Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
That aside, the whole plot stank. Everybody's motivation was so damn murky. I still don't know what the hell is going on between Rey and Gilbert. WTF did Rey do that?!?!??!?!?! It makes zero sense to me. I thought the idiot already accepted his fate as a slave to Gilbert. I can't make out what Kira said that finally made Rey snap.
Ah well, blame it on Fukuda. That jerk really doesn't know how to write a good script. One that is understandable to the audience and can reach out to their hearts. Instead, we get philosophical jargon what is as bad as an episode of Star Trek Voyager.
Anyway, summary is that ORB won. Kira and everyone else is alive, even the 3 DOM pilots.
You know, why can't they give a proper ending for once in Gundam? Why can't they give an ending that basically says:
"...........and they all lived happily ever after."
I guess they can't because they want the characters to suffer so they can churn out more lame models.
Can everyone at least agree that the ENDING EPISODE SUCKED, if not the whole series? In the end, nothing is resolved. Zero. Zip. Kosong.
Rey's motivation
Gilbert's motivation
Talia's motivation
Shinn's lame ass crying
Mwu La Flaga's resurrection (I don't count 5 seconds of flashback as adequate)
DOM Trooper Pilot's motivation (purely for model purposes as far as I'm concerned.
Kira and Lacus' romance
Asuran and Cagalli's romance
The future of ORB and the rest of the world for that matter
The future of ZAFT
None are resolved and we're left to fan fiction to satisfy our curiosity.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
I have one thing to say about this episode;
- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (3)
- Shinn = Anikan
- Athrun = Obiwan
- Kira = Yoda
- Luna = Amidalla
I am, of course, refering to the final development of character, Shinn fell and fell hard because he made the wrong choices despite his intentions.
Overall, I thought it was a kickarse episode and almost covered the travesty of Mwu's revival, which I'm still reeling from... ¬_¬
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: naruto22
That aside, the whole plot stank. Everybody's motivation was so damn murky. I still don't know what the hell is going on between Rey and Gilbert. WTF did Rey do that?!?!??!?!?! It makes zero sense to me. I thought the idiot already accepted his fate as a slave to Gilbert. I can't make out what Kira said that finally made Rey snap.
Ah well, blame it on Fukuda. That jerk really doesn't know how to write a good script. One that is understandable to the audience and can reach out to their hearts. Instead, we get philosophical jargon what is as bad as an episode of Star Trek Voyager.
Anyway, summary is that ORB won. Kira and everyone else is alive, even the 3 DOM pilots.
You know, why can't they give a proper ending for once in Gundam? Why can't they give an ending that basically says:
"...........and they all lived happily ever after."
I guess they can't because they want the characters to suffer so they can churn out more lame models.
Can everyone at least agree that the ENDING EPISODE SUCKED, if not the whole series? In the end, nothing is resolved. Zero. Zip. Kosong.
Rey's motivation
Gilbert's motivation
Talia's motivation
Shinn's lame ass crying
Mwu La Flaga's resurrection (I don't count 5 seconds of flashback as adequate)
DOM Trooper Pilot's motivation (purely for model purposes as far as I'm concerned.
Kira and Lacus' romance
Asuran and Cagalli's romance
The future of ORB and the rest of the world for that matter
The future of ZAFT
None are resolved and we're left to fan fiction to satisfy our curiosity.
The plot isn't resolved? Oh noes! Thats never happened before!
Seriously, open ended is good. I means there can be more. Or not. But at least the option is there.
I for one certainly wont agree that the ending, or really anything significant about the series sucked. Did you ever consider the idea that maybe Shinn wasn't supposed to be developed? That maybe the point was that he is a very very shallow person?
As for Rey's motivation, I thought that was obvious? He had been told his whole life he didn't have a future. Kira believed he did. He liked Kira's outlook better, because it made him someone other than just a clone of Rau. As far as him being Talia's actual son... that doesn't mean biologically. She said she had -a- (singular) son, and asked that Murue visit him. More likely, Rey was thinking of her as his mother because of how she treated him, and his lack of a mother when younger. If you look at Rey, in this last episode, he developed and grew more than Shinn did in the whole series. I kinda like that.
As far as the DOM troopers go, I woudln't be surprised if they were to star in a form of media such as a manga, or movie. I dont think they will be simply wasted.
Same goes for the setup they created with this ending. This doesn't look done, and thats not a bad thing.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Shin that bastard also tried to kill Luna when he got piss
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
How about putting the word Discussion to this topic??
Anyway, i got it from somewhere.... they reuse the scene of Freedom!! They can't even make the final eps better??
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: aznroyale
Shin that bastard also tried to kill Luna when he got piss
He didnt tried to kill Luna, he tried to kill Athrun but he was so out of it that he didnt even noticed her. And ppl say he isnt a Psycho [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img].
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Shinn WAS and IS a fucking Psycho. This episode was redundant of that fact. If there is a GS 3 please keep him FAR away from a mobile suit, or maybe he'll be the ultimate villian. Personally, I would like to see a GS 3 that is about 40 years later or something, so Kira is either too old or dead...his ownage (and I am a big Kira fan) is real ridiculous and takes the excitement out of the episode....
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
Originally posted by: aznroyale
Shin that bastard also tried to kill Luna when he got piss
He didnt tried to kill Luna, he tried to kill Athrun but he was so out of it that he didnt even noticed her. And ppl say he isnt a Psycho [img][/img].
Anyways hes like crazy like Stellar when she goes crazy
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
AGREED. And Lunamaria stay with him after "killing" her sister and almost killing her, I just dont understand.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
The episode was actually "better" than I thought. BUT the fights could have been better and the ending could have been more conclusive. Shinn and Rey lost so ezly wtf and they are suppose to be the "rivals" of Kira and Athrun...Also, they rushed the show so much that there's no room for Yzakt and Deareka (Yes I still cant spell their damn names). And what happens to Cagalli and Athrun? Are they gonna be together? What happens to Shinn and Luna??? And the rest of the people? Instead of flashbacks in the end, they could have showed their future.
Here's somethings I don't understand:
Why the hell would Shinn attack Luna. That makes no sense at all. Fukuda really screwed it up
Why would Rey kill Gil??
Why would Gladys want to die with them when she has a son somewhere?
Why would Kira get off his SF when everyone outside is attacking the fortress? Why would he bother killing him with a gun when he could do it on his SF?
What does Stellar mean when she said to Shinn "I'll see you tomorrow"
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
[i]Originally posted by: drunkenmaster[/i}
yeah i didnt mean it that way sorry, im just saying he fights evenly with shin without seed and the only times we ever see him in seed is for like 3 seconds, unlike kiras extended usage. @ MetroTZ, meh freedom is OK, but justice is like 5000000 times better [img][/img]. probably the most funny part was when shin came in to save luna and he was like: are u alright?!!!. its so funny, shes so happy and hes like all aggroant with his annoying voice, 2 mins later hes crashing down. just the thought makes me laugh.
While I have no arguments that Infinate Justice proved its worth in this episode neither Shinn or Rey showed any ability to deal with Strike Freedom or Infinate Justice at any point in 1 on 1 combat. So its pretty pointless to say Athrun is better or Kira is better when there is no way to truely compair it.
Anyway this ending was well differn't. They didn't even remotely try and hide the fact that Orbs/Lacus's forces were going to win the battle as not even a single minibattle was even remotely close.
Finally infinate justice gives Athran something new to selfdestruct besides his entire mobile suit this is clearly why IJ has the flier in the first place.
As far as mobile suits go I would have to say that Akatsuki was the clear winner in power. Considering it not only had dragoons, beam weapons,regular weapons and a shield capable of blocking bombardments from warships. It also had unlimited power and lacks any need to dodge any weapon that isn't mele and its dragoons are basically indestructable considering they have the same kind of shielding.
As a side note Luna officially likes abusive men if she even considers staying with Shinn after he tried to kill her [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: heero
Why the hell would Shinn attack Luna. That makes no sense at all. Fukuda really screwed it up
He didn't he was attacking Athrun and got lost in his anger, he barely registered that Luna was there.
EDIT: I checked back at the scene, Shinn doesn't even see Luna there - his mind flashes thorugh memories of Freedoms interfering, then he sees a giant shilloette of Freedom, he's attackind Kira there, not Luna - because he is 'possessed by his past' [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: heero
Why would Rey kill Gil??
Becuase Rey chose to live in the world Kira would perscribe for the future; Gil's whole speech is that while Kira's world _might_ be more concious of people's freedom, ultimately everyone would decide to live in his world becuase it was safer - Rey was the first person to tell Gil to fuck off. As Rey said, "I'm sorry... He (Kira) wants a future."
Rey learned through Kira that it doesn't matter who you are, you will always be you an individual. Kira's perspective is without bias and Rey wanted that world for himself, untimately he realised that Gil's world would condemn everyone to the same fate as himself, and since he hated what he was he didn't want anyone else to suffer like that.
Originally posted by: heero
Why would Gladys want to die with them when she has a son somewhere?
I'm not entirely sure why Gladys did what she did, bu the inference was that she still loved Gil. This IS puzzling since we are not sure if Rey is suposed to be her son or some other kid out there somwhere.
Originally posted by: heero
Why would Kira get off his SF when everyone outside is attacking the fortress? Why would he bother killing him with a gun when he could do it on his SF?
Kira wanted to confront Gil, and since Kira is honerable and not a coward, he wasn't goign to attack someone in his Mobile suit if they were incapable of defending themselves - Ican't believe you acctually had to ask this question.
Originally posted by: heero
What does Stellar mean when she said to Shinn "I'll see you tomorrow"
I hate these ghost things, they make no sense - but anyway;
"I was given a yesterday" - Shinn's affection for her, the 'life' he offered outside of her prison in the EAF.
"I will see you tomorrow" - Telling Shinn that he can't hang on to the past, doing so has destroyed him and only through the grace of those he has scorned has he survived. He has to meet her 'tomorrow' or he will always be angry and sad.
Note: to everyone posting that stupid picture of Freedom, it's NOT a reused scene, nowhere in all of SEED or destiny is there anything like it - it's either a simple mistake (we've seen Freedom accidently replaced by Impulse before - or was it the other way around?) or deliberate, but I can't figure out why they would do something like that deliberately, unless it's just a cameo, shows tend to do that.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
No offense, but are you blind? Just look at the picture, Freedom has as flippin' shield in its hand. There's not even a need to mention that the aesthetic golden parts have gone missing. Oh ya, I had a hunch that I've seen the scene of Kira dodging massive green lights before, so I actually went and checked...
There goes a good 10 minutes of my life -_-. Anywho, EXACT scenes, are they not?
Get your facts completely straight before you go accusing people. Also, just a little hint, when that many people speculate the same thing, it's typically bound to be true.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Jeez you guys need to read the other pages. We covered this already. We know that for a breif couple of seconds SF downgraded to Freedom. Even posted the other pic already. It's on page three.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
I hope the fuckin Kira, Athrun and Mwu fans are happy, mostly because all the fandom for these made this show as crappy as it was. Good lord, Fukuda should learn to make his own show instead of hearing these dumb ppl (aka Kira fans).
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Oh, someone posted up pics of Freedom vs. Destroy already? T.T- wasted time for nothing.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: zn|¹
No offense, but are you blind? Just look at the picture, Freedom has as flippin' shield in its hand. There's not even a need to mention that the aesthetic golden parts have gone missing. Oh ya, I had a hunch that I've seen the scene of Kira dodging massive green lights before, so I actually went and checked...
There goes a good 10 minutes of my life -_-. Anywho, EXACT scenes, are they not?
Get your facts completely straight before you go accusing people of being stupid. Also, just a little hint, when that many people speculate the same thing, it's typically bound to be true.
do they not no any better? they think fans all over the world would miss this? wtf are they thinking....
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
I erno, I wasn't complaining about it being re-used, I'm just proving that it was indeed used before in Destiny. Just cus I'm bored like that.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Well, if u guys got so much disagreement on the last eps of gsd, i suggest u make ur own gundam animes., if you cant make ur own gundam animes and juzt sit back in the pcs to type out some silly comments then you may as well write a complaint letter to them.They have thier own reasons for making this last eps to be like that and i believe that is not the end of the gsd anime.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: zn|¹
No offense, but are you blind? Just look at the picture, Freedom has as flippin' shield in its hand. There's not even a need to mention that the aesthetic golden parts have gone missing. Oh ya, I had a hunch that I've seen the scene of Kira dodging massive green lights before, so I actually went and checked...
There goes a good 10 minutes of my life -_-. Anywho, EXACT scenes, are they not?
Get your facts completely straight before you go accusing people. Also, just a little hint, when that many people speculate the same thing, it's typically bound to be true.
First of all; No I am not blind, I could clearly see that it was an image of Freedom and not SF, though I iddn't think they had used the scene before - perhaps you should calm down a bit insteead of getting angsty over a simple mistake.
Second of all; You know, I watched those episodes a billion times and I'm surprised I missed it - I now stand corrected.
Again, I'll reiterate that I knew it was a picture of Freedom, I just didn't tihnk it had been used before, since I had gone through the series so many times I can almost quote the whole thing by heart :s
Side note - atleast they changed the background...?