WTF is NEWYEARS such a big deal. my fucking god..
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WTF is NEWYEARS such a big deal. my fucking god..
Well spoken, Jurojin.
Seriously, Jadugar (not that I'm siding with anyone here since I don't even know what the hell this is all about) but after reading one of your above posts, I just want to say that post count should never, ever be used as any sort of argument in any circumstance what so ever. It is the most irrelevant thing you can possibly bring up. It has absolutely nothing to do with an argument's integrity and credibility. All it indicates is how long you've been around or how often you post, and you'd probably agree with me that it has nothing to do with whatever topic at hand here.
Hi, I'm Zach
I have problems with everything with my family (excluding my brother). So mostly my parents. They don't know shit and I'm in the 8th grade and already have an IQ higher than both of them. They don't know shit about what i do either. my Dad once asked what i was doing, i said i was on the GW forums, he asked "what are forums?". my mom thought a fire ant was a firefly..-_-.....ok....they are fucking dipshits. (my examples are just a fraction of their stupidity)
agreed with above. how long as jadugar been here anyway? i'm too lazy to go back a page. and now guys, time to bitch.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Well spoken, Jurojin.
Seriously, Jadugar (not that I'm siding with anyone here since I don't even know what the hell this is all about) but after reading one of your above posts, I just want to say that post count should never, ever be used as any sort of argument in any circumstance what so ever. It is the most irrelevant thing you can possibly bring up. It has absolutely nothing to do with an argument's integrity and credibility. All it indicates is how long you've been around or how often you post, and you'd probably agree with me that it has nothing to do with whatever topic at hand here.
why are there so many idiots on gotwoot? oh shit..umm nevermind [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
happy new year everybody! [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]
edit: speaking of post counts 2150!
...i dont know i thought it was special.....
u know, gotwoot should have a "poster of the year" competition with all the people who joined in 05.
edit2: nudge nudge terra.
Well look on the bright side: you're obviously going to do better in life than them, so put them in a retirement home ASAP.Quote:
Originally posted by: Zinobi
Hi, I'm Zach
I have problems with everything with my family (excluding my brother). So mostly my parents. They don't know shit and I'm in the 8th grade and already have an IQ higher than both of them. They don't know shit about what i do either. my Dad once asked what i was doing, i said i was on the GW forums, he asked "what are forums?". my mom thought a fire ant was a firefly..-_-.....ok....they are fucking dipshits. (my examples are just a fraction of their stupidity)
And whoa shit! It's new years eve! I didn't even realize that until I read the above post. At midnight I was still reading The Da Vinci Code. Damn, 2006. Time sure flies.
yeah i guess so thanx BoC well umm what else can i complain about...............................iono.......... .oh comp i wish i had a better one cuz this laptop is a piece of shit
Thanks Jadugar for the link to this post in the LoB thread, though i'm inclined to think you overreacted a little but who the fuck cares, GRIPING!!!!!
Parents: (I'm 20) My dad is one of the most irritating manipulative people i've met in the real world. He uses any leverage he can to get me to spend time with him; my half-brother, tuition, his marital problems anything that I might, as a human being, care about at least a little about, and no matter how hard I try I can't be as cold hearted as I need to be to get away from him. I don't think I like my brother at all the way that traditional brothers do, but the kid adores me, which puts even more pressure on me since he's totally innocent and just wants to spend time with me. I only go to see him like 5 times a year (though my dad lives an hour away), which for me makes him less important, but for him makes me more important.
I hate having to try and fit into my dads life, I'm happy with my fucking mom cuz she's the one I grew up with and she *usually* had a good reason to get pissed at me, he's just an unfortunate part of my life that adds a load of extra burdenslike more family and more obligations on me, fuck obligations, I owe my mom enough without having to cater to him and everyone else associated with him. Splitting my time at Christmas break and over the summer means I have to do more work oven my damned vacation, driving all around and doing whatever shit he wants and what my mom wants, and damn it I am lazy, so If you could actually browse the internet past tigerdirect and you might read this and get the fuck of my back...Ahhhhhhhhh I can't wait til I graduate and can say this shit to his face... thanks Cal
@ BoC thank u, just because someone can't think of useful things to add to every other thread, every few days doesn't mean they can't add something useful to one thread once (i'm still working on my meaningful contribution to GW)
There is a cat steven't song, called FAther and son, whose lyrics sum up the situation well, Bold adn underlined in one place for emphasis
Its not time to make a change,
Just relax, take it easy.
Youre still young, thats your fault,
Theres so much you have to know.
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but Im happy.
I was once like you are now, and I know that its not easy,
To be calm when youve found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything youve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.
How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again.
Its always been the same, same old story.
<u>From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.</u>
Now theres a way and I know that I have to go away.
I know I have to go.
Its not time to make a change,
Just sit down, take it slowly.
Youre still young, thats your fault,
Theres so much you have to go through.
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but Im happy.
(son-- away away away, I know I have to
Make this decision alone - no)
All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside,
Its hard, but its harder to ignore it.
If they were right, Id agree, but its them you know not me.
Now theres a way and I know that I have to go away.
I know I have to go.
(father-- stay stay stay, why must you go and
Make this decision alone? )
They are making a "controversial" Da Vinci Code movie with Tom Hanks. Jee Woppies.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
And whoa shit! It's new years eve! I didn't even realize that until I read the above post. At midnight I was still reading The Da Vinci Code. Damn, 2006. Time sure flies.
@ BOARD_of_command : You misunderstood. I was using shit posts as an arguement.
Apparently not enough.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
why are there so many idiots on gotwoot?
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
i'm too lazy to go back a page.
@ Yukimura :
Maybe I overreacted. Humans do have that drawback but who gives a fuck. Right?
I havent seen mine in two years and this time apart makes me realize that there is nothing precious than the love of your parents.
Well said, I do miss mine still, it's been too longQuote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
I havent seen mine in two years and this time apart makes me realize that there is nothing precious than the love of your parents.
It seems there aren't many that repect their parents, it shows where culture is heading
this says nothing about where our culture is headed, I think that that is an absolutely asinine statement. Albeit I do believe that our culturee is headed to the shitter unless we experience some sort of principal redirection through revolution, but respect isn't something that should simply be given to someone. You must earn trust and respect, its ok to give someone the benefit of the doubt at first, because they are your elder. But they can only shit on you so many times before the textbokks that you despise greatly garner more respect simply because if they hurt you its yourt fault for either dropping it or being to dumb to comprehend what it's trying to teach you..
My asinine statement was pre-mature I was unsure on the wording I should have be using. I was trying to state in my statement that todays world seems to hold to it's sterotype of leaders or anyone higher in something as being a idiot. This is of course human nature to be better then some one. You just proved it in by replying what I had said, it which you called it a "asinine statement" and making you look the supeior even when we are on equal terms. I do argee with your staements as they match my values. I will trust and respect anyone reguardless on what level they are on as long as they can prove I'm right in doing so. Normally leaders aren't stupid as they lead a group of people and need to take care of them the best way they know how. This comes to the conflict part as people's values are different as well as their wants and needs. Most of the time people will have a conflict on the different values as well as views which leads to a person reguarding that leader as one not helping their own Wants and needs and thus hate.Quote:
Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
this says nothing about where our culture is headed, I think that that is an absolutely asinine statement. Albeit I do believe that our culturee is headed to the shitter unless we experience some sort of principal redirection through revolution, but respect isn't something that should simply be given to someone. You must earn trust and respect, its ok to give someone the benefit of the doubt at first, because they are your elder. But they can only shit on you so many times before the textbokks that you despise greatly garner more respect simply because if they hurt you its yourt fault for either dropping it or being to dumb to comprehend what it's trying to teach you..
It's all about Human Nature even if you hate to admit it
" You just proved it in by replying what I had said, it which you called it a "asinine statement" and making you look the supeior even when we are on equal terms."
I feel that that was not the prupose of my statement, as saying a statement is asinine should not be seen as reflecting upon the person who issued the statement. If you felt that I was trying to take a shot at you for the purpose of elevating myself, im sorry, as it was not my intention. I also disagree that there is an opinion on anyone in a position of power as being an idiot, generally that opinion is earned in some way (albeit sometimes by taking the opionions os associates as your own). Case in point, would you consider any of the professors, deans or the chancelor at your college to be an idiot, or worthy of respect for that matter, simply because of the position that they hold, having no other interactions or relationships with these people that would warrant an opinion weighted one way or another?
I agree with you both, I still see my mom every day (I commute to school, and currently to co-op) and I do respect her and all that crap. Just she can be frustrating like everyone else.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deadfire
Well said, I do miss mine still, it's been too longQuote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
I havent seen mine in two years and this time apart makes me realize that there is nothing precious than the love of your parents.
It seems there aren't many that repect their parents, it shows where culture is heading
Hey, at least your dad wants to spend time with ya, right?Quote:
Originally posted by: Yukimura
Parents: (I'm 20) My dad is one of the most irritating manipulative people i've met in the real world. He uses any leverage he can to get me to spend time with him;
Holy shit, a parent who wants to spend time with his child. That asshole.Quote:
Originally posted by: Yukimura
Parents: (I'm 20) My dad is one of the most irritating manipulative people i've met in the real world. He uses any leverage he can to get me to spend time with him;
seriously, someone call the cops!Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Holy shit, a parent who wants to spend time with his child. That asshole.Quote:
Originally posted by: Yukimura
Parents: (I'm 20) My dad is one of the most irritating manipulative people i've met in the real world. He uses any leverage he can to get me to spend time with him;
I'm from one of those traditional patriarchal families. So being a chick, I got the crappy end of the deal. But, I love my family and feel a strong sense of duty towards them. Unfortunately, I can't help but ignore like 60% of what they say to me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Anyway, look on the bright side. At least your mom doesn't stalk you. (I actually had that problem before).
Well, in many ways, I'm thankful my parents are the way they are, forces me to go forward and they set an example how I shouldn't be like. I don't where I might be hadn't for my friends though, and I guess whatever else has contributed to who I am. I try to respect my parents...I really do...but it's hard when the mother uses threats to teach a 2 year old (a 2 year old that still has no idea what she's talking about....) You know? You start wondering how ever you've made it through life....
psh, my parents are hella annoying. they find me liking anime strange :/ morons. o shit, POS = parent over shoulder. dam :/