The beta is actually listed on battlenet now and lets you do a system scan.. Last time I visited battle net a month or 2 ago it only had the opt-in options and not the sc2 icon.
I really can't wait. I saw a gameplay video of "scrap yard?" and it looked pretty sweet. It was a space setting w\ islands of land. It would be so awesome to work for blizzard on the sc2 dev team. (aside from the death threats from rabid fans who expected the game to be out 2-3 years ago ! )
the system scan was avaible 3 or 4 months ago Oo
yerrrp and im sure I failed. Might haveta buy a new setup for this.
ill be playing for a little while if anyone wants to do some evo or fastest; 'siccpro'
New battle report (i think )
battle report 1/2
battle report 2/2
It's Terran vs Protoss.... I'm loving it. I like the nukes : )
I'm curious how many people have pre-ordered starcraft 2 over the past 2-3 years.
Starcraft 2 Beta pushed to 2010... weak sauce. This sucks... I was thinking the beta would be out later this month, and then full release around february/march :(
Beta launched today.
Any lucky gotwooter managed to get an invite?
Shit, didn't get an invite (yet anyway) :(
If I don't get an invite.... hopefully somebody has this cracked very soon. OMFG! OMFG!
got an invite.
downloading the game right now
but I wish i could play the singleplayer too :(
because I really sucked in SC1...
/outrageous jealousy
just out of curiousity, i just went to ebay.... 18 people have beta keys listed @ upwards of $350!
i looked last week or the week before and there was just 1.
bad thing is that you have to sell your battlenet. account
I've got all my games attached to it and my WoW account too ^^
I bet some people who got the beta key at blizzcon also opt in for the beta. Those that got the invite to the beta can now just sell the key they got from blizzcon for profit.
i have 2 battle.net accounts, no invite though :(
How long do beta's usually run before actual game release? I'm taking it as a sign that we should see SC2 released by the end of the year...
I mean, they've had the game working for almost 2 years or more, as they've showed at blizzcon and what not. I'd think that they would have already worked out most kinks, and this beta should help them iron out battle.net under load.
~3 months maybe?
or 4?
Wow beta ran for around a year if i remember correctly.
SCII beta shouldn't be too long. Most of the patching done will be to fix balance issue and certain bugs.
Bad Company 2 beta is 3 month long.
I doubt SC2 beta will take as long as an MMO game-beta (which is thousand times larger and bigger)
edit: played my first game against computer
it seems like there is only the "very easy" one avaible...
to sum it up:
if you got 3 zerkers....you won *cough* (he got like ~5 units and 5 workers after 10-15 minutes)
but his AI is really good (theoretically).
he blocks entrances with units or buildings (and uses them to trap u in his base too)
and he built a radar at the blocked "stone-path" (u probably saw that in a video... u have to destroy a few rocks before u can attack him from that side) and seems to move his units there if u try to attack from that side...
he retreats if u face him on open field and if he got a big disadvantage
and the best thing is
the comp says "gg" when he lost the game :P
I believe a comp on Hard or Very Hard(?) can be *really* powerful.
at least I hope so. they seem to use every trick in the book.
very nice!
Not that this is a confirmed date.... but bestbuy.com has it listed @ June 1st 2010.
StarCraft II
SKU: 8719899
Platform: Windows
Rating: RP=Rating Pending
Release Date: 6/1/2010
4.8 of 5 4.8 of 5 (22 reviews)
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Release Date: 6/1/2010
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Blizzard guy quoted saying that they think the beta will last 3-5 months, likely 3 months. July or before for the release date.
there is a cracked beta out somewhere, with some new AI (self created).
just 4 info