It's so goddamn overrated
maybe[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] it took me about 20 eps before i got used to one piece's humor, drawing, everything. i think what really clinched the series for me, though, was the nami arc even though it was SO FREAKING LONG.
It's so goddamn overrated
I tried watching One Piece the other day (lost my remote) and the WHOLE episode was what's-his-fuck,m Lufie or whatever, climbing a mountain in the middle of a blizzard with that bitch strapped to his back and dragging the swordsman by his TEETH.
It's so goddamn overrated
everything before the arlong arc was way too cookie cutter.
It was basically:
Luffy meets friend.
Luffy fights main villian while friend fights lackeys.
Friend becomes crew member.
Once you get past that though, it's pretty sweet
It's so goddamn overrated
Will Ferrel is overrated. I seriously do not see what people find to be so funny about him. Most of his humor seems revolve around "look at me I'm Will Ferrel" "look at me I'm Will Ferrel I'm so quirky and kooky."
All of the American Pie movies are overrated.
Fricking HunterxHunter is overrated. After twenty three episodes I was still at a loss as to what the fricking appeal about it was supposed to be. Bad action, bad art, bad story, infantile character development, shonen conventions to the ninth degree screw it!
Gundam is overrated. Only good thing that Gundam has contributed is the fact that it allows me to say Gundammit.
Target demos are overrated since they are no idication of the final design of visual quality.
Revolution is overrated, as much as I love nintendo I can't help but feel sorry for them when I hear all of these reports about the revolution being nothing more tech wise than a slightly more powerful xbox.
Catcher in the Rye is overrated, all it was about was a whiney little bitch who whined for over 200 pages, hell I can whine for 300 where's my literary accolade?
X-men movies are overated. Break down there plots and they just sound stupid.
The O.C. is overrated.
Just about everything that MTV has produced in the past ten years is overrated.
Rare is overrated. Last good game they produced was fricking perfect dark of the N64 and even that was considered to be quite aged in it's time. If I were microsoft I'd be kicking myself.
Penny-Arcade is overrated. Sometimes they hit the nail on the head most of the time they miss. More misses then hits.
EA games are overrated. EA sucks plain and simple, no reason to buy yearly updates for all of there fricking sports franchises.
50 Cent is overrated. Don't even fricking get my started on his stupid ass. Just go look up his qouted statement recommending that parent's buy his new violent godawful video game for their children.
MMORPG are overrated. Anything that charges 15 dollars a month is not worth my time.
American Dad is overrated. I can't see how anyone finds this show to be funny. Every episode feels so forced and contrived. It's like somebody let Seth Mcfarlane use his a bunch of discarded republican jokes to make a whole series out of.
Girlfriends/ Boyfriends are overrated. We live in a society that throughly discourages long term social commitments. Where relationships and people are treated as cheap replacable commodities that are easily disposable. Mass media and advertising has created a toxic climate where every person has to have a signifigant other simply for the sake of having just like having other status icons like a big screen TV or a humvee we are encrouged to engage and shallow and superficial relationships the ultimately don't work out. Please think a bit harder before you find some person who think is HOT and think if you actually have compatible qualities and if you can actually form a real relationship.
Scary movie movie's are overrated.
Japanese horror movie remakes are overrated.
M. Night Shamalon is overrated for christ sake the guy hasn't made a good movie sinse the sixth sense studio's make him retire!
95% of flash animations are overrated.
Most of the stuff on the internet is overrated
philosophy as a major is overrated. I mean common no one is going to pay you to philosphize on the streets. It's something that people only do for ego masterbation, nothing else. Because nothing sounds more sophisticated then declaring "I'm a philosphy major!"
The facebook is overrated
AIM is overrated.
one last thing that is underrated. QUAKER PARROTS. THEY FRICKING RULE! To see one just look at my spify new avatar.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Catcher in the Rye is overrated, all it was about was a whiney little bitch who whined for over 200 pages, hell I can whine for 300 where's my literary accolade?
Yes!!! I totally agree with you! but apparently, the people who did love that book read it when they were teenagers so most of them were already mentally prepared to connect w/ that whiny idiot. fortunately, i read it in college and simply could not see what was so great about it. i had never read a book that seriously pissed me off until this one.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
M. Night Shamalon is overrated for christ sake the guy hasn't made a good movie sinse the sixth sense studio's make him retire! .
TERRIBLY overrated movie.
It's so goddamn overrated
Damnit WD, stop saying that cool things are overrated! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Fricking HunterxHunter is overrated. After twenty three episodes I was still at a loss as to what the fricking appeal about it was supposed to be. Bad action, bad art, bad story, infantile character development, shonen conventions to the ninth degree screw it!
I couldn't agree more. The first time I saw HunterXHunter was while in Japan, and the bad quality of it all surprised me so much. The dialogue is bad and cliched, the bad guys are terribly shounen-stupid and the art is... bad. Really bad. Sketchy, at best. I don't know if its because he's got too little people working at it (a regular manga is done by at least five or six people, more if its popular) or what, but its just very very bad.
I like Catcher in the Rye though, but then again I'm studying literature so that was kinda expected.
@Terra - well, people need a place to whine, so don't be surprised =P
Me, I just like to scare people with silly "Victorian women wanted to eat their babies!" facts. Like Frankenstein! That, too, is an example of female gothic literature in which a mother/creator hates her/his son and desires to kill him because she/he believes the son will bring great pain!
It's so goddamn overrated
*sits in his lonely vampire corner and drinks strawberry juice, pretending it's blood*
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Girlfriends/ Boyfriends are overrated. We live in a society that throughly discourages long term social commitments. Where relationships and people are treated as cheap replacable commodities that are easily disposable. Mass media and advertising has created a toxic climate where every person has to have a signifigant other simply for the sake of having just like having other status icons like a big screen TV or a humvee we are encrouged to engage and shallow and superficial relationships the ultimately don't work out. Please think a bit harder before you find some person who think is HOT and think if you actually have compatible qualities and if you can actually form a real relationship.
Dude, you've already been flamed before for spouting that kinda stuff. No one's forcing you to have a girlfriend. And although it can be true that a lot of people are irresponsible about relationships when they're young (hell, I find it pretty stupid to try and enter such a serious relationship so young), most of the time people enter into relationships because they're actually interested in the other person, and not because "society is forcing them to."
It's so goddamn overrated
Can I use society as an excuse for the fat chicks I've slept with?
It's so goddamn overrated
Yes you can.
Society is to blame for everything. Along with Canada. (now someone please come and say South Park is overrated because I don't really know.)
@Terra: I could make jokes about that strawberry juice being mentrual blood, you know? You tempt me!!
It's so goddamn overrated
Halo series: Seriously, what is the big fucking deal with this game? I've played it on my computer and its just another FPS type of game to me. Is it the vehicles? Big deal, you can use vehicles in any other damn game. And the graphics aren't that spectacular as they are put out to be.
FMA Opening 2: I dunno why everyones in love with the second opening, Ready Steady Go! I mean, it was ok, but not the best opening. Rewrite definetly had to be the best one.
EA Games: As LobsterMagnet said, EA Games are overrated to. I really don't understand why sports fans continually buy these new games every year. The gameplay is the same!! Its just a few new add-ons and new rosters but other than that, nothing changes!
Ipods: Don't see what the big deal is with them. My mp3 player works just fine, and I've got my laptop and car adaptor if my family decides to take a trip somewhere.
Bleach: Ok, I probably shouldn't be talking about how Bleach is overrated when my own sig has Ichigo on it but I don't understand why people love it THAT much. Its a decent show, I love the characters, story, and action but its not like the greatest anime ever created. Don't kill me for this one. >_>
I'm sure theres more things I think are overrated, just need to think of them.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
Bleach: Ok, I probably shouldn't be talking about how Bleach is overrated when my own sig has Ichigo on it but I don't understand why people love it THAT much. Its a decent show, I love the characters, story, and action but its not like the greatest anime ever created. Don't kill me for this one. >_>
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU WILL DIE IN 7 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, jk[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
You know whats really overrated? Punk, Metal, and Rock.
*Dont kill me for this one. >_>*
It's so goddamn overrated
@NarutoMaser: Well, if you only tried halo on PC, then I can understand... But try getting together with 7 other geeks and playing halo2 and 2 networked Xboxes, and I assure you you'll have a a great time. I do agree that the halo games are overrated, their not the best ever like some say, but they definetly are really good games.
But, as for something thats overrated:
Booze: sure, its fun at first, but then the morning after totally sucks, and It doesnt even taste that good... but then again I'm only 17, and its supposed to be an "aquired taste"... plus, its expensive ^.^
Harry potter is also way too overrated. Yeah, they are good books, but this whole worship thing is just ridiculous, I mean when the 3rd book just came out some of my friends were having a Harry Potter party. Who the hell has Harry Potter parties?!?!?!?! honestly! I mean theres plenty of other fantasy books out there that are just as good if not better.
Sanity: whats so good about being normal? all the normal ppl are just boring. Why do my friends look at me funny when I ask if I can play with their organs when they die... And why do people always accuse me of being on drugs, Im really not. Seriously, so what If I'm not 100% mentaly stable, at least I'm having fun...
It's so goddamn overrated
you mean unstable? Society cant handle the outcasts, cuz society sucks.their just jealous cuz were cooler than them![img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Fricking HunterxHunter is overrated. After twenty three episodes I was still at a loss as to what the fricking appeal about it was supposed to be. Bad action, bad art, bad story, infantile character development, shonen conventions to the ninth degree screw it!
I couldn't agree more. The first time I saw HunterXHunter was while in Japan, and the bad quality of it all surprised me so much. The dialogue is bad and cliched, the bad guys are terribly shounen-stupid and the art is... bad. Really bad. Sketchy, at best. I don't know if its because he's got too little people working at it (a regular manga is done by at least five or six people, more if its popular) or what, but its just very very bad.
This is an opinion thread WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUND ME!!! [img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] .I seriously cannot for the life of me understand how people who watch both HxH and Naruto, can fail to see what a complete and utter, unmitigated rip-off Naruto is of HxH. Granted for the first arc, as in the exam, the Naruto artwork is better, and the fighting in Naruto is also better. But the second we get into nen-training for Gon and Killua, the artwork is no longer lagging, and neither is the flash of the fights.
I mentioned that Naruto was a rip-off of HxH. A complete and utter, unmitigated rip-off, if I remember correctly. First look at the characters.
Naruto, obviously a mix of Gon's simple-mindedness and Leorio's bragging loudmouthedness (but somehow, Naruto is less than the sum of his parts).
Sasuke, obviously a mix of Kurapica with the vengence thing, not to mention the freaking eyes, and Killua with the talent thing and quick learning, since sasuke is supposed to be talented and learn things quickly, whatever the reason (but somehow, Sasuke is less than the sum of his parts).
Kakashi, you have to realize is Satotsu. His manner of speach is nearly identical, their mannerisms in general are identical, and so are their eyes. And Satotsu HAS NO MOUTH! while kakashi's mouth is inexplicably covered throughout the entire series.
Anko, remember the fishnet and the boobies and the spit fire attitude? Although the attitudes aren't completely the same, they're very similar, and the manner of dressing is nearly identical to Mince. And they're both examiners....
Orochimaru, slightly gay, uses his toungue a lot, very deadly. Now there are some differences in the reasons they do things, but the overall impression of Orochimaru reeks of Hisoka. Plus, in the forest exam in Naruto, Orochimaru displayed insane powers relative to the examinees, same as Hisoka. Hisoka even paralysed a couple of people with his aura, just like Orochimaru did.
Rock Lee, Zuchi. The little boy training with Gon and Killua in the tower. I don't think I need to explain that one. They're exactly the same down to those god forsaken eye brows.
I could easily go on.
Besides the characters being rip offs, the situations were equally ripped off. Remember when Team Kakashi made it to the beginning of the chuunin exam and they were being loud and obnoxious until they realized how the atmosphere was different from before, how all the contestants were serious and had murder in their eyes? Same exact, EXACT thing happened in HxH when all the friends made it to the official first part of the hunter exam. There was also a trecherous helper (In Naruto it was Kabuto, in HxH it was Tonpa). Their roles deviated as the series progressed, but in that instant, they were one and the same, making the entire situation one and the same with the corresponding one in Naruto. Then there the entire second chuunin exam. That's the same as the 4th hunter exam. Slightly different requirements sure. Chuunin exam had a 3 day limit to gather scrolls and reach a destination, while the the hunter exam had a one week survival requirement, while you had to gather plates from your enemies while protecting your own, and reaching the starting point.....In fact, the chuunin exam even ripped off particular situations. Remember when Sakura was taking care of Naruto and under a tree and there was a bunny and squirrel running around? That's nothing but a combination of two scenes from HxH. The one where Gon was wonded under a tree and there was a bunny running around, along with the cave scene with the dead snake guy in it and the girl with the medicine. Once again, I could go on....
Now, Naruto has a lot of surprises and unexpected things and what not, but so does HxH. Why? Because the style in which those unexpected things and surprises occured in Naruto is totally ripped off from HxH. This is a more subtle distinction I'm not prepared to argue without rewatching and picking apart the surprises, but it should smack you right in your lips at how similar they are from HxH to Naruto. It did me.
The characters in HxH are called hunters, while they're called Ninja in Naruto. Yet, somehow hunters are far more ninja then the Naruto ninja have ever been shown to be. EVERYTHING in Naruto is about fighting ability. Heres a short explanation. In Naruto, if you can't beat someone in a fight, you can't trail them either. If they're chasing you, you can't get away from them either. If you can't beat someone, none of your traps will work against them. That is not the case in HxH. Your ability to do something, is based on your nen abilities, and how well you can apply it to the situation. A similiar case in Naruto SHOULD exist, but I don't think its ever been shown. In HxH, they make a point to show it. Gon and Killua track people, and get away from people they clearly have no chance again. In a head on fight, they would last 4 seconds if the enemy was serious. It is SO well done in that you believe everything you're seeing. "In this kind of of world, these things could happen." In Naruto, every other arc has you going "What I thought was truth and basic in this world is no longer. I new new ground to stand on."
Finally, the characters in HxH are no more typical than they are in Naruto. They all have a story, one that you're watching in development, and you coming to care for them is because of that development, not because of some stupid, overused overdramatic flashback showing you about their past. In HxH, the character's past is 6 episodes ago. Nor do you feel you're missing out for lack of a flashback. There are a few characters warranting flashbacks, like Kurapica, and maybe they'll get to giving a detailed one some day (they've given several flashbacks on his past, but none in detail). But you know what? Better the absence of one warrented flashback than the presence of 8 annoying ones.
You might argue that many animes possess similarities such as these, but in combination, this is the most single blatant intellectual property robbery I've ever seen go unprosecuted.
WTF is my point you ask? How can you possibly like Naruto and not like HxH more?! You guys don't come across as idiots, so I don't get it. I will never understand this world.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
I like his serious attempts much better than most of his comedies. Perhaps liking Ace Ventura and One Piece are related...?
Not at all. Everything Jim Carrey has done is good.
It's so goddamn overrated
@Uchiha Barles -
Actually, the thing about ninjas and eyes is part of the japanese folklore, that's why in many, many ninja shows you'll find that at least one ninja's powers will be his eyes, and not only that - any and every eye-based power is, by definition, the most powerful.
Example - the Uchiha and the Hyuuga in Naruto, or both Oboro and Gennosuke in Basilisk (WATCH THAT SERIES NOW, I TELL YOU TO), it doesn't matter how otherwise weak they might be their eyes make them incredibly powerful by comparision.
And truth to be told your entire analysis of how Naruto charactes resemble those of HXH is pretty baseless given that Shounen Jump magazines ain't good for their originality. In other words every single character of Jump has its foundations in another character of Jump.
So then we can say that Gon is a mix of "Sain Seiya" Seiya's simple-mindness along with the determination of Tsubasa from "Captain Tsubasa", and I don't care if you haven't read those series - they are some of the first that ever run on Jump anyway.
I read a good chunk of the HXH manga. Finished the entire exam thingie and then completely lost interest.
It's so goddamn overrated
Alright, if the character analysis has to be taken as a given because both Naruto and HxH are shonen jump series (don't read it much so I had no idea) the rest of what I'm saying is still true. I can understand how you would lose interest after the exam thing, cuz in the anime, it covers an entire season, and then some. But, the stories really begin to develop after that. The animation is actually not craptastic, its quite good after the exam. Most importantly, if you ever find the patience, I really recommend you watch the arc where Kurapica and the rest of them face off against The Ryodan. Its not too long an arc, its after Gon and Killua learn about the usage of nen, and its just an awesome arc altogether. While learning about the usage of nen, there's some significant story development as well. but it might be a little too "typical shonen" for you (but not anymore than Naruto is at its best). If you like the Kurapica arc, then check out the greed island arc, but overall, my arguments, asides from character similarities, are best illustrated in the kurapica arc. GO CHECK IT OUT!!! (please?)
P.S. Don't ask me why I care so much, I couldn't tell you.