I thought they could have tied things up a little better, but overall a very satifying manga. This would make an amazing anime, just recently I found out that there was a anime movie based on one of the first arcs. Has anyone watched it? I found a torrent at Demonoid.com, if you search using the name "Blade of the Phantom Master" you can find it there.
The anime was pretty good in my opinion. It basically covered the beginning and the (first) mandrake arc, if memory serves. It certainly wouldn't hurt to see all of this in an anime form.
I thought the ending was somewhat abrupt but I suppose better an abrupt ending than no real ending or a poor ending. In any case the dude's life was running out so it's not like it could have gone on much longer. They could have only shown what happened to the other characters afterwards but this wasn't really that kind of a story.
I enjoyed its length. Reminds me a little bit of Beserk, only not as painfully slow.