College is sooo boring, classes are going to be the easiest things ever to do.
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College is sooo boring, classes are going to be the easiest things ever to do.
In japan.. wintermester still for another two days.. three.. ;.; I dun wanna go back!!! ><
Spanish, Child Psych., Astronomy, and Linguistics.
I've got some pretty cool classes this semester.
I took 8 years of Spanish and I still haven't found it useful except when ordering food and listening in on employees complain.
That's pretty much what I'm learning it for (seriously, you need Spanish in Texas). That, and I think hispanic girls are really hot.Quote:
Originally posted by: Xollence
I took 8 years of Spanish and I still haven't found it useful except when ordering food and listening in on employees complain.
Well, the old one bit the dust with the forum change so here's the new one.
If you haven't guessed, its for all you College people out there on Gotwoot to discuss anything college related.
Now, my own major is business management. Right now, I attend NJCU, but I am seriously thinking about transfering out somewhere else. I really looking for something in state (damn out-of-state fees...) and right now, my most serious prospect is William Paterson University, with Rutgers New Brunswick as a close second.
If anyone has any opinions or advise, it will be greatly appritiated.
just a question, what state do you live in?
New Jersey, with a beautiful view of NYC from across the hudson :D
I'm a Freshman at the University of Texas. I'm an undeclared Liberal Arts major, so I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing with my time there.
Kidding aside, I'm leaning heavily towards majoring in either Psychology or Linguistics. It's geekily unhealthy how much fun I think Linguistics is, but I'm concerned as to what kind of job a Linguistics major could get. Nothing comes to mind. I'm also planning to minor in Spanish.
If anyone out there has facebook, pm me if you wanna add me. Facebook is boring, and pretty lame all around, but I've still got one regardless.
Wasn't this the old thread?
WTF?! Damn, when I went looking throught the search, it didn't turn up.
Threads merged (that new function is awesome, as am I)
GotWoot Moderator
I am sooo happy! Just got my letter that I got accepted in the CEGEP i wanted with the program that I desired. Now, I can sleep well at night.:)
Congratulations gr3atfull!
Man some of you guys go to some big name schools. I go to my local community college, but that alright as the Microsoft instructor they have is one of the best in the state.
Hell yeah for New Jersey!! I go to Rowan University and the college life is fantastic (minus the classes). I have one friend who goes to William Paterson and a shitload of my graduating class from high school goes to Rutgers. Stop by sometime Phoenix. :cool:Quote:
Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
And I'm a biochemistry/premed major right now. Don't know what kind of doctor I want to be yet since I've got alot of time to think about it. But I'm also considering switching into pharmacy but I don't know if that will happen just yet. Ugh...I really hope I survive, it just gets harder as you move on to each semester. I'm only a freshman right now in my second semester and I'm not doing so well in physics and biology. :(
I'm at University of Technology, Sydney.
Place is pretty cool, still getting adjusted with the chairs and how to fall asleep, all is going well at the moment.
My course is Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice.
I have less than a month until I'm done university forever!!! Well, maybe not forever, in case I decide to go to grad school one day, but soon I'm going to be graduated and have a degree. And I get my iron ring! For those of you that don't know, everyone who graduates from an engineering program in Canada receives an iron ring to be worn on the pinky finger of their working hand.
@Xan: You should totally do linguistics! Seriously, linguistics is the only thing that's kept me sane through university. I love it so much. There are few things more fun than reconstructing the Proto-Indo-European language or identifying morphemes and drawing sentence trees. Not to mention psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, two of the best courses ever. Every time I take a linguistic course, I'm always like, "This is my favourite course ever in the history of the world!!!!"
But anyways, in terms of career opportunities, there's always speech pathology, or translation, or computational linguistics. There's actually quite a bit of opportunity for linguists in the field of AI and artificial speech generation. I know a guy right now who graduated from linguistics and is working for Corel, on Help files and documentation. He basically has to translate the jargon from the engineers into something that regular people can understand and follow.
Ahhhhh . Senior here and im scared of what to do in college next year.
Can I have some advice, some tips, what to do, how hard is it, is it fun, does it bring home sickness, how do you choose classes, should I strive to do hard classes or only care about recieving the Civil Enginnering degree, are financial problems abundant or does the univeristy usually help you alot?????????????????????????
Please, an anwser to any of these questions is helpful.
Depends, where are you, canada or states?
No matter where you do it, engineering is a tough program. expect to have a shitload of courses, and not nearly enough time to do all the work. dont freak out if you can't finish all the homework, or do bad on a test. Just as long as you keep progressing to the next year, its all good.
My advice to you is, work hard and keep on top of things. Also, if a class seems too hard, and you think you wont pass it, DROP IT (make sure you can make it up in the summer though). I made the mistake of being too proud to drop courses, and paid for it in my first year.
Other then that, just try to have fun. Remember, engineering can be the worst 4 years of your life, or the best 7 ;)
@Drims: Good luck next year. Don't worry about adjusting to college life too much, it'll just happen. And if you're going to a good school, you'll probably have ample help with choosing classes, setting up a good schedule, etc. Once piece of advice I have is to make good use of your time. I'm not just talking about high school-like time management. I seriously did not realize how much time in college was spent not in class until I got here. You'll have so much free time, but a large percent of it will probably (or at least should) consist of assignments/studying/bullshit. So stay on top of stuff, and the rest is a blast.
Computational Linguistics has sparked my attention more than anything as of yet. I actually have a project on the subject due in a few weeks, but I haven't started - so I knew absolutely nothing about it until now (other than that it somehow combined computers and Thanks for the advice.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Edit: What's funny is that I actually do find identifing morphemes to be fun work. Don't know about sentence trees though, we've only just started syntax :p