I think, never did finish it. Think I stopped playing around some kind of sewer... or maybe my memories just wrong
Edit: Completely offtopic but, do you manually change your sig everytime or does it just rotate by itself?
I have a randomizer. A-randomimage.net changes it.
On SMT news... I finally defeated Lucifer and got the True Demon Ending. Since I don't plan on replaying Nocturne soon I watched the other endings on YouTube.
And... I began SMT: Digital Devil Saga today. I tried to return to Disgaea 3, but got bored.
Shin Megami Tensei Persona for PSP has been announced for a Fall release on the States
Persona Eater
Persona 3 Daioh
Persona 4 Daioh
Dunno this one
Haha the eva video was awesome
HAHAHA, 1:12-1:15 of the Persona 4 Daioh was halarious. The last one is from another anime called High school girls I believe. Heres the original ending:Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Newbies to RPGs and especially Persona try an 'Endurance Run' to see just how long they can go before they die. Their narration is simply hilarious. Good thing to see when you have nothing to do at the office (just don't tell my boss...)
Dude these guys are funny hehe.
Got the game 2 days ago. Been playing it a bit.
Got to Yukiko's dungeon, and tried to complete it on the first day I could access it, and I got owned as I tried to fight Shadow Yukiko at level 10. My characters were basically all outta SP, and I was out of items :(
Shadow Yukiko... I couldn't defeat her until I was about Level 17.
But you can beat her at Level 13 if you have the right Persona and the right Skills.
Suggestion: Buy TaP Sodas. At that point of the story, they are the cheapest way to recover SP outside battle.
Where do I buy them?
Been playing on my PS3, and the lack of text in the lower left hand box, can be a bit annoying.
Ah yes... I never noticed that certain 'bug' until I saw the game running on a PS2.
The sodas are besides Shiroku, the item store, on a Soda Dispenser.
I still remember beating Shadow Yukiko... saving... leaving for the day... just to return the next day and find my save gone.